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PVP Video - OPeratives are OP


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Yes, you're an operative who doesn't want the nerf bat.


So Bioware, congrats on a great game, but don't let losers like the Plastic detract from the fact that this class needs balancing. Not neutering, but nerfbatting.





Its funny ...


I don't even play an Operative....


I play a Sniper....


I just like playing Devils Advocate. It's even funnier because losers like you get upset over someone defending something. You get upset over someone forming an opinion over the internet. It's even funnier how I never said the class wasn't strong, or it doesn't need adjusting.


All I said is thats wait till lv50s before adjusting the class and see how it does then. But, I guess something logical like that thrown into a crowd of Gimme Nows is a very terrible idea.

Edited by Plastic
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he was caught with his pants down, no shield, and is a cloth class - low physical mitigation to begin with.


you really have no idea of shadow mechanics... u can't spam shield on yourself and run around with it. It's a defensive ability that is poped out only when you start getting damage. This poor dude haven't even had a chance for doing it.


Trust me, besides shield there is a resilience (as a tank specced I have it lasting for 5 secs and it usually it doesn't help cause of restealth / jump again in 5 secs)

Besides, I have armor technique up which is almost as having heavy armor.


please, don't make yourself look silly more than you already did, you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

Edited by Stranger_LDR
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Its funny ...


I don't even play an Operative....


Sure had me fooled, consider me trolled. In which case, I think you're a PVE'er, and I'm going to leave it at that, since you have so little clue about what you're talking about I'm struggling to breathe.


Either that, or a Forum troll, which is more likely bearing in mind your constant lust for using bold, italics, red, large text that's really irritating in general.

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Sure had me fooled, consider me trolled. In which case, I think you're a PVE'er, and I'm going to leave it at that, since you have so little clue about what you're talking about I'm struggling to breathe.


Either that, or a Forum troll, which is more likely bearing in mind your constant lust for using bold, italics, red, large text that's really irritating in general.


Lv20~ Valor whatevers on a Level 32 Sniper. I play on a PVP server, and I PVP when I can. I have my problems with it so I barely log on. Because if I play Huttball one more time I'm going to go up to BioWare's Office and make them all Hutts. Because Hutts don't have feet. Show our sponsor Gratta (whatever) the respect he deserves.


I just like playing Devils Advocate. Stir some educated debates. Lets give some information, some proof, some videos. But, of course, people get upset. People see what they want to see - its the internet, what can I say? *shrug*

Edited by Plastic
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Troll? Sure. I say my opinion, you guys get upset.


Your opinion is wrong and you're deluding yourself if you think the term 'Devil's Advocate' is


B)Relevant to being a troll.

C)In any way detracting from you being a troll.

Edited by HeroicSock
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Troll? Sure. I say my opinion, you guys get upset. Usual ways of Internet Debates.


Did people agree with me? ... Yeah. :rolleyes:


No one got upset cause of you I guess.

First people tried to argue with you.

Now it's just a facepalm. You don't even deserve to be called a troll, really ;)

Trolling is a very delicate business, that requires some skill. You're just saying that the grass is red over and over again.


a bit boring, but predictable.

I give you a 3 out of 10.


/signing off this thread.

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No one got upset cause of you I guess.

First people tried to argue with you.

Now it's just a facepalm. You don't even deserve to be called a troll, really ;)

Trolling is a very delicate business, that requires some skill. You're just saying that the grass is red over and over again.


a bit boring, but predictable.

I give you a 3 out of 10.


/signing off this thread.



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I am going to play this class now...


This class is able to get 300k damage medal as well as 5k heal in one hit medal...

This class can hit for 5k in one hit, against level 50s, yet is still able to cloak away and heal up.

This class can 3 or 4 shot basically any class. If they catch them vulnerable (walking around)


All of the above is true, yet people are still saying there is no need to nerf it?

Just... wow.

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Your opinion is wrong and you're deluding yourself if you think the term 'Devil's Advocate' is


B)Relevant to being a troll.

C)In any way detracting from you being a troll.


Opinons aren't facts. They can't be wrong. The only thing way I can be a troll is if you allow me to be. I have a different opinion, I voice it and you don't like it - therefor I am a troll. But, thats a different topic.


I'll take being a troll - sure, whatever. But, truly, you guys pick one thing from my post that you don't like and you continue on it - its that dogmatic thought of just about every person on the internet, if not the world.


