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Can Zenith be romanced?


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Please Bioware! For the love of the force, please make Zenith romancable in a future update, my poor Sage will be loveless for the rest of her days. It would make a lovely story, breaking down the walls, earning the trust needed to make it happen...you would make my Sage's life! That voice *whimper*

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There is something I'm missing about Zenith that the ladies find attractive. The dude is green, has tendrils coming from his head, doesn't use full sentences, and has a totally kick @ss voice (Troy Baker ftw). Wait. Is it his voice? Are you attracted to his voice? If he sounded like Danny Devito, would you still like him?


I confess... it's his voice :o

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Zenith is a much more interesting character than Iresso. After the other companions you meet along the way, Iresso just seems so bland... I'm not that bothered about romancing anyone on my consular but I have to say I agree that Zenith is much more interesting than Iresso.


No, he really isn't. He's a tortured soul with the outward exterior of a sociopath. Certainly pitiable, but interesting no. Iresso has overcome adversity, trauma, and grave disappointment with nary a complaint.


It's like the difference between Batman and Superman. Sure Batman has the dark bad-boy thing going, but when you peel it all back, he's a psycho. So it is with Zenith.


[obligatory]The above represents the sole opinion of Master-Nala and is not to be construed as an assertion of fact.[/obligatory]

Edited by Master-Nala
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I'm completely in the romance Zenith camp. I'm not going to exercise my option with Iresso in the hope that someday, with the appropriate update, I'll have a chance at Zenith. If it was real life, yeah, Iresso would be the better choice but this is a game and for a game, Zenith would be much more fun.
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I hate all the JC companions, want to toss them out of the airlock (Except Nadia, she gets a pass because I don't completely hate her) and hope for a new romance option altogether when the time comes. I also hope I get a story that doesn't suck but that's a completely different issue. Edited by Aquarra
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You made me :(


I was heading for sage after my smuggler hits her endgame. Yet - no decent voice(really - her intonations are not even calm - they're just indifferent), no decent plot and no decent plot-romance (along with no [flirt] afaik)...Hardly would do for me after scoundrel...And I just love healing...


Sigh, should've let Numen have his chance, really. Balmorra seems to be full of nice twileks...:o So, either trooper or agent.

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Ugh..soooo the guys get an exotic woman in Nadia (I know many players prob dont want ot romance an alien...but I DO =/) and JC gets a one nigher with a human...and marriage with a human? Lame. Thanks for the info tho! =)


Again...on an RP server I can pretend =P


If you are role-playing as a Jedi and also sticking to the game lore (I know those two are not the same thing, especially if you are planning to play on the Dark Side), then your romance options are kind of limited to, well, pretty much zero.


There is a conversation (on the Knight, iirc) where this can be covered, and "marriage" is only sanctionned by the Jedi Council in some very specific circumstances which basically kill any romance involved. So your only realistic romance track as a Jedi is to go dark side and be a renegade working away from the Council.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm completely in the romance Zenith camp. I'm not going to exercise my option with Iresso in the hope that someday, with the appropriate update, I'll have a chance at Zenith. If it was real life, yeah, Iresso would be the better choice but this is a game and for a game, Zenith would be much more fun.


I am in total agreement with you here. I'm waiting for Zenith to be romanceable. I like my sociopathic fictional characters where they're best kept - in fiction. So GIMME!

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When you hit the last convo with him there is a part of you screaming "this could go so much further! I can almost smell it!"


I wonder sometimes if people are really able to feel empathy, I dare you to go through all that he has and NOT come out with emotional scars. Think about it for a second. If you bother to run his storyline you will see him change, yes he can be angry but he has every right to be don't you think? He gains wisdom eventually thanks to you and I find that incredibly satisfying.

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I am completely head-over-heels smitten with Zenith. I think I might need an intervention. Now I wish I would have paid more attention when we first interacted as sometimes I admittedly skip over some conversations. He is delicious :p
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On a shamelessly immature note, has anyone else 'accidentally' forgotten to provide Zenith with armor for his top half? The guy is rocking a washboard. :w_big_grin: I am a firm believer in offering the male companions some kind of shirtless-yet-still-wearing-moddable-armor option like they have for the females (bikinis w/ open mods). I would love to have a shirtless beefcake accompanying me on my adventures.


/obnoxious girly post

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The funny thing is how fast this all came on. I was totally into him within 10 minutes or so. So awesome. I am halfway tempted to have him run around shirtless until it is time to get in on some action. So glad that others feel the same way :D
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The funny thing is how fast this all came on. I was totally into him within 10 minutes or so. So awesome. I am halfway tempted to have him run around shirtless until it is time to get in on some action. So glad that others feel the same way :D


It was the first time I met him myself too, as soon as he opened his mouth and attempted to snipe the Moff, that was it, I was SOLD! Well I say that, I was actually levelling my Scoundrel at the time with a friend who was playing his Shadow, suffice to say the Scoundrel got left by the wayside and I picked up my Sage again who I'd got bored with, so really..he gave me a much needed boost and levelling incentive lol

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*Sigh* Give a chap a washboard sculpted body and to hell with his personality - come on ladies, you can do better than this!


