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News of bug demises have been wildly exaggerated


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Is it just me feeling uncomfortable about the way Bioware seems to be "fixing" bugs?


Why are there so many bug fix claims on patch notes that nobody seems to actually notice in game?


And, more important, are this just signs of incompetence, or just plain deliberate lies?


To have bugs at the start of a new MMO is acceptable by industry standards (even if they shouldn't be by customer standards but that's a different debate), but to post patch notes claiming fixes that can't be verified by players in game is not the way to go.


Having bugs is annoying, logging in after a patch with a smile because that bug that's been pissing you is finally gone, only to find it's still there is a big blow to morale. From there to moving on to the next MMO, it's a much shorter road.


Bioware should really get their act together. One thing is to have flaws, another is to make your customers angry by lying to them (willingly or not)

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First of all, you're posting on the wrong part of the forums.


Second, one of the core principles of software testing is that you can't prove the absence of bugs. If they fix a bug and test it internally and it no longer occurs on their machines, then they can assume it is most likely fixed for everybody else, but since they can't have every possible hardware configuration in their offices (let alone test all those) they (nor any other developer) can't ever guarantee that the bug is truly gone for everyone.


That said, I'm not sure what you're on about, so far most bugs they reported fixed were indeed fixed on my system.

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I would have to take someone's word about bug fixes over my personal experience, that of my guild and the posts on the forums. It will only probably mean that he/she was not affected by the majority of bugs that have been claimed fixed without that being the case.


There's a rather unusual amount of bugs claimed to be fixed and not being found so by a very large number of people.

That, is a fact, the rest is speculation and fanboism. The fact remains.

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I would have to take someone's word about bug fixes over my personal experience, that of my guild and the posts on the forums. It will only probably mean that he/she was not affected by the majority of bugs that have been claimed fixed without that being the case.


There's a rather unusual amount of bugs claimed to be fixed and not being found so by a very large number of people.

That, is a fact, the rest is speculation and fanboism. The fact remains.


Care to list these bugs that have claimed to be fixed but are not, or were you hoping you never actually had to list any and could just complain in a general direction.

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Care to list these bugs that have claimed to be fixed but are not, or were you hoping you never actually had to list any and could just complain in a general direction.


No because clear troll is clearly trolling.

Mainly because he used to word Fact without any evidence, said fanboy, and hasn't used an ounce of logic in either of his posts, move along.

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Hi folks,


If you are playing in the Public Test Server and finding that bugs still exist that were supposedly fixed, please post about them in the PTS forum here:


Public Test Server Forum


It would help us greatly if you could let us know exactly which fixes aren't working so we can do something about it.


Also, please be reminded of the following guidelines regarding feedback and the forums, as posted by our Senior Community Coordinator Allison Berryman.


A reminder about feedback and the Forums – please read


Constructive, well-reasoned feedback that offers specific suggestions about what you as players would like to see is extremely useful to us, and we’d like to see more feedback of this nature. However, feedback that states “this game sucks” and doesn’t offer actual suggestions about how to improve the game is not useful and only serves to incite argument, which in turn can make the forums very unfriendly to those who are looking to constructively discuss the game.


We will be closing more threads that do not offer constructive feedback or have degenerated into unhelpful flame wars. We expect everyone on the Forums to respect each other, even when disagreeing, and will not tolerate insults or disrespectful posts. Please remember to use the flag feature to report posts that violate the rules to our Community Representatives – don’t fight! Responding in kind to someone who has broken the rules only makes a thread worse.


For this reason, we are closing this thread now.


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