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Can you address our concerns?


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Georg Zoeller, this goes out to you personally (and I urge all loyal Jedi Knight players (and Sith Warrior players) to chime in here as well) as you are the lead combat designer.


We have some issues. We have been begging and pleading for help since beta. We have compiled a list of issues and yet we do feel ignored. There have been three main issue categories that have brought up and each of these has numerous entries. I have tried to combine most of them into a more concise format here.


1. PVE Issues


Posters have reported issues with a number of things. From the chest at the finale of our Class Quest being bugged and unlootable (Not to mention it is supposed to have Blue Gear and instead has Green Gear) to some Mobs being insanely hard to deal with even when following your instructions to us. (Sith War Apprentices (Sorcerers) on Alderaan, Kira's Brother, and the current hot topic the Sith Harrowers from the Guided by the Force quest.)


Over all it is safe to say that the majority of posters, which may or may not represent the majority of players, are feeling that this class is much more difficult to play than other classes. (Such as the Trooper and Bounty Hunter just to name two.) Even if this is just our perception of issues could you please come and comment to us about what you think the state of our PVE is supposed to be.


Seriously, at this point I think we'd be willing to accept: "Your class is fine, if you think it is too hard go play something else." But we want to hear it from you. Many of us think that the class is underpowered at points in PVE and if it isn't going to be adjusted in the near future then we'd like to know now so we can decide if we want to stick with it or move onto a different class.


Specifically I'd like to hear the reasoning behind the higher level of difficulty of play for a Jedi Knight: Sentinel when there doesn't seem to be a reward for it, by this I specifically mean that the class doesn't seem to have a higher damage output but does seem to have a much higher difficulty curve. Bear in mind, this class has so many required skills I had to purchase an $80 mouse (A Razer Naga™) just to handle it all without giving myself carpal tunnel syndrome.


One other primary complaint is that there are a number of enemies in this game, specifically bosses, that have abilities which damage melee characters only. Namely they are PBAoE auras that damage anything near them. When these abilities activate ranged DPS can continue to pour on the damage, while melee DPS is rendered impotent unless they wish to take a massive amount of damage. There are no abilities that I have personally seen that work the other way, meaning where ranged characters are at a disadvantage and lack the ability to do damage but melee characters shine in spades.


2. PVP Issues


The complaints regarding PVP seem to fall into two categories.


The first is the same as the PVE issues. We have so many required skills that in order to PVP with a Sentinel effectively one often feels like they need to possess a separate hand to handle it. Running around, trying to maintain melee, dealing with lag and strange glitches regarding our abilities (animation stutters and the like) while at the same time managing a combat resource (Focus and Centering) while simultaneously trying to balance a handful of cool downs that are sometimes excessively long take a toll on us, and this toll is something ranged classes simply don't have to deal with, it puts us at an inherent disadvantage that when overcome offers no noticed reward.


By a noticed reward I refer to the fact that we don't feel like the highest DPS in the game despite having to work much harder to apply that DPS than any other class in the game.


The second complaint mostly has to do with the state of CC in this game. As melee classes we are the only classes completely shut down when rooted and more or less shut down when snared. We are also more heavily impacted by knock backs than other characters.


Yes, we have a couple of gap closers.


Crippling Throw (when the root is specced), Force Leap, and in some cases Force Camouflage, as well as Zealous Leap. These are often mitigated by the exceedingly huge amount of CC in the game at current. Stuns, mezzes, roots, snares, each classes possesses all four of those, yet we have one, at the most one and a half (Force Camouflage can act as a CC breaker for Roots and Snares only, which is only half of a CC break at best) CC breaks that are on fairly large timers.


This might be addressed by the fact that Resolve doesn't seem very effective. In fact Resolve doesn't break CC's so one must save their CC break until they have a full resolve bar and enough health to take advantage of it which renders the CC break a taboo.


