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How are people already lvl 50?


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I also think that a lot of the very fast levellers are making pretty good use of the quick xp to be made on space combat missions and pvp.


The xp racks up quickly in a few minutes with these added in. :)




Do the Space Missions every day.

Do the PVP Dailies every day.

Try to level with a group and do all the Heroics.

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iv played for about 3-4 hours and was barely able to get from 20-22, at this rate i will probably be lvl 50 in a few months, how are there so many lvl 50s? am i doing something wrong for leveling to be so slow or what?




As you see you're getting a lot of replies including some nasty ones about being 'bad' etc.


The question really is are you actually interested in leveling fast. Are you enjoying your play time regardless of how fast your leveling? Contrary to what some people will say there is no right or wrong way to play a game like this. It all depends on what you want to do and what you enjoy.


Some people enjoy the experience of 'power leveling' and getting to the end as efficiently as possible. Some people play a lot and what they do ends up leveling faster then what someone else is doing. Some people don't care if they level fast and do things that aren't just about getting xp and the next level as the primary focus.


None of this is right or wrong. For instance for me personally I like to push leveling to a point and by now have figured out how I could power to 50 as efficiently as possible but I'm not. I'm doing other things I enjoy. This includes playing alts already. Crafting. Standing around chatting with people and spending time gearing up companions for their level even though that gear will become obselate quicker then it's useful. For some the way I play and what I do would seem pointless and not the way they would play.


I'm not right and neither are they. We all are in relation to what we enjoy.


If you do want to get to 50 as fast as possible using the time you have to play and are having trouble figuring out how to do it or what you are doing 'wrong' then sure ask for tips and tricks.


Don't however think that you're playing 'wrong' if uber fast is not what gives you enjoyment and satisfaction with what you're doing already.

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There is a lot of ways to level up in this game.. I'm 41 just now but honestly if i hadnt waited till level 39 to try pvp and hadnt been so focused on exams lately i'd probably be 50 already..


I have been taking my sweet time though i mean i went in on early access and i've been lapping up the storylines etc but in my opinion it doesnt take much longer to level up later on then it does in the 20s and 30s.. Infact there was a few day period where i had basically ran out of credits and had my gear in a state of disrepair so i had to start looking into crafting, space combat so i could keep myself financially stable.. i'm relatively new to mmorpgs so stuff like that can happen LOL then once i made money i got distracted with upgrading my ship etc so yeah theres a lot to do.. you can level up fast but its just as fun to level up in a slower fashion.


1-20 for me where really quick because i had done it all in beta..


space combat, bonus missions (the bonuses that come in stages) on side quests with bosses (these give you WAY more xp then the main quest), herorics all give you a **** tonne of xp its not hard to level up.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I work 3rd shift, come home fall right into bed. I get up about 7 or 8 hours later, take a shower, play for maybe an hour then my gf gets home from work, I spend a few hours with her then go into work.


On my days off I get up, take a shower, go visit my parents or take care of errands, my gf gets home, I spend a few hours with her then once she goes to sleep I log on and play for 3 or 4 hours at a time.


I don't see how people find 7 or 8 hours to play everyday.



Here's my day. My 'work' only happens in Spring and Summer. Husband right now is away from home most of the time working so no need (though I'd rather that not be the case :( ) to spend time with him. Most days I get up whenever I feel like, look after all the animals, do whatever house stuff needs to be done (though not much when it's only one person), run errands or whatever though I mostly just do that one day a week. It's winter so no real outside work except shovelling or blowing snow.


Right now I have to find ways to fill all the time I have. lol


I know I have it great so not complaining but if it makes anyone feel any better once spring comes along that whole pattern changes into WORK WORK WORK...and omg when can I find time to play anything for even an hour.

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The game came out just after finals (actually during finals for me if you include early start - that was a bit awkward :x). My first month ends just before the spring semester starts.


I also got to L32 in the last week of beta, so I didn't mind blasting through the first thirty levels as fast as possible.


That honestly sums it up.

Edited by Narfwak
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i play way to much. I work but when i get home i play this game for 4 hours a night and more on the weekend. I am only level 42. I mus tbe doing it wrong or people play this game 8 hours a day.


