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50's only bracket needs to go live NOW.


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It is BEYOND me why they just didn't prepare the 50 bracket, and then implemented it the Second they saw more than a few 50's per side in each warzone.

IMHO a 50 bracket should have been implemented about 2 weeks ago... That's about how far back I stopped playing PvP due to getting butt-***** by Operatives and whatnot :)


Ummmmmm, because bioware didn't plan to have a lvl 50 bracket?

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I still think there are not enough 50s to leverage separate brackets..


But what we can do, cry babies are crying..


And yes i pvped form level 10 up to level 50, nothing really happens to you when you loose. You only learn for next match.

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Umm first off you are an idiot.

Some que times are still up to 10+ minutes long with how long the game has been out.

If BW rolls out 50 only brackets right now then WZ ques are going to be INSANE for those of us who are 50.


I would say they should roll it out but give the option to join the 50 only bracket or the multi lvl bracket.

You get less rewards in the multi lvl and more rewards in the 50 lvl.

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The irony of the situation is that the separate bracket is only gonna compound the issue for some.


Now people dinging 50 get placed into a 50s only bracket naked so to speak. And the majority of people they'll constantly play against to earn gear are people already geared, making it a royal pain to get gear themselves.


1st generation 50s had an easy time farming. 2nd generation is gonna by and large have a nightmare gearing up lol.



More than the 50s bracket the "premades" bracket is needed.

Edited by aeterno
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dumbest idea ever


yay for queues that are gonna take 30min+ now for the lvl 50 bracket and kill warzones completely


oh and the lvl 20's who log on once a week and suck but blame the high lvls are still gonna suck and are now gonna blame X class or Y debuff


I have a lvl 50 sorc - I top the dmg meters in wz's, but I also have a lvl 21 merc....top the dmg meters on him as well.

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It is BEYOND me why they just didn't prepare the 50 bracket, and then implemented it the Second they saw more than a few 50's per side in each warzone.

IMHO a 50 bracket should have been implemented about 2 weeks ago... That's about how far back I stopped playing PvP due to getting butt-***** by Operatives and whatnot :)


Somehow I think that the devs at Bioware are taking a perverse pleasure of how lowbies are being steam rolled by lvl 50 premades. It's a sign to me of a generation without a guiding compass.

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The irony of the situation is that the separate bracket is only gonna compound the issue for some.


Now people dinging 50 get placed into a 50s only bracket naked so to speak. And the majority of people they'll constantly play against to earn gear are people already geared, making it a royal pain to get gear themselves.


1st generation 50s had an easy time farming. 2nd generation is gonna by and large have a nightmare gearing up lol.



More than the 50s bracket the "premades" bracket is needed.


Wouldn't you be able to farm a fair head start? I mean worse comes to worse and cannot buy bags you can still be 1000/1000 commendations. ALSO bag drops are changing to be less pot luck so new 50's might have an easier time gearing up than you think.


to be honest tehy should wwait at least 2-4 weeks before tehy implement the lvl 50 brackets! u ask why? simple reason: do u want 5 min waiting for an invite or do u want 20 min+ in non main playing times?


You just don't wanna play more huttball. Empire 50's are out in force. It's like they want to roll all the lowbies they can before the change goes live.


Somehow I think that the devs at Bioware are taking a perverse pleasure of how lowbies are being steam rolled by lvl 50 premades. It's a sign to me of a generation without a guiding compass.


Ya, we had a match today against two 50 premades, most of which were geared. We got 2 kills the entire match, and that's because there was a single 16 bounty hunter who we managed to zerg twice because he overextended. Other than that he had a sorc shield on and healing waiting for him to take damage.


Kill the 50's you say? Sure, when they take more damage. I was having fun with Sabotage spec'd gunslinger today till I noticed a disturbing trend with grenades. Damages: 1,000, 1,500 (Crit), 1,000, 500 (CRIT!!), 350, 1,000.


It's nice to have the geared 50's taking quite literally 1/3 the damage of other members of their team...Not.




This change can't get here soon enough.

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I am a coder and i would have actually made it like that it always checks if it can fill a match with 50s only. At some point a guy could click a button on an internal website which would enable 50 only matches. Easy thing. Would take me none less than an hour to code.


Actually, this is EXACTLY what was advertised for this game.


Only in reality it was all BS and instead we get the horrible mess hat is the non-bracketed PvP right now.


It is actually quite insane I am seeing people defend the completely broken system

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This is very clearly a problem. We're no longer talking about a couple 50s here and there in beginner 50 gear. We're talking well geared squads of 50s absolutely dominating the field.


It's terrible design, and it IS driving people away from PvP who "gasp" don't like being little more than fodder for someone else's commendation spree.


