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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Not perfect, but very enjoyable nonetheless.




There are bugs in the game.


Flickering screens (weird it only happens on my new toons).


Then there was the time I could not log in with "Server Not Responding" (even using all the fixes suggested).


The ability delay doing pvp totally turned me off playing on a my Jedi, but still a blast on my Trooper.


Even at level 50 I am enjoying the game.


When this game no longer becomes fun I will move on.


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1 for voice acting

1 for story


other than that everything is disaster it's not even a game it's unfinished project with bad customer support and some failures whom call themselves dev team.


The only thing going to be remembered in the MMO community is the lol event Illuim..

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I Really want to give it a 9, but at the moment there are issues that keep the game from being truly great, such as the lack of an LFG system and the state of Illum.


However if they can fix illum, and keep up the regular updates with as much quality we got in the first patch, as well as keep adressing concerns as we have seen lately, such as the Delay issue, they could easily get back to a solid 9 as one of the best mmo's out there, right now its not great, just a really good and solid fundation that stands above the average release we tend to get.

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I concur this this statement. RPG, great, MMO... umm not so much.



As an RPG - 7/10


- So far as an RPG its more enjoyable than KotoR, and has more customiseability than Dragon Age: Origins. The class quests are enjoyable and I'm very fond of the multiplayer conversation innovation, which I use to the fullest with my 2 best friends and girlfriend.


As an MMO - 1/10


- Basically, there's no MMO. Worlds are all sharded/instanced. Even though I'm running on a PvP server, the worlds seem to be made to run in as little resistance as possible. Its the same **** we've already seen a 1000 times, only much much worse. At least all the other MMO's I've played had a seamless world, without too many loading bars.



A very expensive, but decent RPG. Horrible MMO. Game would be better off F2P (if you ask me). I will /subscribe when I'm through with the story.

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Solid 7 overall. Needs lots of improvement. But it's an enjoyable game nonetheless. It's well worth it's price and 30 days of free gameplay.


I won't be resubscribing until march when update 1.2 hits.

Edited by Picoom
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I'm rapidly losing interesting and due to the times for their frequent maintenance/patching being during the day or early evening I've been starting to play other games instead. Now I'm trying to decide which to stick with.


I might take a break and come back later but I don't know yet.


Obviously maintenance isn't my sole concern. I could write a long list and many of those things they may well get round to fixing eventually.

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6/10 from me.


Game has alot of problems that it shouldn't have, its a fun game to play while your leveling , but replay value is extremely low, the cut scenes , and voice acting are fun to watch the first go around , but gets old fast. PvP gameplay isn't as smooth as its competitors.

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There are a few bugs, but that's predictable in any MMO release. It's actually fairly bug-free and smooth, relative to most MMO launches. It also has a lot of content at release.


Furthermore, I enjoy the story and choices a lot, and I get attached to my characters extremely easily, which is something many MMOs can't say. The single-player content is immensely fun, for me, and the group content is fairly well done, too.


Overall, I'm enjoying it more than WoW, and it's my third MMO, whereas WoW was my first. I'm sure everybody here knows the sheer power of nostalgia, and the first time you enter a new genre, so I can safely say TOR is a good game, for my personal preferences.


Others may disagree, and I accept that.

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6/10 Levelling - Its pretty much a click grind fest. Kill a bazillion mobs on the way into cave/dungeon, kill the same amount on way out. Voice acting gets irratable after a while, as do loading screens. Oh and lots of walking/speeder travel. Yawn.


2/10 PVP - Just a stun fest joke. Really not much to enjoy here (Im even not talking into account Ilum)


5/10 Endgame - Flashpoints are just so bad its untrue. Adding an enrage timer does not make the boss more interesting. Fact.


4/10 Social/MMO - Not really much scope for social/role playing in this game, and crafting if just the biggest pile of turd ever.


8/10 IP - Being in a star wars universe is cooooool.

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Not sure what to rate the game at now, I still enjoy the game thou.


10/10 as soon as:

1. Performance issues are fixed

2. Ability Delay is gone

3. PvP gives a meaning

4. All known bugs are addressed

5. Most of the community requested GUI features are added

6. Some toggle options to override certain things are added

7. High Quality Textures are re-added

8. More proper raid content is added

9. Proper AA is implemented

Edited by Mineria
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Not sure what to rate the game at now, I still enjoy the game thou.


10/10 as soon as:

1. Performance issues are fixed

2. Ability Delay is gone

3. PvP gives a meaning

4. All known bugs are addressed

5. Most of the community requested GUI features are added

6. Some toggle options to override certain things are added

7. High Quality Textures are re-added

8. More proper raid content is added

9. Proper AA is implemented


I concur. The problems are understandable, it being within the first few months of launch. So, if they fixed it, I could easily feel secure in giving TOR a 10, based on my preferences.

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Excellent game overall, something that i enjoy playing at the moment, there are problems and things that need to be fixed or added but i am sure it will all happen in due time.


RPG and STORY element in SWTOR is superb and this title has no real competition in that department.


This game has a TON of content and it has a better replay value than any of it's competitors, especially with the upcoming implementation of it's Legacy system, those who claim that this is not the case are simply being ignorant.


Not to mention the fact that Bioware seems to be set on delivering new content on regular basis.


They need to do something very soon to boost the popularity of the Republic faction though.

Edited by Vlacke
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PVP - 1/10 - TOTAL WASTE OF TIME... way to imbalanced even tho they have moved lvl50's out to there own warzone.


PVE (Solo) - 6/10 .. lets be honest this is nothing more than a soloist game with a guild page and an LFG flag on your name.... XP is sooo easy to accumulate so just go 3-5lvls over the quest and its a cake walk... raids a bit more taxing (if they work) and pugging is purely ninja inviting and spamming general chat, pleading for people to join ya... when there are only say 9 or 10 people on the planet anyway ... awful


PVE - (Grp) - 2/10 .. SEE ABOVE... worst MMO i've played even with a guild your limited to only 4 people unless your at raid level... worst MMO i've played for grp play.


All in all I am just looking forward to the official release date of the game and this extended BETA is over... OOH WAIT Yeah I remember reading somewhere that they stated the official release date was supposedly just before christmas 2010... HMMMMM !! :eek:

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