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Who else would've liked to join Malgus' New Empire?


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On a side note, (ME3 spoilers)



I was also disappointed I couldn't join Cerberus fulltime in Mass Effect 3, I would have loved to raid the citadel with Kai-Leng, Miranda and Eva as my companions on my Renegade playthrough


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You should probably change the thread's title, as it is a major spoiler and can be displayed on the whole section index.


But I agree with you completely. Malgus is one of the few Sith that treated my Snipers with respect (and not coincidentally, one of the other Sith that has done so is his ally Darth Serevin). It is made repeatedly clear that the Empire's racism is a weakness. Finally, Grand Moff Regus is an incompetent racist who I just wanted to slap.


i aggree on slapping ragus but not as much as id love to kill thanaton he lacks any sense of evil and he's just a big traditionalist

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Canon Empire stories are all the Darkside versions. Therefore they cannot give you a massive Lightside choice that will reshape everything (Like Putting Malgus in charge of the entire Empire), Massive changes have to be Neutral or Dark only (killing Baras is Neutral for example, becuase you kill him for two reasons, one to take his power (DS), two to save the Empire from him (LS).


How do we know Empire characters are all Darkside canon? Because of how actions are viewed by other classes.


Republic characters will become aware their new Supreme Canceller, because the canon BH kills him.


Empire characters will pick up that Grathens wife and son are dead, because the canon SW slaughters them.

baras would have saved the empire im just not as mad at the SW for killing him cuz the SW was just getting revenge on his master and doing the emperor a big favor

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Revan is the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and the figurehead of the Republic? Huh... weird.


Guess Satele is only acting like this to protect him.


Satele is Revan's great great great great great great great great great grand daughter

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Isn't a future patch going to involve the Empire changing their policy with aliens and Regus turns against us because he doesn't like that?


if thanaton is still alive (hopefully he isn't) then when ragus betrays us he'll join thanaton i of course will be more than happy to wipe the smile of the traditionalist's face

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Yep just like Luke and Maul, Malgus went through a series of vents. The real question here is why the hell didn't Palpatine do this?


palp had a series of cloned bodies after he returned in his new body the remnant began to regain lost ground

but he lost his last body on the eclipse 2 and artoo piloted it into the galaxy gun. the result:byss destroyed


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palp had a series of cloned bodies after he returned in his new body the remnant began to regain lost ground

but he lost his last body on the eclipse 2 and artoo piloted it into the galaxy gun. the result:byss destroyed


dont you think the same could be for malgus

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I agree wholeheartedly.


The entire time I was going through the battle of illum and false emperor, I was asking myself why, exactly, I was fighting malgus.

Minor spoilers for light side sith warrior chapter 1 ending:



Seriously, malgus's new empire is kind of exactly what a light side sith warrior and jaesa wilsaam are going for! I would totally join malgus in a heartbeat!



I can guarantee that jaesa and vette would go with me, and broonmark probablt would too. quinn and peirce might leave, but I dislike their personalities anyway, and would be perfectly ok with getting replacements from the other NPCs who joined malgus.


eh not quite. you're going for turning the empire light side while Malgus wanted to erradicate racicism and backstabbing in the empire

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Seeing as it falls to pieces in less than a week of its creation I rather not. I mean seriously, the Empire and Republic put aside their differences temporarily to destroy Malgus' New Empire.


and the dread masters lasted waaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than malgus their betrayal outlived malgus's

P.S. do you think that if malgus and dread masters betrayed at the same time that they would have combined forces?


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I would not have wanted to join Malgus' Empire, but If I'd been able to do what I wanted, my character would never have gotten the chance.


I wanted to join Revan.


boooooooooooooooooooo revan's a jedi you're not only betraying the empire but you are also defecting to our enemy the republic

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I wanted to join him, as well, but here is something to consider...

My Inquisitor brought Ashara to her side under the premise that she was working to reform the Empire through subtle means, very much in line with what the Revenites believed (though she never called herself a Revenite, she accepted them as allies) and that which the Sith "hologhost" proposed - that using fear as strength was a form of psychic slavery.


Malgus, by his history, felt that his love for his mate was a weakness, so his philosophy was flawed. Also, he kinda jumped the gun, let the cat out of the bag as it were. By proclaiming himself Emperor before he was able to somehow influence the Dark Council, he only made himself an outlaw, much in the way that anyone who stood up and proclaimed themselves to be the True President of the New United States would. Part crackpot, part visionary, all wrong.


Killing Malgus is almost a mercy killing. It certainly saves the Empire a lot of grief through the instability that would follow in the wake of a civil war, and there would be one as the Council would no doubt be singing Kumbaya long enough to eradicate him and his followers before settling into their next round of shenanigans. It also preserves YOUR mission, if that is the unwritten storyline that you are following - a TRUE Sith move, but one of wisdom rather than any of the baser motives that some Sith use to justify their actions.


Powerful or not, right or not, Malgus made himself into the Nail that sticks up, and YOU were the HAMMER.

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P.S. do you think that if malgus and dread masters betrayed at the same time that they would have combined forces?

