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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Buggy at times, but nothing major at least to me. Server community is generally pleasant. Lovely story and characters, except Ugnaunts. Generally, best launch I have seen. I cannot wait to see what the future will bring.

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10/10 would be perfect ... no game will ever reach this score ;)

9/10 not now, to fresh, still some MINOR problems


But it was a good start with lot's of content (YES! Your problem if you rush 50 and skip it all!).

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I bother playing because, like I said, I love the actual gameplay. But the story is written by a bunch of amateurs.


"Hello mister Sith"


"what's up fool?"


"we need some rats killed"


"sounds like a job for me, better get my credits ready!!"


....run 10 minutes, kill 5 rats, run back 10 minutes....


"thanks for killing the rats, the Empire loves you"


"yea, yea, gimme credits already"


The End!!


What a great story!!! I was totally into it!

What's always bothered me is some like level 45 elite will be telling me how important it is that I go out and kill 10 level 15 rats. This is just pure lazy. They don't even try to think of a reason why that guy just cant do it himself. Used to bother me hugely in WoW... surprised new titles keep copying this.

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-Lackluster Class design.

-Bloated Class design.

-Imbalanced Class design. I'm looking at you Assassins/Sorcs/Commandos/Counsilars/Shadows.

-Systems delay bugs.

-Animation delay issues.

-Lack of a functioning UI.

-Physics bugs.

-Terrain Bugs.

-AI bugs on elevators that cause your Companion to evade bug mobs.

-Texture bugs. Including system performance bugs like settings not being able to be saved.

-Limited lightsaber colors. We see Purple lighsabers on NPC all the time yet they are almost non existent in game.

- Imbalance among mirror class.

- Imbalance among mirror design between Republic and Empire factions.

- Limited Voice acting choices for Characters.

- Restrained combat.

- Lack of variety and flavor in each class.

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10/10 would be perfect ... no game will ever reach this score ;)

9/10 not now, to fresh, still some MINOR problems


But it was a good start with lot's of content (YES! Your problem if you rush 50 and skip it all!).



Do me a favor and tell me what the proper length of time it should take to reach 50. I'd really hate to "rush" another character.

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PvP 3/10. They could easily make this a 9 if they gave better XP for doing warzones. The attractive part of other MMOs is that you can level in more than one way. You shouldn't have to spend 10x the amount of time doing PvP to equal the XP of a single quest in PvE. That is just BAD design.


PvE 2/10. If you aren't 100% vested in the story then you are screwed because you are doing the same exact quest 99.9% of the time. Republic and Empire share too many planets too early on to make leveling an alt feel like a worthwhile undertaking.


Overall = 2.5/10


*Comparing to WoW and Rift. Rift leveling sucked, but they were/are all about endgame and their PvE endgame is one of the best IMHO...but their PvP was HORRID...even worse than TOR. WoW had/has the best leveling experience, the best PvP, but I think their endgame is poopy.

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overall 8/10


quite a number of bugs need to be solve, overall the graphics is really awesome(the details of it just goes showing how much work they have done). Gameplay enjoyable but laggy issue causes minus 0.5 from me. Quite a number of improvement still have to be made

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Level 50, cleared EV and Bonethrasher normal mode, lvl 27 valor, have a full set of 126/136+ purps in every slot, all storage unlocks, all non-social non-1.5 mill mounts, full set of lvl5 purps on my ship and companions are decked out in 50s gear, played all flashpoints, done hard modes, etc


Right now I'd give it a 6/10 for a severe lack of content, bugs up the wazoo not being fixed, no mods, severe lack of quality of life features, linear leveling (meaning there's no reason to ever level an alt unless you change factions)

Edited by Gvaz
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