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The 99 percent against the 1 percent that want add on's


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Why should we have add on's so that the 1 percent coming from wow can have that familiar feeling? Add on's are not required in order to play or enjoy a game. People have been hitting 50 across the broad, doing flash point's with no problem ALL WITHOUT the use of any millions of add on that wow offer's.


Do we NEED them ..no. So that 1 percent can test out their DPS? LIES. Just like when the guy running for office tells you he's for household values. IT'S A TRAP. Oh my, as soon as add on's like recount are added. EVERYTHING will change. Instead of warm welcome to your group it will be REQUIRED DPS. It will no longer be FUN. It will be work.


Then the copy and paste of talent spec's. No longer will seperate talent spec's be unique. Everyone will copy the exact same for max DPS. Clones of each other. Then the fighting in community "You suck l2play moar dps"...if people say that won't happen. They are lying to you.


This game has been doing FINE without add on's. I don't want this to become WOW2. I don't need add on's in order to my DPS and neither does anyone else. And that's that word.

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Why should we have add on's so that the 1 percent coming from wow can have that familiar feeling? Add on's are not required in order to play or enjoy a game. People have been hitting 50 across the broad, doing flash point's with no problem ALL WITHOUT the use of any millions of add on that wow offer's.


Do we NEED them ..no. So that 1 percent can test out their DPS? LIES. Just like when the guy running for office tells you he's for household values. IT'S A TRAP. Oh my, as soon as add on's like recount are added. EVERYTHING will change. Instead of warm welcome to your group it will be REQUIRED DPS. It will no longer be FUN. It will be work.


Then the copy and paste of talent spec's. No longer will seperate talent spec's be unique. Everyone will copy the exact same for max DPS. Clones of each other. Then the fighting in community "You suck l2play moar dps"...if people say that won't happen. They are lying to you.


This game has been doing FINE without add on's. I don't want this to become WOW2. I don't need add on's in order to my DPS and neither does anyone else. And that's that word.


I don't want addons, personally, but you shouldn't assume you know how many people do/don't. It makes you look like an idiot.

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your stats are incorrect, quit making threads with stats that have no basis, you act like wow is the only mmo to offer addons. Addons have been a intricate part of ANY mmo worth its salt for the past decade. It doesnt matter if its possible to get by without them, did you know its possible to live off rice and water, but sorry id much rather eat steak. You are the problem with this game, people who want a inferior game... you are the reason this game will die, because you seem to believe that a mmo with the features of a 2000 game will be good somehow in 2012. Sorry it wont, and its not a bad thing to incorporate the features the MMO community as a whole (BEYOND WOW) have decided is good.


Also for you fools who hate everything WoW, should prob wise up and face reality. WoW is the MMO market, nothing can compare to it, and if you want a shot to compete with such a giant, if you cant do EVERYTHING they do perfectly... then improve on an aspect, you wont be able to compete. SWTOR improved on an aspect but left all the bells and whistles behind, which is why the population will drop off big time in the coming months. Maybe thats good in your opinion but again you dont seem too bright, less players = less money = less developement. You can bet your bottom dollar, bioware doesnt want us to "go back to wow".

Edited by Nfinite
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You think it's 1 percent?


This is absurd.


This games entire design philosophy is moving closer towards wow in every way. Not further apart.


If you don't like wow, do what all of us are that don't anymore and unsubscribe.


Dual spec, dungeon finder, mods, it's all coming man.... It's inevitable.

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Why should we have add on's so that the 1 percent coming from wow can have that familiar feeling? Add on's are not required in order to play or enjoy a game. People have been hitting 50 across the broad, doing flash point's with no problem ALL WITHOUT the use of any millions of add on that wow offer's.


Do we NEED them ..no. So that 1 percent can test out their DPS? LIES. Just like when the guy running for office tells you he's for household values. IT'S A TRAP. Oh my, as soon as add on's like recount are added. EVERYTHING will change. Instead of warm welcome to your group it will be REQUIRED DPS. It will no longer be FUN. It will be work.


Then the copy and paste of talent spec's. No longer will seperate talent spec's be unique. Everyone will copy the exact same for max DPS. Clones of each other. Then the fighting in community "You suck l2play moar dps"...if people say that won't happen. They are lying to you.


