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What lesson have we learned from EA and Bioware with this launch?


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That whilst staggering access sounds good in practice really it simply pisses off 90% of your customer base. Especially if you only allow 10-15% in during the first 5 phases.



Stop judging the communities opinion based on the forum posters, you are not even 1% of the gamer base; you are simply the ones to bellyache the most. the ones who are never happy with anything. Stop making up statistics when you don't even know what they mean. And stop making up numbers that you almost certainly don't really have access to.



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Are people serious? Preordering is to you make sure you get a copy and they arent sold out for launch. Preorder bonuses can be anything. All games are different. Bioware gave us a crystal and early access. They coulda just given us a crystal and we'd be waiting till the 20th. Early access is a gift not an entitlement. People drive me nuts.
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I dont know which part of pre-order you didn`t understand. Pre-order means exactly the day early access started. If you think that buying a pre-order doesn`t give you the right of playing a pre-order but its a bonus, then you must be jar jar binks relative.


I didn't buy preorder ... I preordered the game which I will buy. The money that I spent on preorder were deduced from the price of the game.

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There's another reason to stagger access--spreading people out across game areas. Back when WoW launched, the starter areas *coughTeldrasilcough* were packed with players. The AQ opening event lagged the entire continent and crashed servers. The new spawn-rate algorithm with TBC had mobs repopping on top of you before you could loot their corpses for a couple days.


Enjoy not having to deal with any of that.

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What have we learned from this pre-order thing?


If you tell people "Pre-order soon and you will get some extra play time but we are going to stagger how often you get in" It is expected that the guy who pre-ordered in December gets to begin playing at the same time as the guy who pre-ordered in July.

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Stop judging the communities opinion based on the forum posters, you are not even 1% of the gamer base; you are simply the ones to bellyache the most. the ones who are never happy with anything. Stop making up statistics when you don't even know what they mean. And stop making up numbers that you almost certainly don't really have access to.




Stop telling me what to do. Perhaps forums are not the venue for you. Start a blog if you want to censor other peoples opinions.

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If this staggered launch goes as slow as day one ill never ever again pre-order anything from bioware/EA.


Whats the logic of pre-ordering a product at day 1 that you know crap about it because they hide everything afraid of criticism besides being a blind fanboy that would buy a devs used condom?


Smart consumers MUST know what they are buying before putting their money on something. Pre-ordering to have 1 week behind blind customers is the same as buying retail, or worse.


What ive learned from launch was that biowares new mmo community is a bunch of spoiled brats. hopefully some of them clear out.

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What you should learn about being human first


1. Don't ever expect anything to be what it should be


2. You are not entitled. Period. How is Bioware going to have any sense of organization among chaos expect to go by "first come, first serve"


3. Impatience leads to anger. Anger leads to Rage. Rage leads to the Darkside, hmm Yes.


Pfft! Yeah, like letting millions of frothing fanboys access at the same time would be any different then letting in a limited number at a time. Servers would be suffering heart attacks and the gerbils wouldn't be able to keep them running (think of the gerbil's man!) as millions of nerds gangbag that "Launch Button" and get stuck in limbo.


As for screaming about level 50s....so what? Level 50 is the end, there is nothing there. If it takes only a few days to get there...you will only be a few days behind so don't PVP by walking into the lion's den with a raw steak stuck in your pants. Also...they won't have the bestest of the best best gear...which will take time more then a few days early access to accumulate so there won't be a huge advantage of your crap gear and he has 2-3. Also...if someone else does it learn from them to avoid their mistakes yourself...kind of like that "Learning from the past to avoid the same mistakes" idiom of knowledge.


So yeah, keep proving how stupid most of humanity that thinks they are entitled and should be given everything without being patient because mass chaos storming the gates always works in the movies when civillians run over the army checkpoints in the movies :rolleyes: and that is what would happen to the SWTOR servers.

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I dont know which part of pre-order you didn`t understand. Pre-order means exactly the day early access started. If you think that buying a pre-order doesn`t give you the right of playing a pre-order but its a bonus, then you must be jar jar binks relative.


