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An attempt to talk about endgame rationally.


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Not really, the amount of money they need to keep up the voice acting for everything (unless they cut the voice acting some) will mean they need as many subs as possible.


Keep up the voice acting? I believe they only need money to keep the servers running. Anyone who is demanding fixes for endgame bugs are hilarious. They're know of the bugs, they're working on it...they don't need a bunch of 12 year old kids at the dinner table pounding their forks and knives shouting WE WANT WE WANT

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Keep up the voice acting? I believe they only need money to keep the servers running. Anyone who is demanding fixes for endgame bugs are hilarious. They're know of the bugs, they're working on it...they don't need a bunch of 12 year old kids at the dinner table pounding their forks and knives shouting WE WANT WE WANT


any reason to insult your opponent?


So far.. Defenders of the game insulting opponents: 4

People who are upset with the state of affairs insulting opponents: 0

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Keep up the voice acting? I believe they only need money to keep the servers running. Anyone who is demanding fixes for endgame bugs are hilarious. They're know of the bugs, they're working on it...they don't need a bunch of 12 year old kids at the dinner table pounding their forks and knives shouting WE WANT WE WANT


And the next time you go out for Fried Chicken, would you be happy if they handed you an egg and said, sit on this for a while and you're order will be ready in a year. Also, you're going to pay us each month while we get your chicken ready.

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Having been at this since Ultima Online, Anarchy Online, WoW and now this - there's one lesson I finally learned.


There's absolutely no point in rushing at release.

I did it in AO, and ended up fiddling my thumbs at top level.

I did it in WoW and ended up fiddling my thumbs waiting for Molten Core and Onyxia to even open up properly.


Right now? I have a bunch of characters sitting at +/- lvl 30 / 40, slowly leveling each one of them, taking in the stories and scenery, exploring nooks and crannies and just generally taking a relaxed approach.


And I must be doing it right, since I'm still enjoying the game immensely, any bugs I've found are in the realm of minor annoyances, and I still have that drive to login every night and "get some levels!" :cool:


It did take me 3 MMO releases, but I learned the lesson. hehe

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Ok since we can talk like adults in here.


MMO's launch with little to no end game content for a reason.


Woo damn does that feel good to get off my chest. First of all they dont add anything end game content wise for the 30 free days to get rid of the cancer. Second they wait until the masses start hitting end game and then <insert MMO company> gauges what the player base would like to see for new end game content.


Why add new end game content for the first hundred or so 50's? why cater to the guys who will jump ship when the next MMO comes out? plus the people who rush are such a small group that to take what they want and turn it to end game content might be the exact opposite of what the masses want to see for end game content.


Measured responces make lasting games.

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Cars are NOT a necessity !


Any failure is NOT fatal !


Wasting $100 on a game is NOT fun !


Selling 1 car for $20.000 is no different then selling a game for $100 to 200 people !


Both are products, both need to work. Only difference is that we expect a car to work as intended and software may have bugs and we say, give them time it is a new game, just released. Which nowadays is flat out wrong, especially for games who exceeds 80mil development costs!!!


Think before you write on forums !


When's the last time you walked 20 miles to work?


No, but failures must be avoided at all costs because we use cars to do things we NEED to do (shop, go to work, do things like take someone to the hospital etc.).


Your point? Most of us don't feel it was wasted.


Your point?


This game DOES work. And your total approach to MMOs is wrong. That's how EVERY MMO operates, new and old. They ALL release with bugs, even ones being released this late. Development cost is irrelevant, they can't magically make all bugs disappear. They'd have to probably wait another year just to put the game out, and they knew that those of us that have been waiting since Kotor 2 would be REALLY upset with that. Besides, the game isn't THAT bad. There are some bad glitches in it, but for the most part, it works as intended.

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Ok since we can talk like adults in here.


MMO's launch with little to no end game content for a reason.


Woo damn does that feel good to get off my chest. First of all they dont add anything end game content wise for the 30 free days to get rid of the cancer. Second they wait until the masses start hitting end game and then <insert MMO company> gauges what the player base would like to see for new end game content.


Why add new end game content for the first hundred or so 50's? why cater to the guys who will jump ship when the next MMO comes out? plus the people who rush are such a small group that to take what they want and turn it to end game content might be the exact opposite of what the masses want to see for end game content.


Measured responces make lasting games.



Insult count:


Defenders: 5

Non-Defenders: 0


Isn't this supposed to be a good community?

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any reason to insult your opponent?


So far.. Defenders of the game insulting opponents: 4

People who are upset with the state of affairs insulting opponents: 0


It's human nature, people don't like it when you bash on something they love.


It's amplified on the internet tenfold, as both know the other will never know their true identity ,which is why arguing on the internet is pointless, people will rarely change their opinion like they might do in a room together.


You get the odd person here and there who are more...agreeable/rational, but that is rare.


As for the "People who are upset with the state of affairs insulting opponents: 0" I'm supprised at that myself.


I feel your pain though artilleryshell, it's like people only come here to argue,troll and complain, if it was constructive then np, but it's useally not.

