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Powertech bad in warzones


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I'm sorry OP, I couldn't hear you over the sound of how wrong you are.


4/6/31 Pyrotech. Saying Pyrotech does less damage than AP means you're hardcore trolling or have not tried both specs and are just blowing smoke out your ***. AP is shamefully broken compared to Pyrotech's damage. ~30%-50% less.


People try Pyrotech for less than a half hour, can't get used to the Heat management, and then give up on it.


You spend just an hour or two DPSing an instance or screwing around in PvP to get used to the timing and the procs and the management and it becomes second nature. At that point you'll recognize how absolutely hopeless Adv Proto is by comparison and never go back.


It's Bioware's first game with talent trees rather than a linear progression system. You can't possibly expect them all to be winners right of the bat can you? Adv Proto is not a winner.

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I'm sorry OP, I couldn't hear you over the sound of how wrong you are.


4/6/31 Pyrotech. Saying Pyrotech does less damage than AP means you're hardcore trolling or have not tried both specs and are just blowing smoke out your ***. AP is shamefully broken compared to Pyrotech's damage. ~30%-50% less.


I said I'm doing less damage at 37 as a pyrotech than I did as AP.


Maybe you get lucky with crits, or maybe it gets better at higher levels.

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Right, and I'm saying, I don't believe you. Unless when you're Pyrotech you decide to do nothing but Rapid Shots for every move. Starting at level 27, when you get Prototype Particle Accelerator, Pyrotech's damage shoots WAY past AP's, and stays that way forever.


It has nothing to do with lucky crits. Every 50 PT will tell you the same thing, AP spec is empirically vastly less damage than Pyrotech. It's just the way the trees are designed and has nothing to do with individual skill. And this vast difference in damage starts at level 27 and only continues to grow as you level.


So please excuse me if I just do not believe you when you say you were doing less damage as Pyrotech than you were as AP. It sounds like a lie. =/

Edited by Mhak
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Right, and I'm saying, I don't believe you. Unless when you're Pyrotech you decide to do nothing but Rapid Shots for every move. Starting at level 27, when you get Prototype Particle Accelerator, Pyrotech's damage shoots WAY past AP's, and stays that way forever.


It has nothing to do with lucky crits. Every 50 PT will tell you the same thing, AP spec is empirically vastly less damage than Pyrotech. It's just the way the trees are designed and has nothing to do with individual skill. And this vast difference in damage starts at level 27 and only continues to grow as you level.


So please excuse me if I just do not believe you when you say you were doing less damage as Pyrotech than you were as AP. It sounds like a lie. =/


Why the hell would I lie about that? Every warzone I've done with the spec, I've done less damage than I did in AP.


Anyway, I'm trying shield/AP now... I think a more melee/survivable/burst spec would be more my style than dots. I might try pyro again at 50.

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Why the hell would I lie about that? Every warzone I've done with the spec, I've done less damage than I did in AP.


Anyway, I'm trying shield/AP now... I think a more melee/survivable/burst spec would be more my style than dots. I might try pyro again at 50.


It only means that you havnt get used to using Pyro yet since getting used to pyro is really hard but once you get used to it you will laugh at how easy you can dish out damage. :D'


anyways Pyro isnt a DOT spec surely you will use a DOT but our main ability comes in the form of a procable instant cast heavyhitting skill :D and once you see that skill hit for 5k+ in pvp you would want to spam it :p

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Basically, a dps tank... that's the style I prefer.

So you want to be an overpowered, broken class that ruins PvP for everyone. Sorry, but that isn't how these games are made.


Power Tech is the closest you are going to get to a tanky DPS character. I am not 50 yet, but usually do alright in warfronts. Many times I get completely blown away by 50's in top end gear, which is to be expected, a week or so ago I fared better in my 10-20's just due to everyone not being max level.


Honestly, I think it will help a lot when 50's are not all lumped in with everyone. It makes is pretty unbalanced for starting players. When I see a 50 in full PvP gear, and then 5 of their guild mates jump on me ... I expect to die pretty quickly.

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So you want to be an overpowered, broken class that ruins PvP for everyone. Sorry, but that isn't how these games are made.


Power Tech is the closest you are going to get to a tanky DPS character. I am not 50 yet, but usually do alright in warfronts. Many times I get completely blown away by 50's in top end gear, which is to be expected, a week or so ago I fared better in my 10-20's just due to everyone not being max level.


Honestly, I think it will help a lot when 50's are not all lumped in with everyone. It makes is pretty unbalanced for starting players. When I see a 50 in full PvP gear, and then 5 of their guild mates jump on me ... I expect to die pretty quickly.