PvP during the first two weeks of live was great fun. It's obvious why, everyone was more or less equal. BW is simply ignorant to think that a simple DPS/health boost to lower levels somehow normalizes more and improved skills as well as pvp gear.




i think in the way Bioware handles PvP so far, it really shows they have no MMO experience whatsoever.... well except for the Mythic guys they absorbed I guess but I am not sure that is the good kind of experience.. lol :D

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Another saying this is a bad idea atm. Not enough 50's would mean long queues.


No Thanks.


Premade and ranked options need to be the priority. If you get better rewards from ranked matches then most geared 50's would queue for those solving the problem for the lowbies.

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Another saying this is a bad idea atm. Not enough 50's would mean long queues.


Only for Empire. Republic would still have instant invites.


God forbid giving people an incentive to play the ridiculously outnumbered faction, gap widening with every single day, which is another high priority issue - or should be... or bye bye world PvP very soon.



Premade and ranked options need to be the priority. If you get better rewards from ranked matches then most geared 50's would queue for those solving the problem for the lowbies.


no reason to not have it all. And I agree, a separate 50 bracket is going to be the next most horrible idea when fresh 50's are getting rolled by well geared premades all day who had weeks of ez mode farming lowbies.



The whole implementation of the bracketing system was utter fail.

The servers simply can't handle the population numbers to make a system like this work(with brackets).


warzones across all servers is a tried and true system that works extremely well in other games. Bolstering worked well in Warhammer online, where there were fair brackets.


The way it was implemented in SWTOR feels like an insulting attempt to troll the playerbase.

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Premade and ranked options need to be the priority.




As a level 50 who has only been dabbling in PvP, I can say that this is not going to be a good idea.


On my server (low/standard), there are maybe 50-60 level 50s all together. I usually only see 10-20 on at a time. There just aren't enough players to support it on ALL the servers right now.


Even when the 50s bracket gets introduced, people will STILL be complaining about the same thing. Us ungeared level 50s are going to get destroyed by premades.


It's almost as if the lowbies are just blowing their leaves into our yard.

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As a level 50 who has only been dabbling in PvP, I can say that this is not going to be a good idea.


On my server (low/standard), there are maybe 50-60 level 50s all together. I usually only see 10-20 on at a time. There just aren't enough players to support it on ALL the servers right now.


That's a server issue though.


With better quality servers Bioware could have maybe gotten away with half the number of servers and an extremely healthy population.


But the way they are now it is only a matter of time before many servers will turn into ghost servers on the republic side.

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listen, you did buy the game so you can whine about it

but 99% of other people did too, and they love it


you<everyone else


enjoy it while it lasts. bads like you(and the other 99%) will be facing a harsh reality when brackets are finally fair, better farm that gear quickly. you'll need it ;)



While everyone who is able to, will obviously be exploiting the horrid design Bioware has blessed us with in terms of PvP brackets as much as possible before they fix it, there is simply no way around the fact that such uneven brackets are not fun for either side of the level spectrum. They serve a purpose if you want to get the best gear with minimal effort but that's about it.


And lol@ wz queues. If you choose to play empire, that's your decision.

Edited by mufutiz
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They did and it's going live next patch. It just didn't make sense in beginning with not enough 50s on both sides.


Yeah it did make sense.

Rushers should be punished with long queues, the same as they are punished waiting to do pve content because they are the only ones in their guild at 50, 4 weeks before others....

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Yeah it did make sense.

Rushers should be punished with long queues, the same as they are punished waiting to do pve content because they are the only ones in their guild at 50, 4 weeks before others....


Do you realize what a childish thing that is to say?





Lol guy, I'm going to school, and working an awful retail job to support it, and yet I still managed to hit 50 weeks before you. I didn't even rush it, I watched every conversation, and didn't just spacebar my way through them. Some people are just better levelers than others, and no one should be punished for that.


Punishing players for playing is a stupid opinion.

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Please, do not wait, roll this out immediately.


The farming of newbs by 50's to get their gear is getting rediculous.


Tuesday the 50 only bracket needs to go in!


Personally, I think they should never implement it now. All the 50's have already farmed the lowbies for their gear, and are pretty much maxed out. You're going to hit 50, have no expertise gear, and still be farmed by the other 50s. If you pvp max out for bags before you hit 50, you cap at 6 bags, which isnt even a single piece of centurions gear, and if you're lucky, a few champ pieces. You will hit 50, still be gimped, and you wont have the same opportunity to farm gear easily.


The better solution was to add expertise to low level pvp gear, and then bolster it.

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Please, do not wait, roll this out immediately.


The farming of newbs by 50's to get their gear is getting rediculous.


Tuesday the 50 only bracket needs to go in!


That isn't the problem. The problem is that is "better" to farm valor via kills than scoring (assuming hutt ball since that is all I see played these days).


If winning the game quickly was more "profitable", then we wouldn't see this.


It won't go away with lvl 50 brackets.

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