Oc not, the dread masters betrayed the empire because without the emperor no one is good enough to order them around. They don't recognize the dark council as powerful enough, and certainly not malgus who is just the average + sith lord.


I'm glad Bioware didn't repeat the mistake of the IA class story and allow people to join Malgus. Let me illustrate :

Basically the IA class story ends like this :

1- Light side : give the blackcodex to the republic and join them

2- Grey : keep the black codex for you, realize keeper's dream and finally gain the personnal power you've being lacking all this time

3- Dark side (supposed Hand of Jadus) : give the black codex to the imperial intelligence, wich means you and Jadus and reform the Imperial intelligence under your leadership as the Hand of Jadus.


The vast majority of players chose the grey option and it's a shame. It's a shame because it doesn't look at the bigger picture. In a conflict, you have to take a side. Either you take the Republic side, join them and make them ubberpowerful with the codex ; or you join the Empire side, fully embrace the empire's ideals and reform the empire from within.


If you want to change the empire for the better, you change the empire from within :

- That's what the DS IA does by reforming the Imperial Intelligence as this superpowerful james bond unit (btw Jadus is against the anti alien laws and recruted aliens in the intelligence since day 1, he's one of the non retarded sith).

- That's what Nox does when she joins the dark council as an alien, replacing a conservative retard. Nox will change the empire because she proved the dark council an alien is capable, because she's the only non-sith sitting at the dark council. She's all that Malgus failed to be.

- The BH story proves that, during chapter 3, the empire needed allies and aliens to win big battles (Mandalorian blockade, BH Corellia quest)

- The SW makes it pretty clear that every ****tard challenging the empire will get his head delivered to the emperor on a plater. He assures the power of the emperor, even in this dark times.


And what exactly is Malgus doing during this time ? Nothing (well except killing his gf oc). By doing what he did on ilum, he just became traitor number n+1, baras 2, ... The only thing making him sympathetic is his pro alien stand point, otherwise he would just be another useless sith trying to be empror and failing hard.


Darth Mar, Darth Nox, Darth Jadus, The Hand of Jadus, ... Those are imperials trying to change the empire for the better and those should be acclaimed.


I mean, the best proof of this is the fight vs Malgus itself. What's the first thing Malgus did ? Activate the auto destruction of the station. That's the 8y old mentality of "If I can't have it then no one has anything".


A true hero would have died saying something like "Now all is in your hand PLAYERNAME, take my work and forge a better future for the empire", not "I kill you I win or I die you go boom and I win".



TLDR : Malgus is just another underpowered power hungry sith and should not provoke any sympathy.

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Malgus was ahead of his time. The Empire just wasn't ready to accept his new ideas.


Luckily, Darth Marr seems to have learned the lesson the hard way and he's willing to change the Empire. Maybe not in such a swift and radical way as Malgus, but after the events in Vanilla SWTOR most of the ******* crazy members of the Dark Council are dead and Darth Marr seems a much more reasonable and sane leader. He has realized that the Empire needs to get its act together and stop the infighting before the Republic crushes them. It's a start.

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Not me.


What he did was the stupidest thing possible.What the hell did he actually expect?That every1 in the Empire would suddenly bow to him?If not, didn't he anticipate that they are gonna go after him?Did he actually thought he is going to win vs both the Republic and the Empire.


He could have taken aliens and all that crap that he wanted,into his own powerbase and actually stay with the Empire.But noooooo, he had to do pure betrayal and suicide+ eliminate tons of resources needed to fight the Republic.And on of top of that,he stabbed the Imperial efforts on Illum in the back.


For liking the Empire and wanting to save it by changing it he did the absolute opposite by betraying it.


He is even worse than the Dread Masters because they never were loyal and cared for the Empire in the first place.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Oc not, the dread masters betrayed the empire because without the emperor no one is good enough to order them around. They don't recognize the dark council as powerful enough, and certainly not malgus who is just the average + sith lord.



then why did it take 4 people to kill malgus while it took only one JK to kill the emperor huh?

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Honestly, no, I'd never have joined Malgus' False Empire. For all the guy's talk about being against Sith power struggles, what he did made him an enormous short sighted hypocrite. He had, what I find, the absolute worst weakness a Sith can have, that being that he has no idea when the appropriate time to launch a coup is. The war with the Republic had just started, and we were already outnumbered, and he decides that's the ideal time for a rebellion ? Even with the advanced technology at his disposal, it's unlikely he could have defeated the Republic with his little splinter faction, none the less fight a two fronted war with both the Emps and Reps. Now, had he wanted to integrate his men into the Sith, I'm sure it was within his power, he was one of the highest ranking members of the Empire, then, afterwards, the defeat of the Jedi, he could have turned his attention to his fellow Sith, but that isn't what he did at all. Although, part of me thinks maybe he went in knowing he was going to die, but that his rebellion would force the Empire to take on his philosophy, although it's rather unlikely, and a bit Code Geass-ish . Besides, with Hutt Cartel, Darth Marr has basically become "Malgus but better." in my opinion.
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