If you'd played other games, you would know that a dps tank is very rarely OP.

Edited by thechimera
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Why the hell would I lie about that? Every warzone I've done with the spec, I've done less damage than I did in AP.


Anyway, I'm trying shield/AP now... I think a more melee/survivable/burst spec would be more my style than dots. I might try pyro again at 50.


You basically have two choices, shield/whatever for a tanky spec with **** for damage, or full on pyro with good burst and awesome sustained damage.

If you truly believe Powertechs are bad in warzones, then you don't know how to play your character effectively, as PT Pyro is among the best out there.

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You basically have two choices, shield/whatever for a tanky spec with **** for damage, or full on pyro with good burst and awesome sustained damage.

If you truly believe Powertechs are bad in warzones, then you don't know how to play your character effectively, as PT Pyro is among the best out there.


It seems entirely too dependent on luck. Yes, maybe I don't know how to play that spec effectively, but I was doing fine as AP, so I doubt it's a problem with me.


Like I said before, people throw around dps numbers on this forum that I NEVER see ANYONE do... seems kinda odd.

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You just saw a picture of a Pyrotech spec'd Powertech doing over half a million damage in a WZ. You saw that picture after you claimed that powertechs are bad in WZs, and that you did less damage as Pyrotech than AP.


Now you're saying you've never seen anyone do it. Are you willfully blind? You come on here making these claims and asking questions and when people show you picture evidence of why you are wrong you just pretend it isn't there.


Powertechs are some of the best PvPers out there right now, especially as Pyrotech spec. You have been presented with photographic evidence of this. You're denying it. At this point you're just wasting all of our time and embarrassing yourself.

Edited by Mhak
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You just saw a picture of a Pyrotech spec'd Powertech doing over half a million damage in a WZ. You saw that picture after you claimed that powertechs are bad in WZs, and that you did less damage as Pyrotech than AP.


Now you're saying you've never seen anyone do it. Are you willfully blind? You come on here making these claims and asking questions and when people show you picture evidence of why you are wrong you just pretend it isn't there.


Powertechs are some of the best PvPers out there right now, especially as Pyrotech spec. You have been presented with photographic evidence of this. You're denying it. At this point you're just wasting all of our time and embarrassing yourself.


Welcome to the SWTOR forums! Your T-Shirt and hat are around the corner at the booth.


On a side note, I've been running a ST/PT build and I do pretty good damage, and I don't even have expertise yet.

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I would say only Pyrotech its good, AP it have some awesome defensive spells and control of heat...but the damage sucks.


There's a power tech floating around... I forget his name I think it's Ozoo or something like that. I watched a pvp video of his where he goes through commentary and the strengths of AP and I was pretty impressed.


Note he's a vanguard, but potato poTAHto etc.

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There's a power tech floating around... I forget his name I think it's Ozoo or something like that. I watched a pvp video of his where he goes through commentary and the strengths of AP and I was pretty impressed.


Note he's a vanguard, but potato poTAHto etc.


I think i saw the last one of his vid...it was like 35-49 he wasnt full AP it was something like 0/23/18 and he didnt get the 30% increased damage, i saw some really low critical damage like 1200... :p Even if he would go all AP would have been better.

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I'm a level 50 Pyrotech...


Got full champion, Centurion chest being the only exclusion.


I've done 657k in a Voidstar, can average 300k easily playing the objective in longer Huttball games and such..


I'm usually top damage, or right at the cusp of it..


Combine that with Powertech's general utility (using taunts alone will get you 2-3 medals a game), and I'd argue that Powertech is the best class for PvP overall in the game, all things considered.

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Confirming that powertechs are borderline OP. They are a lot stronger than one-trick pony mercs, and a lot more dangerous than any other tank.


Also, just a note here.


Arsenal mercs are one-trick ponies.


My friend, who runs a Pyrotech merc, does as much as my PT Pyro a game, if not a bit more... and enjoys the full mobility and such that I do.


I don't know why more mercs don't try Pyro... It's just as good as our Pyro tree.

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You just saw a picture of a Pyrotech spec'd Powertech doing over half a million damage in a WZ. You saw that picture after you claimed that powertechs are bad in WZs, and that you did less damage as Pyrotech than AP.


Now you're saying you've never seen anyone do it. Are you willfully blind? You come on here making these claims and asking questions and when people show you picture evidence of why you are wrong you just pretend it isn't there.


Powertechs are some of the best PvPers out there right now, especially as Pyrotech spec. You have been presented with photographic evidence of this. You're denying it. At this point you're just wasting all of our time and embarrassing yourself.