Shouldn't the only class in the game that has no other method to perform our role have a higher degree of CC immunity? A Shadow or an Assassin has some basic Force Attacks that can be used from range. An Operative has not only better melee based CC than we do, but true stealth and ranged attacks. The list goes on and on. Will we be getting additional methods to handle the plethora of CC currently in SWTOR PVP?


Note: We also have the slowest "speed enhancement" in the form of multiple ranks in Defensive Forms while in the Ataru Stance. This is without a doubt the slowest of the speed boosts and is far out shined by every other type in the game and since it takes multiple Talent Points it is also the most costly.


3. Utility Issues


The third issue that we face is a lack of utility. This issue is primarily faced by the Jedi Sentinel class. As we debated once before the lack of utility in the class would be an issue. Right now the Sentinel (and Marauder) class(es) is(are) the only class in the game without a push or pull mechanic. This is an issue in PVP especially in maps like Huttball.


That particular point bothers many of us because the reason, supposedly, the Force Pull was taken from the class was because it made the class "unable to be kited" yet other classes with similar gap closers (See: Bounty Hunter) sill retain this ability and can use it to devastating effect in PVP and in some cases PVE. In PVP this can be used to gain instant kills, making the effective DPS from this ability potentially outshine us by leaps and bounds. (The number of times I have been knocked off of the bridge in Void Star, knocked into, or pulled into, fire and/or acid in Huttball, are too numerous to even count.)


For the Guardian the issue comes in PVP where being able to stun and/or mez targets is in many ways the best possible protection for the people we want to keep alive. Some classes (Operatives comes to mind as do Sorcerers) have ways to protect their charges better than the Guardian does due to the Jedi Knight's limited arsenal of legitimate non-channeled CC.


TL;DR version


The Jedi Knight has a number of issues according to the vocal posters on the forums. Some of these issues are possibly subjective (for example the Knight's performance in PVE could be an issue that only seems to exist due to player error) opinions and some of these issues are completely objective (for example there is no way to claim that the Sentinel/Marauder isn't the only class in the game that lacks a Push/Pull mechanic) fact.


It would be nice to get an official word on these issues from the lead combat designer, namely Georg Zoeller.


To other posters:


Please post the issues you would like to see addressed with the Jedi Knight classes. Feedback on both Guardian and Sentinel can only serve to increase the potential of an actual reply.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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My experiance up to lvl 27.


Im constantly playing a game of 'wack a mole' with blue bars. Interupt this, interupt that. I have to say that I havent played other classes, JK is the only one ive played (other than 7 lvls of consular in beta), so this might be a general thing, but from what Ive read its pretty much linked to the class.


Every boss I fight is a twitch reaction fest of interupt and pray, seems if I miss one, Im dead. Im not so much fighting him, as waiting for a blue bar and waiting for my companion to kill him.

Edited by Maidel
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My experiance up to lvl 27.


Im constantly playing a game of 'wack a mole' with blue bars. Interupt this, interupt that. I have to say that I havent played other classes, JK is the only one ive played (other than 7 lvls of consular in beta), so this might be a general thing, but from what Ive read its pretty much linked to the class.


Every boss I fight is a twitch reaction fest of interupt and pray, seems if I miss one, Im dead. Im not so much fighting him, as waiting for a blue bar and waiting for my companion to kill him.


I'll say I had a slightly different experience.


I'll admit readily I don't seem to have the same PVE issues that others do. Yes, the quest right before Darth Angral was extremely difficult for me, though I am told the fact that gold elite Sith Assassins spawning at every single pull was actually a bug and had to do with bringing friends along.


Taking out Kira's brother (his name escapes me) was also very difficult. Though I did manage to do it... Twice... (My quest bugged and I had to fight him twice) Without dying once.


The Sith Harrowers were indeed a pain and I did die a few times. I also managed to die from the Sith War Apprentices (only the Sorcerer ones though... The ones with the damage aura) on Alderaan a couple times.


I have not run into the brick wall that others seemed to have had.


