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(R.I.G) Trying to bring common courtesy and friendliness back to gaming


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Ty-Odi - I was interested in checking out the info in your signature, but the link no longer works.


Hi Nayala,


I think the original forum thread in Ty-Odi's post had been wiped with the forum wipe-down for release. Give it time though, Ty-Odi loves writing wall'o'texts (lol) and I'm sure he'll have another one up soon :)


As for the RIG link - that should still work! Any questions, feel free to give me or Ty-Odi a shout :)

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Hi Nayala,


I think the original forum thread in Ty-Odi's post had been wiped with the forum wipe-down for release. Give it time though, Ty-Odi loves writing wall'o'texts (lol) and I'm sure he'll have another one up soon :)


As for the RIG link - that should still work! Any questions, feel free to give me or Ty-Odi a shout :)




Ok...its true...lol. :)


And yeah, sadly that thread has now been lost to the ether...upset by that actually and probably should have saved that some place?...hmmm....may have done actually, let me see if I can dig it up, and if so, will pop a link to it on here :)

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What server(s) can I find RIG representatives on?


Well the main server is a EST PVE server (Juyo) (even I play on it and I am from the UK lol)


But there are a few other servers which members from other regions and play styles have opted for.




Is the thread in which this is being discussed and people are letting others know where they are. :)


If you have any problems finding one to suit you, drop me a PM, and I will see what I can do to help :)

Edited by Ty-Odi
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As dusty old gear lovers we have been a part of RIG for some time now.

It has been great to see the community grow and to meet all those great people.

As one of the few PvE-EU guilds we hope to see some European RIG neighbours soon, to throw in some EU counterweight to the EST guilds and ballance things out :D


@ Ty: want to borrow our vacuum cleaner, there is some nostalgic dust in your Sig :rolleyes:

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The sentiment is admirable, and I am sure the multiple guilds and communities that have signed the charter are upstanding members to the respectful-gamer-ideal.


Just curious how you guys react to players that are definitely not worthy of respect. The charter outlined above seems to be all-inclusive, that every player should be treated with courtesy and respect, no matter their temperment.


I am talking about Joker-archetype characters: the die hard trolls, the body snatchers, the backstabbers, the angries, the drama kings/queens, watch the world burn, etc. Do you always turn the other cheek and give the guys/gals a second chance should you meet such a character again? Or do you /block, /ignore, turn your back and cut that character out your gaming experience?

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The sentiment is admirable, and I am sure the multiple guilds and communities that have signed the charter are upstanding members to the respectful-gamer-ideal.


Just curious how you guys react to players that are definitely not worthy of respect. The charter outlined above seems to be all-inclusive, that every player should be treated with courtesy and respect, no matter their temperment.


I am talking about Joker-archetype characters: the die hard trolls, the body snatchers, the backstabbers, the angries, the drama kings/queens, watch the world burn, etc. Do you always turn the other cheek and give the guys/gals a second chance should you meet such a character again? Or do you /block, /ignore, turn your back and cut that character out your gaming experience?


Entirely down to the individual, and the individual guilds in all honesty mate. :)


Me personally? Well I am a pretty patient fella, I will excuse ignorance even rudeness on occasion, but I am also obviously human, and yeah, if someone annoys the living daylights out of me, or is nothing but an problem, always rude, trying to turn people against one another simply to get their kicks?


Well this carebear has teeth....lol. And trust me it can be far more scary when I show them because it is so incredibly rare that I do lol, it really does take someone to seriously try and wind me up before I will react. And well, by then they will have had plenty of warning, so when I snap back...tough really, lol.


Seriously in an MMO, I can simply ignore it, or change toons. The chances of actually annoying me are pretty slim. It is rarely an individual who gets to me in a game, it is more the community as a whole..If we look at certain games from the past, I adored MMO's even bad ones such as SWG simply because of the people who played them, they were an awesome bunch. :)


In other games..they have been decent games but because there were simply soooooo many a-hats around, or the general levels of respect and friendliness were so poor? Meh, I quit them.


That is what I and the rest of RiG are trying to do here, not chastise those who do bad things on a person by person basis, but to try and bring a group of people together who try to act the right way, and are friendly, helpful and just all round decent folk to hang out with. :)


If you have enough good people around you? The odd a-hat has so little affect its not even worth worrying about :)

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I'm all for in-faction common courtesy and respect. But I regret to inform you that the PvP Machine is fueled by ego, anger, and tears.


Thank you for your time.


Really? I managed to PVP for many years without any of those requirements and fairly successfully as well??


I honestly do not see any benefit to acting like an a-hat (not saying you do) to the opposition in PVP it does not give any benefit nor is it even needed? And yes…I have heard this so called ‘Psychological edge’ nonesense that some have spout lol, and honestly? No it doesn’t, it just irritates people until they have enough of it after a number of months and thus they stop doing it, the only looser in it, are the players who want to PVP because they end up with less and less people willing to take part in it or even try it…. yeah boxers use it before a fight…but lets be fair, they are not exactly the brightest guys on the planet…and the same goes from my perspective to those who use it in PVP. If you make an environment hostile, and no fun to take part in? People don’t. If you harass and belittle people for trying to learn? They stop. End result? You are then responsible for killing the thing you profess to love so much….and yeah, I have seen it in so many games it is unreal. Its great for the few, but it excludes soooooo many others because of it, and PVP in almost every MMO I have played in the last few years is little more than niche crowd of people, were before almost everyone at least dabbled in it from time to time, and it was fun. I used to adore PVP now I just avoid it. Honestly it is such a shame. PVP should be the pinnacle of an MMO. The challenge of beating fellow players is always a greater buzz and unknown than a more stagnant and instructed NPC opponent. Its such a shame the PVP community ruin it by and large.


If you look for competitive edge, compare that to those sports which are also very competitive, motorsport, tennis, golf, cricket, rugby….and so on….they are all fiercely competitive sports, yet none of those who compete at the very highest level feel they need to use ego, anger or tears in order to be the best at it, in fact you tend to find those who truly are the best are among the most humble and friendly people in the business.


So no, I don’t feel it is needed in PVP, I honestly think it is simply used as an excuse by many players.

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I'm all for in-faction common courtesy and respect. But I regret to inform you that the PvP Machine is fueled by ego, anger, and tears.


Thank you for your time.


Haha! This actually did make me chuckle!


Even if you're a player "fueled by ego, anger and tears", there can still be a place within RIG for you! As long as the mutual respect is held :)


Either way, we definitely promote a good, enjoyable, and solid playerbase for anyone willing to look us up.

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Liaison? That sounds like you have something romantic planned.



It's very nice to be ingame with RiG, whether you're in a guild or not. I have disabled general chat and follow the RiG channel and the guild channel. It's very refreshing :)

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