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Ok since we can talk like adults in here.


MMO's launch with little to no end game content for a reason.


Woo damn does that feel good to get off my chest. First of all they dont add anything end game content wise for the 30 free days to get rid of the cancer. Second they wait until the masses start hitting end game and then <insert MMO company> gauges what the player base would like to see for new end game content.


Why add new end game content for the first hundred or so 50's? why cater to the guys who will jump ship when the next MMO comes out? plus the people who rush are such a small group that to take what they want and turn it to end game content might be the exact opposite of what the masses want to see for end game content.


Measured responces make lasting games.


I for one am not arguing about content. I would have been perfectly happy if the game released with no operation, and with no heroic flashpoints. Hell, if the codex wasn't bugged to hell and gone I could have literally spent days completing it. I don't need raids or flashpoints to be happy in a game. But it did release those heroics and those operations and those things should work.

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I for one am not arguing about content. I would have been perfectly happy if the game released with no operation, and with no heroic flashpoints. Hell, if the codex wasn't bugged to hell and gone I could have literally spent days completing it. I don't need raids or flashpoints to be happy in a game. But it did release those heroics and those operations and those things should work.


If you're having a problem with these features, simply skip them until they're fixed. But these features being released helps Bioware to quickly identify the problem and fix it.

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Lets look at other MMO's for awhile (becouse everyone loves to compare in this forum)


WoW - Their "endgame" at release was so buffed to hell that nobody could complete it. It got nerfed, 90% of the world completed it. Their second released raid was also bugged to hell. The druid's "feral" tree was broken for around 1½ year before they fixed it somewhat so it was playable. Not to mention several other bugs, like zep's dropping you off somewhere random or just flat out killing you. The list is waaaay longer then you expect for this game.


Age of Conan - They should have spent atleast 1 more year before release. The content was lacking everywhere. The devs listend to carebears. Even the problems with this game can make a nice list.


Matrix online - Do i even have to write anything? <.<


Warhammer - Over 1mil pre order. Servers on life support after 1 year.


And for the king of epic launch fails.

Vanguard - They released the game in pre-alpha state. Nuff said.



So be happy your class works and the skill tree's are not broken. There is endgame content you can kill(and not wait 1 year untill its nerfed). Altho the content does need buffing. Its not really super game breaking tho. But it is kinda easy atm.


And to those people that rushed 50 to be "cool" or whatever. Bad move, star wars is all about story and the experience. Rushing to max level on a new game launch is really foolish, did you actually expect things to work 100%?. It never did in any other MMO, so why should it work here?. Devs focus on the experience to max level. So ground breaking bugs wont stop ur progress.


If a MMO would make EVERYONE happy, the rushers, the story lovers and the carebears. Expect atleast 5-10 years development before it even hits OB.

If your not happy with the content, make a post about it without spewing venom all over. If ur still not happy, leave the game for awhile and wait a few months.

Most of the other people dont want to listen to ur random venom posts and it only creates more drama and crying. Counter here counter there etc etc, it only starts a nasty circle that will never end.


ps. No MMO will EVER satisfy every gamers need. If you expect it will do, stop playing MMO's.

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Lets look at other MMO's for awhile (becouse everyone loves to compare in this forum)


WoW - Their "endgame" at release was so buffed to hell that nobody could complete it. It got nerfed, 90% of the world completed it. Their second released raid was also bugged to hell. The druid's "feral" tree was broken for around 1½ year before they fixed it somewhat so it was playable. Not to mention several other bugs, like zep's dropping you off somewhere random or just flat out killing you. The list is waaaay longer then you expect for this game.


Age of Conan - They should have spent atleast 1 more year before release. The content was lacking everywhere. The devs listend to carebears. Even the problems with this game can make a nice list.


Matrix online - Do i even have to write anything? <.<


Warhammer - Over 1mil pre order. Servers on life support after 1 year.


And for the king of epic launch fails.

Vanguard - They released the game in pre-alpha state. Nuff said.



So be happy your class works and the skill tree's are not broken. There is endgame content you can kill(and not wait 1 year untill its nerfed). Altho the content does need buffing. Its not really super game breaking tho. But it is kinda easy atm.


And to those people that rushed 50 to be "cool" or whatever. Bad move, star wars is all about story and the experience. Rushing to max level on a new game launch is really foolish, did you actually expect things to work 100%?. It never did in any other MMO, so why should it work here?. Devs focus on the experience to max level. So ground breaking bugs wont stop ur progress.


If a MMO would make EVERYONE happy, the rushers, the story lovers and the carebears. Expect atleast 5-10 years development before it even hits OB.

If your not happy with the content, make a post about it without spewing venom all over. If ur still not happy, leave the game for awhile and wait a few months.

Most of the other people dont want to listen to ur random venom posts and it only creates more drama and crying. Counter here counter there etc etc, it only starts a nasty circle that will never end.


ps. No MMO will EVER satisfy every gamers need. If you expect it will do, stop playing MMO's.


I pin this golden star of awesomeness on your head sir. Wear it proudly, and stay away from water or it will fall off.

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