That being said, I've also seen friends playing other classes (see: Trooper) who would literally laugh at what I found difficult and kill them from range using far fewer skills or having to be spot on with zero margin for error.


I'm also a Synthweaver who never lets my gear drop below blues for me or my companion and usually, even while leveling, had 1-3 purple items on at all times. I also had a buddy who is a BioChem who was passing me really good Medpacks that could heal me and my companion.


Those helped a lot by the way.


I, on top of that, played this class in the beta and thus had done all of this before so I had an advantage there as well.


I use my interrupts whenever I can. I use Force Kick, Force Stasis, Awe, and anything else that I have that will interrupt that particular target. I use Force Camo to dump aggro, back off from the fight, let my companion take a pounding and pop a med pack before rejoining the fray.


(Note: that last strategy works great with Doc, who will sometimes take the beating while healing you, which can often give you the edge you need. Also Doc will heal you if you use Awe and wait out the duration. Also Doc will heal you when you grab an enemy with Force Stasis... I love Doc.)


Because I have had little problems aside from those mentioned in PVE and because I can manage to come out pretty high in Warzones (when I am fortunate enough to have a healer keeping me up and a tank guarding me) I consider myself "ahead of the pack" as it were.


Though, when you see the amount of work I have had to do, Synthweaving my own blues and purps, using BioChem medpacks, making sure I grouped very specifically for PVP, I shouldn't even be having hard PVE fights. I should be tearing through everything in my way with little issue. Yet even now I end most major fights on the verge of death.


That... Should... Not... Be... Happening...

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Without going into great detail (most has been covered already) I can say this, from the perspective of a level 25 Sith Juggernaut and a level 19 Jedi Guardian.


I feel weak. I feel like I am barely sc****** by in PvE, challenge is all well and good but right now I do not want to play either of these characters simply because I do not feel I am being rewarded for the challenge that comes with playing them.


Jedi and Sith are many things, people who barely scrape by against sand people or common gangsters is not one of them. Jedi are supposed to be great warriors, I do not feel like a great warrior. When my trooper is absolutely destroying everything he faces armed only with his gun and skill, that feels powerfull. There is quite simply no way a soldier could ever outperform a Jedi realistically, obviously game balance demands that they be on relatively equal footing, but right now the non-force users are all vastly superior to the melee Jedi/Sith.


That needs to change.

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That needs to change.


I agree 100% with your entire statement.


I don't feel like a Jedi when I play my Jedi. I feel like a normal warrior who picked up something that somewhat resembles a lightsaber. I don't feel like a guy who can run faster, jump higher, react quicker, and can bring a sword to a gunfight and not only win but totally dominate my opponent.


In the movies/comics/cartoons/novels the Jedi are something gangsters fear. Jabba the Hutt didn't think Luke was a Jedi and thus he was overconfident. Boba Fett thought he was wearing his big boy pants and tried to take on Luke Skywalker... He was little more than a speed bump. I just watched a DVR'ed episode of The Clone Wars and saw Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ahsoka Tanomaking their way across a city, rooftop to rooftop, while making 12 and 15 foot leaps with the greatest of ease.


Those are Jedi.


My leather armor wearing Jedi can't even do a non-Force Charge higher than a a Trooper wearing heavy armor.

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I feel for sentinels and marauders, I really do. I'm pretty satisfied with my immortal juggernaut for pve and pvp, but my enjoyment is tainted somewhat by knowing that so many people who want to play as dps warriors are unable to advance unless they outlevel their quests, simply because it's so difficult. I actually believe that the current glut of tanks has to do with knights and warriors not wanting to spec as dps and be kept from advancing in their class quests because they're reading such tales of horror. I won't lie: I wouldn't touch sentinel or marauder for all the Emperor's gold. I like a good dps toon, but I'm really hearing too much about them. Melee dps shouldn't be penalized for being melee dps. Edited by sanctified
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I agree we have a lot of abilities to manage, and that some of the storyline is difficult. Sometimes I struggle in PvP.