I just saw the video, said my thoughts - which is a mixture of facts - him fighting low levels, etc - and opinions - lets see how it performs in the organized lv50 bracket then drop the adjustments - and you guys defend your part - which is fine - but you read what you want and crown me a troll.


Eh, whatever helps you sleep at night.


On topic: Lets wait till 50 bracket :)

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No one got upset cause of you I guess.

First people tried to argue with you.

Now it's just a facepalm. You don't even deserve to be called a troll, really ;)

Trolling is a very delicate business, that requires some skill. You're just saying that the grass is red over and over again.


a bit boring, but predictable.

I give you a 3 out of 10.


/signing off this thread.


Thats nice. :p I like being rated. I'll treat that 3/10 as an 11/10. Insult as compliment. It's always cool how people resort to this kind of thing when their back is against the wall. Good times!

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I'm a lvl 50 BH with nearly full champion pvp gear. And I get nearly insta-killed by geared operatives. I have 15.5k hp and wear heavy armor. It is very sad when an operative crits you for over 6k every time with my heavy armor and the gear I have. This same operative is critting other people that aren't as geared as me for nearly 8k and that is just 1 hit.


If I can break cc, medpac, and knockback before I die and start to fight they just stealth up and come back and do it again 20 seconds later when my break cc is down.


After the 6k dmg in one attack its normally followed up by a 4k hit and a 3k hit and some more smaller hits, but that is in about 3 seconds and all of my nearly 16k hps are gone.




There aren't many operatives that can do this because they don't have the gear but when they do it will only get worse.



Also, I wouldn't say they are crazy OP just need a bit of balancing. I understand that without the big burst they don't have a whole lot but right now the big burst is a little too big. Even with the best gear you are instakilled by an equally geared operative.

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I am going to play this class now...


This class is able to get 300k damage medal as well as 5k heal in one hit medal...

This class can hit for 5k in one hit, against level 50s, yet is still able to cloak away and heal up.

This class can 3 or 4 shot basically any class. If they catch them vulnerable (walking around)


All of the above is true, yet people are still saying there is no need to nerf it?

Just... wow.



Look..if you nerf it I can't gank without risk anymore. So no don't do anything!


After all it's about ruining your game not adding to mine; BW knows this. The raving "elite PvPers" know this as well. Why don't you?!

Edited by Doxxs
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I kinda agree with this post. It's not really the high burst damage by itself but add invis, heal, invis/escape when they are down to little health to avoid death.


I am going to play this class now...


This class is able to get 300k damage medal as well as 5k heal in one hit medal...

This class can hit for 5k in one hit, against level 50s, yet is still able to cloak away and heal up.

This class can 3 or 4 shot basically any class. If they catch them vulnerable (walking around)


All of the above is true, yet people are still saying there is no need to nerf it?

Just... wow.

Edited by kobesteve
Clearing up the text
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Plz play Operative before posting stupid opinion guys, really. In 1v1 fight with Sorc of example, both competent players, OP has no chance at winning, even if he gets the jump. NONE. With their bubble on, OP can get him to 60-80% HP depending on luck, no more, before stun wear off. And at that point Sorc is not CC-able anymore. He then just uses one of his many CCs (Sorc cc doesnt fill resolve instantly, so they can be chained), during which he heals himself completly, puts shield and beats crap out of Operative, who is not in stealth anymore. Or use force speed and rinse repeat. Or knockback with talented root. And again heal+dps. Operatives have ZERO gap closers after first jump, and equally geared you will always survive his initial burst. No idea about other classes, know only how to counter them with Sorc. I have both Sorc and Operative, and have to say Sorc feels much more powerful and versatile (and know how to play OP, trust me). Stop whining and start playing, really.



Ps. And 5k dmg without gear (that someone mentioned before) is ********. With 400 expertise PvP gear, 1500 cuning and 66% surge my HS (fully talented) very rarely crits over 5k, never hit over 6k yet. Not even on lower levels cloth targets.And yes, I use Acis Blade. It is not a matter of skill here, as this are strictly equations and numbers. Without burning at least one or more consumables you do not get such a high burst.

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he was caught with his pants down, no shield, and is a cloth class - low physical mitigation to begin with.


lets say he lived, came out with 50%~ hp. Woot. Okay, put the same situation but instead of him opening up on a shadow, he opens up on a Juggernaut, or a Commando, or a BH..... :rolleyes:


i think we've been through this before?




assasin / shadow dont have a shield .. we got our trinket .. but thats about it..


so you meen that we should always die if our trinked are on cd ..


