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50's only bracket needs to go live NOW.


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It is BEYOND me why they just didn't prepare the 50 bracket, and then implemented it the Second they saw more than a few 50's per side in each warzone.

IMHO a 50 bracket should have been implemented about 2 weeks ago... That's about how far back I stopped playing PvP due to getting butt-***** by Operatives and whatnot :)

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I'm awed by your godlike rethorics and arguments.


ts;dr Why? The queues would've been awful, they will implement the 50's bracket when the population can sustain it reliably, both from the low-end bracket and the high-end. I'll see you back here in a few weeks to complain about queue times I suppose.

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I'm really tired of these "Its my money and I want it NOW!" entitlement threads. If you don't like it stop PvPing until you're more competitive, which may be never. People have spoken why it wasn't a good idea until now.


The rushers would be punished because they wouldn't have anyone to PvP against. Their money is just as good as yours.


Your queues would be significantly slower.


Friends wouldn't be able to play with non-50 friends. As that stands, my wife and I won't be able to queue together because of the 50 bracket. Continuing on this point, I've grouped with many sub-50s that are much better players than other 50s I know.


There's some negatives and some positives to it. BW has decided it's now feasible, but queues will still be much slower for all involved.

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The 'Rushers' are the extreme minority. Most of them don't last too long in these games, and they are usually the gankers and fails.


Long queue times? Good riddance, play the game and don't rush it and you won't have the issue! The rest of us want to enjoy PVP and not have these gankers screwing up our enjoyment.


I'd like to see the bracket for 50 in Tuesday, it is desperately needed - they are losing subs over this, and play aren't really able to enjoy the game as much as they should. The 99% have spoken.

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i'm conflicted... in on way, seeing how im 50 now, I still wanna be able to play with my friends at lower levels - yes, I do also remember how ridiculous op some level 50's was in 1vs1 duel with their champion gear at lower levels.


I think the fix should be something like... eh.. 4 max level 50's per team or something.

I wanna play with my level 37,41,44,46 and 48 friends, dont wanna have to wait 1,2 or 3 weeks to play with them.

I rather have a 35-50 flashpoint or something, usually people at 35+ know what to do, but some level 10+ ... geez they dont even know what they play.

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I am a coder and i would have actually made it like that it always checks if it can fill a match with 50s only. At some point a guy could click a button on an internal website which would enable 50 only matches. Easy thing. Would take me none less than an hour to code.
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Actually i would have made it like that there is 10-19, 20-29, ..... you get the idea.

Scale up to the max of that level range and there we go. 50s get there own matches.

Would have worked from day 1. No complains. Takes a few minutes to code....

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The people who are high level aren't really a minority anymore... The majority of my guild of 100ish are high 30's early 40's. Warzones are roughly half 50's at this point. They've addressed the issue and if people can't wait for a change that will take place within the month and unsub so "get back at bioware" then bye. The community is better off without you.


They're doing a wonderful job fixing bugs that weren't glaringly apparent when they didnt have a couple million people testing. Then on top of bug fixes and working on actual content releases and client updates that will fix the crying people have that an MMO doesn't look as pretty as *insert ****** single player game here, failed MMO's fall into this category*.


Now less than a month since servers have come out quite a few people are 50 because they put more work in than you and you feel you should still be able to faceroll WZ's. Even though you keyboard turn and couldn't put in the 7ish days of /played (while taking your time) to hit level cap. I'm sorry that's your own fault, but Bioware has answered your qq bear cries and is gifting ALL of us with longer queue times to get into WZ's because people pushed for it before the population is ready for it.


It's ok though by the time it'll come out in the next couple weeks a lot more of the pvp population will be level capped and the people that are "taking their time and enjoying the game" will be waiting much longer than the majority which level capped already because theyre "rushers".


Give bioware some credit and stop filling the forums with so much redundant ********.

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I don't think it's as much of a problem as everyone preaches. Are low levels at a disadvantage? Yes they are, but it means instant queues for everyone, and even playing as a low level I have a lot of fun PvPing with the higher levels. Especially when I take down someone 20-30 levels above me 1v1.
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This is very clearly a problem. We're no longer talking about a couple 50s here and there in beginner 50 gear. We're talking well geared squads of 50s absolutely dominating the field.