However, saying that, I can say for a fact that it's made me a better Sentinel. I've learned a great deal in regards to open world pvp, in regards to managing cooldowns, and in regards to general strategy that revolves around having so many abilities, and to which syncs best with which companion.


Life isn't easy as a Knight, but it isn't impossible. It's challenging, but not without reward.


My Sentinel is almost 50, and when asked how to play A Sentinel, I really can't, other than to just suggest that you jump in, get your nose bloodied and learn from it.


Could it be easier? Sure. Is it necessary to make the class viable? I say no. It's been proven the class can, and does, excel. For every gripe post, there's people saying how wonderful and powerful they feel.

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Melee dps shouldn't be penalized for being melee dps.


^ This. ^


It really does seem like the Bioware devs have neglected to consider the unique challenges of melee dps compared to ranged dps. Some of these challenges include, but are not limited to:

1. Useless downtime while getting to a target, or moving from one target to another.

2. Vulnerability to crowd control. Ranged characters can still do something while snared or rooted. Melee can not.

3. Vulnerability to character-based AoE. Any opponent (pve or pvp) that does damage in an aura around itself hits melee. Players have to either move or eat the damage. A further issue occurs when the boss uses targeted aoe on a melee tank. Melee dps in this case have to contend with the same choice of taking damage or running--while ranged dps don't generally set up in melee and won't typically be standing next to a ranged tank.


These are my three issues. They are strictly from the standpoint of a gamer that has played a few MMO's in his day. There are multiple ways to fix these issues as well, but I find the lack of any developer response to these issues disheartening, especially in light of the fact that jedi classes are a fixture peculiar to Star Wars, and you can't play a genuine Jedi Knight anywhere else in an MMO.

Edited by Nvikki
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The melee range problem is a common problem for MMOs. It comes from several things and trying to fix them will cause other classes to complain...even though it is the exact same thing in reverse.


The fix comes from making a minimum range on Ranged Class abilities. This theyy will never do this because those classes will complain that when NPCs close with them they are gimped...yet by being forced out of melee range this is exactly what happens to us....



The other fix which is tried often is the stack on a boss strategy...which does nothing to ranged classes because they can still use all of their abilities. This makes it very hard to optimize a fight for melee since being in close doesn't matter to ranged.


The most basic way to overcome this is to make melee survive better, which has not been optimized very well...pretty much by anyone. Yes my Marauder wears the same type of armor as a Sniper,but either I should be able to avoid more damage (via an evasion mechanic) or I should be able to soak up more. This would help balance the time it takes me to close/be forced to stand in aura/aoe

Edited by Kaarrn
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I agree 100% with your entire statement.


I don't feel like a Jedi when I play my Jedi. I feel like a normal warrior who picked up something that somewhat resembles a lightsaber. I don't feel like a guy who can run faster, jump higher, react quicker, and can bring a sword to a gunfight and not only win but totally dominate my opponent.



I also don't feel like a guy that can deflect blasters at the guy that's trying to make me dead. Figured I'd throw that in there, too.

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I dunno i seem a little out of place here.


My 45 Guardian Defense Spec, feels like a god.


I jump into a fight 2v1 (doc and i) vs a heroic Champion npc, and its a tough fight.


3 Silvers is a tough fight


2 Golds is a tough fight


5 regular mobs is maybe a tough fight.


I always use position to my advantage if a group is spread out i jump to the furthest out and force push him towards the rest. i use the AoE taunt to make sure all the melee is on me and around me.


I run a Artificing Guardian, so i always have a same level saber and majority of my armor, i pay alot of attention to my Additions from Modifcations, implants, ear piece and relics. Making sure im always getting a large amount of Endurance and a good amount of strength.


I engaged a player BH 2 levels less than me , when he jumped me i was at 70% health. I was able to manage skills keep range and kill him with 10% left.


So far boss wise for story line:




Lord Angral killed me Once.


Kira's Brother was a tough fight but beaten without dying.


Tatooine Sith was a good fight not hard though.