And I do not know which part of this line you didnt understand 'MAY PLAY UP TO' I am not english yet I did understand what it means very clearly. They never promised you 5 days. It would be 1 hour to 1 day to 5 days. What are you moaning all about really?


Yes Early Access is a bonus item. What would happen if they wouldnt decide for an Early Access? Would you wait till 20th to order? I would pre-order it no matter what. I just want my game and rest is bonus.


You are in the line of free cookies and you moan over and over to get one so badly.


I wish you could look to yourself through someone else's eyes (i.e through my eyes), then you could understand how funny you sound in this case...

Edited by Joshbonrise
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Are people serious? Preordering is to you make sure you get a copy and they arent sold out for launch. Preorder bonuses can be anything. All games are different. Bioware gave us a crystal and early access. They coulda just given us a crystal and we'd be waiting till the 20th. Early access is a gift not an entitlement. People drive me nuts.




1. Pre ordering ANY game simply guarantees that there will be a copy available to you on the day of launch - nothing more.


2. Pre orders are usually taken via a small deposit which is deducted from the purchase price - YOU HAVE NOT PAID EXTRA.


2. The bonus items associated with the Pre Order were stated well in advance, as was the criteria and rollout process for early access.


3. The official launch of this game is 20th December, we have been given early access as both a gift for the player and a strategic opportunity for BW to stagger the rollout - everybody wins.


4. If you were too suspicious, too negative or too reading impaired to get your code entered early - that is your own fault and no one elses.


It does not matter how many threads you morons make claiming conspiracy, you just failed to read and understand what you were ordering.


Ignorance is NOT an excuse and it is not BW's problem either.



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Are people serious? Preordering is to you make sure you get a copy and they arent sold out for launch. Preorder bonuses can be anything. All games are different. Bioware gave us a crystal and early access. They coulda just given us a crystal and we'd be waiting till the 20th. Early access is a gift not an entitlement. People drive me nuts.


I'll say it again at the point of sale in some territories part of the deal was to get into the game first. No caveats or small print pre order and be first through the headstart. "Be the first to explore the fate of the Old Republic. Pre-order today!" It was sold as the whole reason to pre-order, to get into the game first. In the UK (one of those territories) it seems like they are in clear breach of the 79 sale of goods act.

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I don't get it at all, the whole thing is an advantage, I don't see any drawback right know, but some guys need to complain in order to feel better as it seems.


1. You buy early, you get earlier access: I trusted Bioware to deliver a good game and bought it on first occassion. I'm getting rewarded for this trustfulness, so where's the catch?

2. This way they can ensure a smooth start, did you ever participate in a launch of a big MMO before? Maybe you had queues, server breakdowns, disconnects by the minute? I've played yesterday evening and I had nothing from the above...I leave it to you tofigure out the reason...

3. You could pre-order it, play the open beta weekend and cancel if you didn't like it! Tha's better as a test, that's all the look & feel for free, like a demo.

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Stop judging the communities opinion based on the forum posters, you are not even 1% of the gamer base; you are simply the ones to bellyache the most. the ones who are never happy with anything. Stop making up statistics when you don't even know what they mean. And stop making up numbers that you almost certainly don't really have access to.




Can you stop trying to tell me what to do ? Thanks.


P.S. and yeah, writing in caps does not make you cooler or smarter.

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I'll say it again at the point of sale in some territories part of the deal was to get into the game first. No caveats or small print pre order and be first through the headstart. "Be the first to explore the fate of the Old Republic. Pre-order today!" It was sold as the whole reason to pre-order, to get into the game first. In the UK (one of those territories) it seems like they are in clear breach of the 79 sale of goods act.


Are you serious?


I'm from the UK and your logic is pathetic.


"Be the first to explore the fate of the Old Republic" does NOT mean anything close to "Pre Order and you will be in the game before anyone else"....


If you had read the information available in the UK like I did you would have known well in advance that activation of early access was based SOLELY on when you entered your code.


That is the defining point here, not some marketing blurb.



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