He is the most pessimistic, going to go postal at any given moment, chap ever - why is that alluring? Why?? He'll never change no matter how many Imperial Dogtags you give him! :D


Then again, what else have you got chap-wise - sarcastic womaniser who spends a little too much unhealthy time with a hologram, a Trandoshan...ok, well, the hunter aspect and loyalty would be fun, beauty being in the eye of the beholder etc your choice on that one - or a nice kind soldier chap who is a bit of an introverted wimp sometimes, at least he is more of an optimist who you could send down the gym should that be needed!


Zenith is Marvin the Paranoid Android mixed with a seething hate of anything good who likes to shoot things...not the sort of chap to break the Jedi Code for is he?


Whereas if you look at the female characters and their personalit....ok, forget I said anything - date the sociopath! :D

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*Sigh* Give a chap a washboard sculpted body and to hell with his personality - come on ladies, you can do better than this!


He is the most pessimistic, going to go postal at any given moment, chap ever - why is that alluring? Why?? He'll never change no matter how many Imperial Dogtags you give him! :D


Then again, what else have you got chap-wise - sarcastic womaniser who spends a little too much unhealthy time with a hologram, a Trandoshan...ok, well, the hunter aspect and loyalty would be fun, beauty being in the eye of the beholder etc your choice on that one - or a nice kind soldier chap who is a bit of an introverted wimp sometimes, at least he is more of an optimist who you could send down the gym should that be needed!


Zenith is Marvin the Paranoid Android mixed with a seething hate of anything good who likes to shoot things...not the sort of chap to break the Jedi Code for is he?


Whereas if you look at the female characters and their personalit....ok, forget I said anything - date the sociopath! :D


Rofl <3


I think there will be an ongoing debate regarding Zenith and his alleged lack of personality, I relate to him on some level, perhaps it's the revolutionary in me, some aspects of him remind me of an old friend. One of the very last thing he says to you during your very last conversation is anything but pessimistic. He changes :)

Edited by AetherShanty
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Rofl <3


I think there will be an ongoing debate regarding Zenith and his alleged lack of personality, I relate to him on some level, perhaps it's the revolutionary in me, some aspects of him remind me of an old friend. One of the very last thing he says to you during your very last conversation is anything but pessimistic. He changes :)


I'll look forward to it, until then he stays in the conference room and I'm keeping him completely away from the Correlian Ales!

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Actually I've been running with Zenith as my main companion as his affection rises hes a lot less grumpy is willing to talk to you a bit more he is still violent of course but I think it will stave off. During one of his companion quests you actually gain affection for talking him out of a more violent root to dealing with a situation helping him further his position in Balmora. I just think out of all the characters aboard my ship his personality is the one that fits me best. I believe in military means when necessary and getting dirty work done for the greater good. I see potential in Zenith ever since the first time I stopped him from cold blooded killing. He by far has the more interesting personality of the males on board though I do admit Tharan makes me laugh a little more with his quirkiness. I just dont find myself drawn to any other companion. Qyzen is a good tank though I can give him that much. Iresso will never interest me in the way Zenith does.
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You can send it over to my Gunslinger for safe keeping if you like, Bowdaar would be happy to guard it for you! :D


As a Jedi, I sense nothing wrong with that suggestion - I'll send C2 N2 over with it as soon as possible, make sure he challenges Bowdaar to a Dejaarick game won't you, I can't beat him at it, maybe Bowdaar can...


The big problem with my Jedi is that, like me, she is an enormously big goody two shoes, being as of today, 1700 Light Points away from Tier 5. That sort of behaviour is more than bound to get on the nerves of pretty much most of my crew, especially Zenith - sadly C2 N2 seems to encourage it...good grief the padding on my chair has reached the ceiling!


With my squishy Sage, who is not a healer, I cannot take any other crew member than Tharan, my chances of redeeming poor Zenith are non existant, grumpy is all he will remain poor chap!

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With my squishy Sage, who is not a healer, I cannot take any other crew member than Tharan, my chances of redeeming poor Zenith are non existant, grumpy is all he will remain poor chap!


Ah, now I understand the reason for all that "you can do better, ladies" - it's jealousy :p


Actually, healers do have troubles with Zenith, they are better with tanks. As a balance-sage who likes CC I need more DPS and Zenith is perfect for that. I tried Nadia, but AoE farm is not always possible and single targets she does not handle that well. So, Zenith it is.


P.S. With his voice Zenith can look any way he wants, he still will be hot enough :rolleyes:

Edited by Mirandel
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Ah, now I understand the reason for all that "you can do better, ladies" - it's jealousy :p


Actually, healers do have troubles with Zenith, they are better with tanks. As a balance-sage who likes CC I need more DPS and Zenith is perfect for that. I tried Nadia, but AoE farm is not always possible and single targets she does not handle that well. So, Zenith it is.


P.S. With his voice Zenith can look any way he wants, he still will be hot enough :rolleyes:


:D Jealous? Jedi don't do that - leads to burned skin and a loss of important limbs, you can end up looking very silly indeed!


I think it is more - "Oh come on chaps, there are women out there prepared to break the Jedi Code for you - if you are supposed to be there for lusting after at least make some effort - no Tharan, put Holiday away...oh my eyes... I give up!"



It's not so much the fact that I am THE WORST healer to ever enter an mmo...well, ok, it is - I'm sure it is not impossible to keep old grumpy trousers alive whilst he fires angrily at the objects of his sociopathic hate, but with my Sage's limited healing abilities and my forgetting to heal it doesn't look good for anyone except Tharan who can look after himself or when he dies he can shut up for 5 mins before I revive him! :D

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