Same as me, I feel I play this game far too much but I have one account at level 41.


The people at level 50 really do play this game far too much. I doubt most would admit it though. The games only been out around 3 weeks people even have multiple level 50 accounts it is crazy lol.


I would love to know what their '/played' time is.

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My day:


Get up at 6.30

To work at 7.45

Done at work at 16.45

Get home at 17.15

Prepare dinner 17.30-18.30 (may vary)

done eating 19.30

House work 21.30

i can play for max 2 hours a day....


been playing since Xmas and im lvl 27.... Im just taking my time

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I hit 50 in 4 days, ive never spacebar a quest, and ive done every quest available to me at least once. Bonus series and heroics included.


There is no leveling curve, there is no grind, the game is easy.


i suppose your a student? or unemployed then?

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I hit 50 in 4 days, ive never spacebar a quest, and ive done every quest available to me at least once. Bonus series and heroics included.


There is no leveling curve, there is no grind, the game is easy.


You must of played 23 hours for each of those days.

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You must of played 23 hours for each of those days.


Yup, the only people who are able to level fast are those who play all day every day. Not those who understand how efficient levelling works, did 20 levels in Beta and don't get distracted by pretending to run a twi'lek only cantina on the starter planet.

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I have a 50 with a few more on the way, some of the reasons might be...


I played from day 1 of early start so I had at most 5 days more then most. Empty areas for me to quest in and only one there thus I just went in and killed things and got my quests done.


PVP was empty so when I went in most of the time within 20 seconds I left with 16k exp, do this a few times trying to get a real game and you've made 1-2 levels.


I picked up and did all the quests, this encludes the bonus for each planet


I watched the storys and made my choices, they really don't take that long (if you want to know and watch the story but want to go faster, there are captions in the game, I can read quickly and miss nothing)


Sliceing was OP so I made all the money I needed befor level 30


I play a Merc BH so DFA and entire group is killed


I played in the beta so I already watched 90% of the content


Skilled player, some people kept dieing on fights that I took out in 1 shot (this adds up)


Was able to solo most group quest being a healer with a tank or DPS companion out


Honestly I could go on for a long time, but one point I will make, I don't play for a long time, I just use the time I do have very well, I take everything in while doing it in a timely way. Most people will try to say I don't have a life, but when I spend 2-3 hours a day playing and the rest of the night with the GF I'd say I don't.


Bottom line, some people are just better at things then you, it's life. If you take a long time and don't mind then it's good for you. If you blow past all the content without enjoying it then thats the way they enjoy it. If you're like me and can do something quickly without taking away anything from the game, then more power to yea.


TL:DR, some people are bad and want to make it look like everyone else around them has no life or is cheating some way to make up for how badly behind they are.

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I really don't get the point of power leveling. I like to enjoy the story/process. I've probably spend 30 hours easily playing jedi knight story and I'm getting close to level 23.


I'm paying for it...I want to see everything, explore everything, and do everything I can even if it doesn't get me xp.




If a game is suited to the person playing it they'll take the time to enjoy the environment and immersion as much as the story and leveling process and well - everything really. People watching the XP bar and going 'when will it end' clearly arent enjoying the game as intended and need to find something that suits them better.

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My highest lvl character is a level 36 sith inquisitor healer. Also have a lvl 12 Bounty Hunter, 18 sith warrior. If I had focused on just one character and never played anything else, I suppose its possible the inquisitor could be 50 or close to it. But ya, for those who have lvl 50's already, they must have very little to worry about in their real life.
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I've already posted this several times, but people seem to find the argument: "they must have spacebarred" to somehow be valid.


I hit level 50 after 120 hours /played. In that time I watched all cutscenes, listened to all dialogue, maxed out my tradeskills, did a few flashpoints and tried to figure out the best tanking spec. I leveled as a Sith Juggernaut in full tank spec just for reference, so I assume a dps can level a little faster. I didn't do any space missions or pvp and pretty much saw everything content wise, except a few heroic quests.


