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Sooo umm Space Combat


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Fun little mini game.


I find expectations to the contrary a little puzzling, this isn't XvT, it's an MMO.


The problem is a lot of people played the Star Wars MMO we're not allowed to mention, and that had X-Wing vs TIE Fighter style space flight and combat. And it was pretty good. It was also added years after the game was released, which seems to be the point people forget (it wasn't so much a mini-game as a game-within-a-game).


Would I like it if they added a space component along those lines? Yes. Do I expect them to do it? No.

Edited by HELhikari
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And yet SWG introduced a space simulation with Jump to Lightspeed that could have been a standalone game along the lines of X-Wing, TIE Fighter, or XvT.


Just sayin'.


Other than that I agree though, it's a fun mini game.


yes they did as an expansion 2 years after launch . I fully expect this game will as well.

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Space combat is fun for a little bit, but it gets old very quickly.


Not only are you on rails, but each time you run a mission the enemy ships appear exactly at the same time and place.


Some of the later missions are duplicates of the earlier ones just with tougher ships.


Also, can someone please tell the droid that seems to be flying the the ship NOT to keep steering into asteroids??!!!??

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The space combat is what it is. How much more of a game do you need this to be? YOUR idea of a good game wasn't the same as Bioware/Lucasarts so you QQ on the forums? Really? Get a life, look at what you have in front of you, it's a HUGE game with infinite possibilities in the upcoming months/years. But then again, that's infinite things to complain about right?


Well for starters when I'm doing a space mission I don't want to feel like I'm in the back seat of a taxi driven by someone that the only thing we share is a language barrier.


Oh and thanks for informing me that it's mandatory to "QQ" on the forums rather than what I planned to do and that being discussing something with my fellow players.


Infinate possibilities will only be available to the player base if we say what we want...logical to a fault I know yet it escapes some of us.

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Hold left mouse button and spam space bar right?


Am i doing it right?


Very disappointing how bad it is. I only do it to get xp since its so boring. Anyone actually like it?


You registered in 2009, the space combat model has not been changed, talked about being changed, or hinted at changing, in that time, how are you surprised? Yes, it's starfox. I hate it, but it's not game breaking.

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Well for starters when I'm doing a space mission I don't want to feel like I'm in the back seat of a taxi driven by someone that the only thing we share is a language barrier.


Oh and thanks for informing me that it's mandatory to "QQ" on the forums rather than what I planned to do and that being discussing something with my fellow players.


Infinate possibilities will only be available to the player base if we say what we want...logical to a fault I know yet it escapes some of us.


Did you not see the near 100,000 posts between many iterations of the space combat thread in pre-launch forums?

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Hold left mouse button and spam space bar right?


Am i doing it right?


Very disappointing how bad it is. I only do it to get xp since its so boring. Anyone actually like it?


it gets harder, you cant spam your left mouse always, coz your shield wont regen.


but thats about it

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Hold left mouse button and spam space bar right?


Am i doing it right?


Very disappointing how bad it is. I only do it to get xp since its so boring. Anyone actually like it?




You can't tell me you have yet to lose a space combat mission, so it can't be as lame as you say it is. I personally like it and the concept is simple, yet fun. Let me guess; you're one of those jaded guys that thinks all blockbuster movies suck and all emo cry-about-it movies are automatically a cult classic.

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Hold left mouse button and spam space bar right?


Am i doing it right?


Very disappointing how bad it is. I only do it to get xp since its so boring. Anyone actually like it?


Space combat AT THE MOMENT is just a filler. An extra activity you can do for some easy XP or just have a little bit of fun. Space is a BIG part of the star wars universe but you gotta understand it is NOT the main purpose of SWTOR.


I understand this completely and this is coming from someone who LOVES space fighters and anything to do with that sorta combat. You also gotta understand 95% of people (that is a guestimate) bought this game not for the space combat. If you really want to have an in depth space MMO I suggest you go play EVE Online.


Do I hope they improve the space features? I sure as hell hope they do but that will require an expansion in itself and not just an update patch. Right now the game just launched and you also have to understand this extracericula activity is not the first thing on there discussion boards to go ahead with and update.


If you don't want to come to terms with this then it is just fail on your part. Coming here and just making a flat out vague statement saying you're disappointed about it with nothing to back it up does you no merrit as well.

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Space combat AT THE MOMENT is just a filler. An extra activity you can do for some easy XP or just have a little bit of fun. Space is a BIG part of the star wars universe but you gotta understand it is NOT the main purpose of SWTOR.


This is pretty much it. Space Combat is definately still in the development phase.


To be honest, I dont think Bioware wanted to release space combat in its current state. But with the pressure of releasing for the holidays (and making an extra buck :) they just threw it in there. I am sure there are plans to make space combat into a viable activity at some point and time. Right now, its for little kids to play and gaze at all the pretty colors.



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OK so let me get this straight.If SWTOR players want to play a game that incudes actual full control space flight they should also sub to eve?


I just can't grasp why I keep seeing people post such drivel.


If SOE could pull off JTL for SWG and let's face it SOE and Smedley were pretty close to the keystone cops of MMO managment then Bioware with piles of EA money can certainly do better than an Iphone ap.


Just as a point of fact people who do post things like "suck up and deal" or "stop QQing" or "go play eve" are thankfully not in charge of what get done in SWTOR.


There is a big differance between discusssing desired game features and QQing.


If you need and example of a QQ thread currently go look up any thread about slicing and nerfing.

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To the op, i dont really enjoy it, but i am doing it for exp, credits, and to upgrade my ship. In the hopes that the devs wise up about it. What i would like to see is more diverse missions, as right now, they are extremely generic. My second thing i would like to see is the ability to control my ship. Meaning stop it from moving and decide upon what course to take. I get hurt more in these missions by this set course then by enemy fire. Fix those two i would be ok with space.


As for major aspects missing in space, to knowledge we cant form up with friends in space to take on space missions. Ive seen pilots form up for a space mission in swg, its a sight worth seeing. Except for a game that's call "StarWars" has a major lack of space combat. Heck i don't think you can even invite people to come up on your ship. I do wonder how committed the devs are to space combat, given they don't even have a forum for space combat.


I know this game is new, so i dont have a problem waiting, but waiting and hearing nothing is the worse thing ever. We got that treatment on the long term with swg, hoping and seeing nothing happening. Ive heard rumors that they plan on revamping space in swtor, but nothing along the lines of fact, or confirmed. Lastly i would just say please dont follow the way of eve lol.

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Because you expect 2 games in 1 hur dur.


Remove the story and voices from SWTOR. Because those belong to other games and wanting 2 games in one is terrible. Hell, take out lightsabers. Those belong in star wars games. I mean, hey, I just want an MMO here. NOT a star wars game.

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