I don't think i've met a boss that seriously thumped me hard yet. I usually am same level or slightly above when i go in, but when i get the the planets im usually same level as minimum or 1 below.


I find our class is a equipment dependent class, that if you let your mods, implants, relics get too far away from your level you will be in alot of trouble. This is why i switched to all orange gear early on head chest hands feet belt and legs are all upgrade able.


The hardest mobs to fight for me so far have been pistoleers, or sorcs (both being gold spawns) They have alot of alpha damage that if you don't interupt your screwed, or if you arent constantly readjusting out of aoe's or cones of fire that you'll be screwed. Part of what i find really helps is having Blade storm, riposte, and force sweep, all increase my defence whether its a bubble, an increase to resistances, or reducing enemy accuracy.


I can imagine DPS specc'd Guardians having a hard time as i dish pretty decent damage, but if i didnt have the health i do (11.8k currently) i'd be in for a world of pain.


Last tip* Trick * for the day, for really hard bosses, put guard on your companion and tell them to engage first, once they are engaged you engage and keep your threat low. Once their health (companion) hits half, use a taunt and suck the boss to you, that gives you more buffer than you have alone also allows for more time you can dps without also tanking.

Edited by LexiCazam
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I'm a dps spec Guardian and I've had to start pouring points into my tanking tree just so I can continue questing at 30+. The only time I get to play my desired spec is in groups when I can safely use my damage dealing stance.


But even with points in the tanking tree and all mine and my companions gear modded to purple if I don't out level the content by 4 levels or more, playing can be down right painful and costly. Most of the time my armour feels like it's not mitigating any damage whatsoever.


The only advice I can give to other guards and juggs for 30+ is this.


Out level the content by 4 levels or more.


Always send your companion in first and have them attack the stongest mob in the pack while you clean up all the trash. You should taunt them off your companion when their health hits 30-20%.


You must use your interrupts on silvers and above, force kick, force stasis and force push and the Jugg mirror abilities. It's the only sure way to defeat certain bosses. Force push is especially handy mid fight if you have unremitting.


We have to keep our companions gear up to date, we're not like other classes that have the luxury of equipping their companions with any old junk.


Take up Cybertech, which will allow you to keep T7 and C2 geared and keep you and your other companions in the best armour for your level or Biochem which helps us massively with an abundant supply of medpacs.


Or just roll Trooper and have a smooth and fun levelling experience.

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It is a difficoult class, i think we all agree with this.

However i am not sure if it is really underpowered or just very challenging to use the right way.



I mean you must fight at close range, you have many buttons, a lot of cooldown and you have to look at focus.

Is not at all a 1 button class or a class where you can push the first button who turned his light on and win (not a paladin in wow 3.1 :D)


Class story boss are very difficoult and dying a lot is very frustrating...


when i die is not because the class is weak but because i did something wrong


Maybe i did a bad pull, i failed to use some cd, missed an interrupt, etcetera.




It is difficoult to play not weak.

If i can learn to play the class at his potential i don't think i would be weaker than the other easier classes.




PS i am lv 33 now

I am sorry for my bad english

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However i am not sure if it is really underpowered or just very challenging to use the right way.


Basically, this.


We're NOT underpowered, but we ARE ridiculously hard to use. Every silver mob or above requires the use of at least 11 buttons to actually fight as a JK/SW. As an Immortal Jugg, I have a number of abilties on long c/d which must be used interchangably; many of them do extremely similar things. I have almost no 'unneeded' skills - only ravage really gets abandoned. I have to use a combination of Assault and sundering assault to act as rage builders; I have to use sunder, smash, scream, and retaliate regularly to maintain debuffs; I have a number of big hits each of which is on a 15 second or higher c/d. And the c/d reductions see to be picked at random without any thought as to how they fit into a sane rotation or priority system - I'm tracking a 4.5 second c/d, a 6 second c/d, two 12 second c/ds, two 15 second c/ds, a few 45 seconds c/ds, a couple of 1 minute c/ds, and two 3 minute c/ds.