I would call that amount of time the normal amount it will take people to level up. If you are more efficient, you can do it easily in less than 100 hours. If you skip movies and speech, easily in under 80.


So it comes down to playstyle. How efficient you are, what you already know from beta, how much time you spend looking for groups instead of doing quests, and so on. Ironically, due to rested xp, people that play less SHOULD have less /played time, but usually don't.

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If a game is suited to the person playing it they'll take the time to enjoy the environment and immersion as much as the story and leveling process and well - everything really. People watching the XP bar and going 'when will it end' clearly arent enjoying the game as intended and need to find something that suits them better.


You are wrong. He mentioned in his post that he played 30 hours. I have over 10 days played on my main character at this point. Never skipped a single quest entirely. Some that appeared boring I didn't listen to the voice over and just read the subtitle. You can't generalize everyone who's high level and claim we all "missed" something.

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I have a 50 with a few more on the way, some of the reasons might be...


I played from day 1 of early start so I had at most 5 days more then most. Empty areas for me to quest in and only one there thus I just went in and killed things and got my quests done.


PVP was empty so when I went in most of the time within 20 seconds I left with 16k exp, do this a few times trying to get a real game and you've made 1-2 levels.


I picked up and did all the quests, this encludes the bonus for each planet


I watched the storys and made my choices, they really don't take that long (if you want to know and watch the story but want to go faster, there are captions in the game, I can read quickly and miss nothing)


Sliceing was OP so I made all the money I needed befor level 30


I play a Merc BH so DFA and entire group is killed


I played in the beta so I already watched 90% of the content


Skilled player, some people kept dieing on fights that I took out in 1 shot (this adds up)


Was able to solo most group quest being a healer with a tank or DPS companion out


Honestly I could go on for a long time, but one point I will make, I don't play for a long time, I just use the time I do have very well, I take everything in while doing it in a timely way. Most people will try to say I don't have a life, but when I spend 2-3 hours a day playing and the rest of the night with the GF I'd say I don't.


Bottom line, some people are just better at things then you, it's life. If you take a long time and don't mind then it's good for you. If you blow past all the content without enjoying it then thats the way they enjoy it. If you're like me and can do something quickly without taking away anything from the game, then more power to yea.


TL:DR, some people are bad and want to make it look like everyone else around them has no life or is cheating some way to make up for how badly behind they are.


Coming from playing SC2 at a high competitive level. (I'm close to GM) I just had to laugh out loud when you say "skill" and "mmo" in the same sentence rofl!

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iv played for about 3-4 hours and was barely able to get from 20-22, at this rate i will probably be lvl 50 in a few months, how are there so many lvl 50s? am i doing something wrong for leveling to be so slow or what?


Do you know that the game didn't start yesterday right? That some have been playing for 27 days now?

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Please define someone with no life...


I enjoy my life now, I am a us army vet, did multiple deployments to Iraq.. and now I choose to go to school and play games.


I'm married, have been for 8 years, happily. We are working on kids at the moment..


I am level 50, have been for a couple days now....


I don't skip cutscenes, I have completed almost all quests except most heroics, and I am often found helping my guildmates, aka friends level up.


So, before putting people in general catagories, realize that we all have lives, some of us are just different then yours.



Do I think I play too much? No. I still live my life, happily outside of this game... but then again this is my life, not yours.


Not my fault some people would secretly want my life then their own.

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Please define someone with no life...


I enjoy my life now, I am a us army vet, did multiple deployments to Iraq.. and now I choose to go to school and play games.


I'm married, have been for 8 years, happily. We are working on kids at the moment..


I am level 50, have been for a couple days now....


I don't skip cutscenes, I have completed almost all quests except most heroics, and I am often found helping my guildmates, aka friends level up.


So, before putting people in general catagories, realize that we all have lives, some of us are just different then yours.



Do I think I play too much? No. I still live my life, happily outside of this game... but then again this is my life, not yours.


Not my fault some people would secretly want my life then their own.


This. Have some respect for your fellow players, because you never know who is behind the keyboard. Peoples ignorance and hate leads to insulting heroes such as this man. People need to learn some tolerance and respect.

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