HAHAHAHAHA... drop the attitude, kid.


I said I've NEVER seen it in game. Ever. I'm sure on some server, somewhere, there's an uber-geared level 50 who's farming lowbies in warzones, but on my servers, no one does that kind of damage. 300k... maybe 350k max, and it wasn't a powertech.


I think the problem is... people replying in this thread have either:


Grinded into top gear at 50 and are farming lowbies, or:

Have extensive beta experience, or:

Are playing on a server with few other level 50s.


My point was that, for all you and your fellows implying I'm bad, I've never personally witnessed ANYONE doing that kind of damage in a warzone. How is this hard for you to understand?


Perhaps instead of being a jerk, you could offer constructive advice on HOW you're pumping out these ridiculous numbers?

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So far Shield Tech (30 points) seems pretty terrible. I die just as quickly as before... I'm starting to think my character is bugged. I never shield/absorb anything in PvP... more than 1 person on me and I just melt. W T F? Edited by thechimera
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So far Shield Tech (30 points) seems pretty terrible. I die just as quickly as before... I'm starting to think my character is bugged. I never shield/absorb anything in PvP... more than 1 person on me and I just melt. ***?


There is an entire thread on this forum which discusses how shields and defense in work in PvP. Long story short, they don't do nearly as much as you'd think.



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There is an entire thread on this forum which discusses how shields and defense in work in PvP. Long story short, they don't do nearly as much as you'd think.




Thanks. Interesting read. I guess it all comes down to gear at 50, really. I know a lot of people are enjoying their Powertech in PvP... I'm 40 now, but I have to say... my Shadow and Operative are easy-mode compared to the 'tech, as is my Guardian.


I want to stick with it... maybe I'll find a spec I like eventually.

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HAHAHAHAHA... drop the attitude, kid.


I said I've NEVER seen it in game. Ever. I'm sure on some server, somewhere, there's an uber-geared level 50 who's farming lowbies in warzones, but on my servers, no one does that kind of damage. 300k... maybe 350k max, and it wasn't a powertech.


I think the problem is... people replying in this thread have either:


Grinded into top gear at 50 and are farming lowbies, or:

Have extensive beta experience, or:

Are playing on a server with few other level 50s.


My point was that, for all you and your fellows implying I'm bad, I've never personally witnessed ANYONE doing that kind of damage in a warzone. How is this hard for you to understand?


Perhaps instead of being a jerk, you could offer constructive advice on HOW you're pumping out these ridiculous numbers?


no. you are just bad.. or your server is just bad...:p really pyrotechs are godly in pvp if you include the consumables in your playstyle then they are far more OP than scoundrels/operatives, its not their damage done that is OP it's their General survivability + mobility + adaptability that seperates them for other classes,


You see if you face a melee you can kite them, if you face a ranged you can interupt their casttimes, etc. their is so many tactics that a pyrotech can neutralized that will gain you an advantage over your opponent.


and if you want advice on how to get really large numbers on you damage done the simple answer is to just spam DFA whenever its off cooldown, well that's the easy way. the hard way is to utilize your surroundings like always getting the expertise buff + using your expertise kit when killing someone + popping your cooldowns and utilizing your stuns and chasing youir enemies with flamebursts and hitting them with 5k railshots :D

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no. you are just bad.. or your server is just bad...:p really pyrotechs are godly in pvp if you include the consumables in your playstyle then they are far more OP than scoundrels/operatives, its not their damage done that is OP it's their General survivability + mobility + adaptability that seperates them for other classes,


You see if you face a melee you can kite them, if you face a ranged you can interupt their casttimes, etc. their is so many tactics that a pyrotech can neutralized that will gain you an advantage over your opponent.


and if you want advice on how to get really large numbers on you damage done the simple answer is to just spam DFA whenever its off cooldown, well that's the easy way. the hard way is to utilize your surroundings like always getting the expertise buff + using your expertise kit when killing someone + popping your cooldowns and utilizing your stuns and chasing youir enemies with flamebursts and hitting them with 5k railshots :D


How do you kite and whats your tactic in pvp, would be nice if you could give some tips here. Thx

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We have a talent that when spec will reduce the movement speed of the opponent by 50% for 2 sec. whe using flameburst so for marauders/ops/shadow etc you can flameburst them while maintaining a 10m range it would also proc your railshot so before they can inflict real damage to you you would already have killed them or close to killing. also practice strafe kiting as this is one of the best tools to kite melee's as you dont lose speed instead of back pedaling.
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