I like that logic..

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I'm a lvl 50 BH with nearly full champion pvp gear. And I get nearly insta-killed by geared operatives. I have 15.5k hp and wear heavy armor. It is very sad when an operative crits you for over 6k every time with my heavy armor and the gear I have. This same operative is critting other people that aren't as geared as me for nearly 8k and that is just 1 hit.


If I can break cc, medpac, and knockback before I die and start to fight they just stealth up and come back and do it again 20 seconds later when my break cc is down.


After the 6k dmg in one attack its normally followed up by a 4k hit and a 3k hit and some more smaller hits, but that is in about 3 seconds and all of my nearly 16k hps are gone.




There aren't many operatives that can do this because they don't have the gear but when they do it will only get worse.



Also, I wouldn't say they are crazy OP just need a bit of balancing. I understand that without the big burst they don't have a whole lot but right now the big burst is a little too big. Even with the best gear you are instakilled by an equally geared operative.


hmm need more proof?

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Just about every time you fight a fifty, you barely make it out alive....


You're fighting <45 and then screaming OP ... Let me bold this: You're fighting <45s and screaming OP. They have no gear to mitigate the burst Operatives do. None. You fight a fifty and it takes you well enough time for them to live and make a comeback. Imagine this in a full 50 w/ gear bracket. When lv50 brackets drop in AND the nerf ... can't wait to see how you feel then.


The classes you do catch alone and fifty are cloth classes... Thats what they ... do.


Burst class does burst damage.


I saw like.. one fight where he "barely got out alive" and then he had had a couple of guys attacking him. Sure he had guard but when he went up 1vs1 or 2vs1 he crushed them.


Not saying he is an overly good player (this is not enought to reflect over that) but he sure gives us some proof of just how OP operative is. Sure I understand all the empires wanna keep devs from realising this (tbh, they might just have succeded since OPeratives are getting a buffed talent tree..) but the republic players have said it since day one.

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Nobody in any situation should go from full life to dead in under 5 seconds at the hands of a single player in a Warzone.


I don't care your class, spec, or level -- killing someone in 3 global cooldowns simply should not be possible.


They are separating out the level 50 players soon, which will help, but in this video there are several instances where the Operative drops a decently-geared level 50 Jedi Guardian who is in SORESU FORM (tank stance) in about 8 seconds.


3:30 - Approaching the target.

3:36 - Initial strike. Target is immediately taken to 50% from previously being at ~90%.

3:37 - Target is knocked down.

3:40 - Target is recovered and at 20% life (in execute range for most DPS classes).

3:44 - Target is dead. Operative is at ~95% HP after taking two retaliatory attacks.


That was a JEDI GUARDIAN in partial PvP gear who was in TANK STANCE.


8 seconds from 90% to dead. In Soresu Form. Stunned for 40% of the fight.




He was fighting someone else when the Operative made his approach. Resolute may have been on cooldown. Either way, not having a 2-minute cooldown available should not equate to nearly instant death with little to no chance of response.

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Plz play Operative before posting stupid opinion guys, really. In 1v1 fight with Sorc of example, both competent players, OP has no chance at winning, even if he gets the jump. NONE. With their bubble on, OP can get him to 60-80% HP depending on luck, no more, before stun wear off. And at that point Sorc is not CC-able anymore. He then just uses one of his many CCs (Sorc cc doesnt fill resolve instantly, so they can be chained), during which he heals himself completly, puts shield and beats crap out of Operative, who is not in stealth anymore. Or use force speed and rinse repeat. Or knockback with talented root. And again heal+dps. Operatives have ZERO gap closers after first jump, and equally geared you will always survive his initial burst. No idea about other classes, know only how to counter them with Sorc. I have both Sorc and Operative, and have to say Sorc feels much more powerful and versatile (and know how to play OP, trust me). Stop whining and start playing, really.



Ps. And 5k dmg without gear (that someone mentioned before) is ********. With 400 expertise PvP gear, 1500 cuning and 66% surge my HS (fully talented) very rarely crits over 5k, never hit over 6k yet. Not even on lower levels cloth targets.And yes, I use Acis Blade. It is not a matter of skill here, as this are strictly equations and numbers. Without burning at least one or more consumables you do not get such a high burst.


This thread was originally BY AN OPERATIVE!

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