I feel like I'm playing an accountant. Rage management alone requires me to constantly be keeping a count in my head to keep my rage up enough to use my main attacks. All the cooldowns mean I then need to have complex maths going on to figure out how and when to use what skills - I suppose I could just stare at my 2 full taskbars of regular-use skills, but that kinda makes that whole 'graphics' thing a waste of PC power.


My skill tree actually exacerbates the problem, rather than alleviating it. Rather than turning 1 or 2 abilties into general-purpose regular use keys, my skills tree buffs a total of 15 different skills - often using one skill to buff another, too. So I either waste skill points buffing skills I'm not going to use, or else I have to keep track of even more skills at any given time.



A well-played JK or SW is the equal of any other class, but actually playing it well is absurdly difficult. It brutally punishes beginners, and the slightest slip-up or failure is disasterous. Combined with the ability delay bug, that makes the general concern over the class easy to understand.

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There's also the god-awful class bosses who cast every 5th second when you have 8 seconds on your interrupt. Now granted this is a non-issue in groups or trash. But when you're in a fight longer than 30 seconds you BLOW through your abilities that can stop a cast. Heck, take Lord Argos for example. He does one move that blew off 60% of my health. So I had to stop it. Which mean just letting other attacks hit me. It was absolutely annoying to see my life bar zooming down at such a fast pace while in Soresu (know if I was in Shien I'd be dead in mere seconds) and I'm still not tickling him. Then to add insult to injury his thunder cast alternates with a heal.




Just buff the class already, guys. This is like trying to fry chicken in a crock-pot at this point. And the effort is quickly not becoming worth the gains (despite an awesome story).

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Basically, this.


We're NOT underpowered, but we ARE ridiculously hard to use. Every silver mob or above requires the use of at least 11 buttons to actually fight as a JK/SW. As an Immortal Jugg, I have a number of abilties on long c/d which must be used interchangably; many of them do extremely similar things. I have almost no 'unneeded' skills - only ravage really gets abandoned. I have to use a combination of Assault and sundering assault to act as rage builders; I have to use sunder, smash, scream, and retaliate regularly to maintain debuffs; I have a number of big hits each of which is on a 15 second or higher c/d. And the c/d reductions see to be picked at random without any thought as to how they fit into a sane rotation or priority system - I'm tracking a 4.5 second c/d, a 6 second c/d, two 12 second c/ds, two 15 second c/ds, a few 45 seconds c/ds, a couple of 1 minute c/ds, and two 3 minute c/ds.


I feel like I'm playing an accountant. Rage management alone requires me to constantly be keeping a count in my head to keep my rage up enough to use my main attacks. All the cooldowns mean I then need to have complex maths going on to figure out how and when to use what skills - I suppose I could just stare at my 2 full taskbars of regular-use skills, but that kinda makes that whole 'graphics' thing a waste of PC power.


My skill tree actually exacerbates the problem, rather than alleviating it. Rather than turning 1 or 2 abilties into general-purpose regular use keys, my skills tree buffs a total of 15 different skills - often using one skill to buff another, too. So I either waste skill points buffing skills I'm not going to use, or else I have to keep track of even more skills at any given time.



A well-played JK or SW is the equal of any other class, but actually playing it well is absurdly difficult. It brutally punishes beginners, and the slightest slip-up or failure is disasterous. Combined with the ability delay bug, that makes the general concern over the class easy to understand.



Not really, maybe we can do well in PvE under equal circumstances, but when you throw pvp into the mix it kind of shows our glaring weaknesses. I rolled a bounty hunter and my level 10 bounty hunter was doing MUCH better than my 35 Sith warrior. It's really this simple, we do not get any advantage for being melee but with all the weaknesses.


The too many skill thing every class has to deal with. This game is just very whack a moleish. It reminds me of everquest 2 in that regard.

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Gamewide bugs come before (way before) class balance.


