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Kolto Cloud is a piece of trash


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I hate kolto cloud, the energy cost is to high and mostly you just hit 2 players with it. So insted i moved into a hybrid build with dirty fighting, i get 10 energy each time i use pugnacity and its CD is just 20sec, i also get 12% more crit on all periodic effects and since your HoT always will be up thats a good thing.

You can also get fighting spirit with lower cool heads CD by 30sec and you get 2 energy each time your DoT crits, but i like the improved emergency medpac more for now. :)



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I hate kolto cloud, the energy cost is to high and mostly you just hit 2 players with it. So insted i moved into a hybrid build with dirty fighting, i get 10 energy each time i use pugnacity and its CD is just 20sec, i also get 12% more crit on all periodic effects and since your HoT always will be up thats a good thing.

You can also get fighting spirit with lower cool heads CD by 30sec and you get 2 energy each time your DoT crits, but i like the improved emergency medpac more for now. :)




I'm not sold on Street Tough for a healing build.


You can keep Pugnacity up 100% of the time without those talents. Sure, it gets you free 10 energy, but if you're recasting it more frequently for the 10 energy, then you're consuming more upper hand procs for Pugnacity, and not using them on Emergency Medpack. It might be a slight boost to your overall energy stability, but I don't think you're going to increase your healing output this way.


You might find it makes healing a little more forgiving to energy mismanagement, but I like to operate on the assumption that I won't make that many mistakes. This build also forces you to miss out on Survivor's Scars, which is a great t1 set of talents.

Edited by Azaranth
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Why wouldn't you use kolto pack? It's better HPS than emergency medpack. In instances, the cast time and EM's gcd are the same length, so Kolto Pack is always better if you're free to cast.


Is this a troll?

I removed this spell from my bind at lvl 30, it heals less than underworld medecine for 20 energy and doesnt give upper hand but cost one. With some haste, the casting time difference is meaningless. It only have a pvp utility ( when kicked on UM)

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Is this a troll?

I removed this spell from my bind at lvl 30, it heals less than underworld medecine for 20 energy and doesnt give upper hand but cost one. With some haste, the casting time difference is meaningless. It only have a pvp utility ( when kicked on UM)


Nope, he's not trolling.


At level 50, your most energy efficient rotation is UWM -> EMP -> UWM -> EMP.

At level 50, your highest healing output rotation is UWM -> KP -> UWM -> KP.


The use of KP is definitely situational, but not irrelevant.



UWM = Underworld Medicine

KP = Kolto Pack

EMP = Emergency Medpack

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Oh hey, this thread came back.


After doing Heroic Soa last night, I have to stick with my original assessment. In this fight particularly, because Soa has such a huge hitbox and Lightning balls hurt a lot, Kolto cloud is only useful when platforming down to the next phase. Even then, it's possible to roll through the entire raid with Slow-release medpack and keep peoples' health and your energy pretty high (we pause at two points during the transition and usually have a sage for real AoE healing. I also delay about half a second before casting subsequent Medpacs. Spamming them every GCD is unsustainable)


While this is only one fight, I would like to encourage a buff to 20m (and a buff to other AoE healing spells to a similar radius. Because a set bonus currently reduces the energy cost, I'd also like a buff to its healing (if they never plan to let Alacrity reduce DoT tick intervals). The target limit makes sense in 8 mans (because melee count + tank should be 4 or less, usually), but in 16mans, this spell is ineffective because of a lack of smart targeting based on HP. I would be surprised if it currently scaled up the target count when used in 16man, but I don't think that's the case.

Edited by Lascero
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Yeah, a faster cast mid range heal is terrible.




It is only slightly faster, costs slightly less energy, and consumes Upper Hand. On top of that, it heals for less than UWM.


The Upper Hand procs are better spent on free EMPs.

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The Upper Hand procs are better spent on free EMPs.


... Not if your EMPs don't have enough healing throughput to keep the tank alive. Damage spikes happen.


With my current gear, UWM -> EMP -> UWM -> EMP averages about 10.0k healing.

UWM -> KP -> UWM -> KP averages about 12.2k healing. That's 22% more health healed in a ~6.5 second window. That can't be dismissed as insignificant.


It's not a power you use that often, but to discount it enitrely is denying yourself a situationally important tool.

Edited by Azaranth
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some non crit numbers for you from my fresh 50 sage


aoe heal hits for 700 non crit


then ticks 10 times for 300 per tick


that's a 3700 pt aoe heal on an unlimited number of people (all allies in 8m radius). the HOT alone is 3k over 10 seconds. why is ours with the 2pc champion set and 1500 cunning an 1800 hot over 15 seconds and on only 4 people?



so...say again how awesome kolto cloud is people. that's on a fresh 50 without even any of the daily commendation mods.

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With slow release medpack constantly ticking on 1-2 people it isn't that hard to maintain Pugnacity and keep an Upper Hand stack at all times, so I can see why Kolto Pack could be useful. I don't use it personally, but Slightly less healing slightly faster never hurt anything.


As for Kolto Cloud, my only real beef with it is the small range. I can live with the healing being sub-par to the sage's AOE heal and I can live with the high energy cost. I just wish it was more likely that I hit all 4 targets with it when I use it.


Could be worse, it could be Kolto Bomb.

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It is only slightly faster, costs slightly less energy, and consumes Upper Hand. On top of that, it heals for less than UWM.


The Upper Hand procs are better spent on free EMPs.


1. It is much faster. A full one second faster. And alacrity drops the cast time of both UWM and Kolto both, so you can't argue that alacrity makes it insignificant. If you can't see the benefit of a mid range heal with a mid range cast time, you should just play a dps.


2. With all of our energy maintenance resources, I am not sure how you are having energy problems. Most of the time this is a non issue.


3. If you are only using your biggest heal all the time you are doin' it wrong.


4. You only need one upper hand stack for the buff. Are you honestly telling me you just sit on a stack of two the entire time?

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1. It is much faster. A full one second faster. And alacrity drops the cast time of both UWM and Kolto both, so you can't argue that alacrity makes it insignificant. If you can't see the benefit of a mid range heal with a mid range cast time, you should just play a dps.


Umm... My Underworld's cast time is 1.77 seconds. My Kolto Pack's cast time is 1.33 seconds, but maybe I'm doing it wrong. And the more alacrity you have, the more insignificant the difference becomes, though I agree that's largely irrelevant.

Edited by Quesadilla
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In PvE this ability is actually quite powerful if used correctly. Yes it does cost huge amount of energy, I know. But keep your tank up with 2x hots of Slow medpac, and then Diagnose scan (if you have taken the talent). After this you should have full energy, now just pop a Colto cloud which in many fights keep both you and your grp @ 100% health.


Atleast I learned the rotations and find it very useful now.


You only can heal 4 Targest in a operation this groupheal never keeps your groupmeber at 100% life.

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