This game has been doing FINE without add on's. I don't want this to become WOW2. I don't need add on's in order to my DPS and neither does anyone else. And that's that word.


whatever....if YOU dont want addons then DONT use them. this debate is old, nobody forces you to use them. nobody forces wow players to use a cookie cutter spec.

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Do we NEED addons? No

Would it be helpful? Yes. And I'm mostly talking about addons that makes it possible to customize bags, panels en UI in general.


It's a good idea to not just talk about addons, but the nature of addons. Addons can be bots. But addons can also be just simple changes to the look and feel.

So there is no such thing as addons. An "addon" could be integrated in game as well.

I would prefer people talk about functions.


1%? i doubt it.

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No matter if the numbers are arbitrary, the fact is that it seems to be a small minority of people that want or need add-on's, LFG tools and the such.


A LFG tool is only good if it is for the server you are on only and that it looks nothing like the WoW version. Something along the lines of DDO's LFG tool is what would be halfway decent.

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The add-on discussion will probably die down on January 21st, 2012.


I could be completely wrong, but I think that many of the people from WOW are the ones advocating this system.



why that exact date ?

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Why should we have add on's so that the 1 percent coming from wow can have that familiar feeling? Add on's are not required in order to play or enjoy a game. People have been hitting 50 across the broad, doing flash point's with no problem ALL WITHOUT the use of any millions of add on that wow offer's.


Do we NEED them ..no. So that 1 percent can test out their DPS? LIES. Just like when the guy running for office tells you he's for household values. IT'S A TRAP. Oh my, as soon as add on's like recount are added. EVERYTHING will change. Instead of warm welcome to your group it will be REQUIRED DPS. It will no longer be FUN. It will be work.


Then the copy and paste of talent spec's. No longer will seperate talent spec's be unique. Everyone will copy the exact same for max DPS. Clones of each other. Then the fighting in community "You suck l2play moar dps"...if people say that won't happen. They are lying to you.


This game has been doing FINE without add on's. I don't want this to become WOW2. I don't need add on's in order to my DPS and neither does anyone else. And that's that word.


Because optimizing DPS and rotations for classes/specs is detrimental to the game...right?


Seriously, if i'm going to do all that I can to maximize my DPS and do my job for the group; i'd like others to do the same. And if we're beating our heads against a wall on a boss encounter and there's a weak link in the group, i'd certainly like to know who it was.

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You clearly have no idea what u are talking about.



You want mods to find your quests for you

You want mods to tell you if a monster is going to wreck you

You want mods to find dungeons for you

You want mods to tell you your DPS


In other words, you don't want to think.



Sure a could UI only mods could, lets you add more short cuts or something, I suppose be helpful, but not by giving an unfair advantage to those not using the mods.


Not everyone is going to use mods, those who don't are going to end up shunned in groups or guilds, I personally don't want to ever find my self in the situation where I get declined from some guild because I don't have a little thing on my screen that tells me how hard I murder people.

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I'm against it myself, I just don't see the problems with the current UI. It just seems allot of people wanting Mods, just want to think less and less an add on do it for them.


The default UI is atrocious. Having addons to move buffs, and procs around and move my action bars and health so I don't have to look at 50 thousand different things on my screen and actually be able to pay attention to my surroundings.


Addons like damage meters lets people know *** they are doing and if they are doing rotations correctly. It also enables for certain DPS/Healing requirements for fights to see if you actually have enough to do it.


There is NOTHING wrong with addons. Why are people so against them? Addons were one of the best things of World of Warcraft. Bascially since early BWL and onward I used a custom UI and never used the default UI. That customization is the MOST amazing draw to an MMO. It's one reason I could not stand other games that didn't offer that customization. People want and have their own way they want the UI to look or what they are used to. I like all my information of what I need to know to make sure I am doing stuff right in the center of my screen. I don't like, as of right now, to be staring at the bottom of my screen literally at all times watching for procs and buff stacks.

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The anti add on people come up with the funniest nonsensical reasons for their stance. You know most of them read somewhere that add-ons = hax or something, so they spout this drivel about lazy, or want stuff done for them. Hilarious if they weren't actively trying to make this game worse for everyone based on ignorance.
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