It's terrible design, and it IS driving people away from PvP who "gasp" don't like being little more than fodder for someone else's commendation spree.


PvP during the first two weeks of live was great fun. It's obvious why, everyone was more or less equal. BW is simply ignorant to think that a simple DPS/health boost to lower levels somehow normalizes more and improved skills as well as pvp gear.

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I can't wait until they make a 50's bracket, and then all you whiners come back here to the forums.. WWWWAAAAAAMMMBULANCCCEEEEEEE - We are getting our arse's handed to us by 49's - Make a bracket for them toooooooooooooo... WAAAAAAAAMMMMBBBULLAAAAANNNCCCCEEEEEEEE
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I'm trying to get as much pvp in as possible with my 23 sith character I made the other day before the 50 brackets come into play. Can't tell you how many times there are premade 50's on my server just rolling the republic in warzones. I could go /sit in a corner and the team would still dominate. Imps outnumber republic by about 4 to 1 on my server and have been winning warzones for so long they are pretty well geared.

This is definitely the golden age for lowbie imperial pvp characters, but I know when the bracket comes, it won't be as easy. When the brackets are implemented, I'll probably switch back to my 43 commando for a bit, as he might actually get to win a warzone and complete a daily for once.

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I can't wait until they make a 50's bracket, and then all you whiners come back here to the forums.. WWWWAAAAAAMMMBULANCCCEEEEEEE - We are getting our arse's handed to us by 49's - Make a bracket for them toooooooooooooo... WAAAAAAAAMMMMBBBULLAAAAANNNCCCCEEEEEEEE


The 49's wont have expertise gear, so it wont be nearly as imbalanced.

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I'm awed by your godlike rethorics and arguments.


ts;dr Why? The queues would've been awful, they will implement the 50's bracket when the population can sustain it reliably, both from the low-end bracket and the high-end. I'll see you back here in a few weeks to complain about queue times I suppose.


I dont see who would be complaining about it, que times may go from 1 minute to 4 or 5 minutes but thats perfectly ok. The fact that several people pved to 50 in like 2 days then farmed pvp like it was pve as well to gear up was dumb. Frankly if people rushed 50 then they deserve to wait, not be able to further increase the gap between themselves and the rest by grinding pieces of gear.


People should acknowledge that they must wait longer if they rushed 50, else if they wanted to pvp they could have done so while between 1-49 where its actually fair and challenging. The moto of rush 50 and then start farming pvp for gear is utterly pathetic especially in the state is was abused in.


This all coming from a valor 56 player so no im not QQing, and frankly I dont even care but I can see why the system is dumb.

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I am level 50 now. I am on a standard population server, and there are about only 20 lvl 50's on my server right now that are republic. Although you lowbies will love this, this is going to suck when the bracket gets released because it will take forever to find a match. My server simply doesn't have enough 50's to have its own lvl 50 bracket. Maybe having battlegroups would help?
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i'm conflicted... in on way, seeing how im 50 now, I still wanna be able to play with my friends at lower levels - yes, I do also remember how ridiculous op some level 50's was in 1vs1 duel with their champion gear at lower levels.


I think the fix should be something like... eh.. 4 max level 50's per team or something.

I wanna play with my level 37,41,44,46 and 48 friends, dont wanna have to wait 1,2 or 3 weeks to play with them.

I rather have a 35-50 flashpoint or something, usually people at 35+ know what to do, but some level 10+ ... geez they dont even know what they play.


I'd personally rather see expertise go away than see the 50 bracket added in, however they've said 50 brackets are on the way so I suspect it wont be long. I personally enjoy playing with a wide spectrum of players and levels. Yes some lowbies don't know what they're doing but I've seen higher level people who just haven't pvped yet and they're in their 30's or 40's running the huttball in the wrong direction. People may also in time have all their level 50s already but want to bring in a friend who's new to the game. It would be nice if they could still pvp along side them in warzones with their 50 rather than have to delete a character they worked to build up and equip or change servers.

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