Now I cant comment on class quest, cause I do all the quests on every planet, so right now I'm about 5 lvls ahead of the questline, so everything has been fairly smooth, but people complaining about having to interupt is sorta stupid. If you dont like interupting now they dont do any Heroic FP's, cause its sure as hell needed in there.


Buttom line is that Bioware has far greater issues to fix than some of the JK class quest being a bit to hard for some.

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Gamewide bugs come before (way before) class balance.


Now I cant comment on class quest, cause I do all the quests on every planet, so right now I'm about 5 lvls ahead of the questline, so everything has been fairly smooth, but people complaining about having to interupt is sorta stupid. If you dont like interupting now they dont do any Heroic FP's, cause its sure as hell needed in there.


Buttom line is that Bioware has far greater issues to fix than some of the JK class quest being a bit to hard for some.


Sorry this is a very stupid comment. You do realize that the class balance team and the bug team are different people right? Different skill sets and different experience in developing the game. It doesn't squash bugs faster by moving your class design team to bugs squashing. You can only have so many people working on one problem.

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Gamewide bugs come before (way before) class balance.


I'm going to voice my concerns whether or not they are prepared to fix them immediately. It would be nice to get someone official-ish say that they're going to look into it whenever they get around to it. At least that way we know they're reading our stuff. If they want to reserve judgement until they have given the alleged problems some more intense scrutiny, then say that. As far as I know, they haven't, which is why I've actually posted in this thread, hoping for some kind of response.

Probably not the most realistic hope, I know.

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Sorry this is a very stupid comment. You do realize that the class balance team and the bug team are different people right? Different skill sets and different experience in developing the game. It doesn't squash bugs faster by moving your class design team to bugs squashing. You can only have so many people working on one problem.


Oh, see I didn't know that. So now I'm very curious as to why they haven't said anything, or if they have, why it doesn't seem to be common knowledge.

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Oh, see I didn't know that. So now I'm very curious as to why they haven't said anything, or if they have, why it doesn't seem to be common knowledge.


It takes time for the dev team to discuss a course of action. Feed back like this is important and people should continue to give it.

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It takes time for the dev team to discuss a course of action. Feed back like this is important and people should continue to give it.


I suppose that's fair. It would be nice to get some assurance that they are at least looking into it, even if it's non-commital legalese.

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I dunno i seem a little out of place here.


My 45 Guardian Defense Spec, feels like a god.


I jump into a fight 2v1 (doc and i) vs a heroic Champion npc, and its a tough fight.


3 Silvers is a tough fight


2 Golds is a tough fight


5 regular mobs is maybe a tough fight.


I always use position to my advantage if a group is spread out i jump to the furthest out and force push him towards the rest. i use the AoE taunt to make sure all the melee is on me and around me.




I outlevel everything... I do a lot of PVP and that has me sitting 5+ levels about the maximum recommendation for the world I am on usually... I do complete the class quests without too many problems and that might be the case of why as well.


Here is the thing...


Other classes... 5 Regular mobs can be ended by using one ability. It isn't a tough fight, it is literally 1-2 abilities.


2 Golds? Rather easy fight. Many classes can just CC one of the golds, kill the other, then kill the gold they CC'ed.


3 Silvers? CC one, or in some cases both, then take them down one at a time.




I have no problem with a champion when I have 3 or more levels on him and Doc to heal me. It is a tough fight. However if you have 3 or more levels on him it shouldn't be a tough fight.

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The PBAoE problem can currently be mitigated with a Watchman/Combat hybrid spec for the the Sentinel.


Force Camo invul, -30% AE damage combined with Rebuke, Guarded by the Force and Saber Ward should give you enough room to keep evading 50%+ of the damage as long as you time all of them correctly.


Not ideal, but better than nothing until something is done so we aren't forced into that spec for PvE.


I also think they need to fix all the class and UI bugs before attempting class balance. Way too often they buff a class to then nerf it a lot once another bug has been fixed.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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