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Can't get to 50...


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wow, here I am actually enjoying the story. Cause IT has a story. The reason i dont want to level up anymore, because i am close to finishing the story on my jedi knight and I want to savour it. So I started some alts and got interested in their stories too.


Guess its too much to ask for people to like their class quest. :rolleyes:


Did you read the thread?


You can't progress doing just the class quest without grinding flashpoints, PvP...or side quests.

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But that's exactly what people are saying, they enjoy the class quests (I find them to be really fun), but the side quests are extremely boring. And unfortunately it's not possible to level up "properly" by doing only class quests.


Not exactly boring(for me) when you have multiple options for talk choices in those side-quests, while yes the achieve the same goal (obviously) to finish the quest, you see different reactions, where with a Bounty Hunter i always ask for extra credits, or being my Sith Inquistor and critizing them for everything. Plus you always pick a different reward.


I guess i like immersing myself in my characters attitude lol.

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Did you read the thread?


You can't progress doing just the class quest without grinding flashpoints, PvP...or side quests.


Hmm, well i got to 43 on my jedi-knight with doing class quests and side-quests(still havent finish the main story either), no pvp and 1 flashpoint. And no i didnt re-run heroics.


What RPGs have you played where you solely get to the highest level by doing only the main mission? Or have you forgotten that is this and mmoRPG.

Edited by aVmuse
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Because I can be going out and getting things for crafting, Or maybe I don't have much time to play so want a fast group?



LFG queue system does more good things for the game. In fact, I've made more friends with it. This MMO won't have the numbers it wants without it. No mmo in this day in age can go without a QUEUE system. It not only helps servers out that has one sided community, it also lets people on limited time enjoy the game. It also lets more people see the content instead of a limit amount of people.




No one buys the LFG queue system killing a community. I've made tons of friends from other servers, It's a must have.


And what pray are people going to do when the wait to pop the timer is longet then 5-10 minutes? Claim the LFG is broken and we need to add cross server instancing.


Whoops there goes server relationships....


Sound familiar?


You can't quest and buddy someone from an alternate reality. Didn't work in WoW, doesn't work in Doctor Who (see Rose) and it won't work here.


That is why.

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My way to 50 (recommended):


I was level 12 i think it was when i noticed a Jedi Sage at my level running around doing the same quests as me (he was in my guild but we had not spoken before this moment). We decided to add each other on skype and from there it goes on. We decided that we would be the first in the guild to get to 50 and so we did. We played several days with only 2-3 hours of sleep every night, and not because we are so hardcore(I am but he is actually a casual player). But because playing with someone, having a laugh when you win the conversations, doing other randomly fun stuff makes the leveling process much more enjoyable. However, I'm no fan of single player RPG's so questing alone was out of the question for me. The only reason I'd quest alone is because i want to be top 10 to max level in any MMO i play.


Anyhow, what i would do if i were you is to find a person around your level and find out if he plays the same amount of time as you do. Maybe even at the same time, and then you can progress from there.


Another thing we did was after each planet we played 3-4 PVP games (sometimes it was 10+) to get a break from questing. We also had competitions who could "finish" (meaning complete the objective) space missions fastest and so on.


So that's my 5 cents.

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And what pray are people going to do when the wait to pop the timer is longet then 5-10 minutes? Claim the LFG is broken and we need to add cross server instancing.


Whoops there goes server relationships....


Sound familiar?


You can't quest and buddy someone from an alternate reality. Didn't work in WoW, doesn't work in Doctor Who (see Rose) and it won't work here.


That is why.


And you guys hell bent on keeping it out will drive the game right into the ground....but that's ok as long as you can say you held your ground against the "wow kiddies".

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And you guys hell bent on keeping it out will drive the game right into the ground....but that's ok as long as you can say you held your ground against the "wow kiddies".


Its not about the wow kiddies, its about keeping people teaming up with other people on your own server. I played wow too, its ran its course then it killed itself sadly.


That's one reason why I'm here.


the other reason is I don't have the time to run a corp in EvE anymore.

Edited by Avrose
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I have Jedi Shadow lvl 44 and a Sith Marauder lvl 27.



And to be honest, im not having fun. But im trying.



1-30 With my Shadow was fun, i really enjoyed that period. But after that, everything became so, so boring. I can understand why ppl lvl doing pvp, it isnt as bad as questing. Then i got to 44 and needed a break.



Lvled pretty fast on my Marauder, but again, doing quest, after quest, after quest... I can understand some grinding, kill X of some droid or w/e, but every place you go is so full of freakin creatures and robots, droids, agents, jawas and ****.



How did you make it to 50? Is pvp the best way?


I have the same problem, but not with this game, but with Solitaire. I played it twice. Man, it was boring. But obviously I have to keep playing it, because of the unwritten universal law that states you must always keep doing whatever you find boring.


Does Solitaire have a forum somewhere? I feel this need to post in the Solitaire forum that I'm bored, just to let others know. This too is an unwritten universal law.


I would like Solitaire, but it's full of queens and jacks and kings and aces and all those numbered cards! and then they have these different suits . .. wherever you go is so full of freakin' cards, it's driving me crazy. What do I do?

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I coulda swore in a Dev interview they said u could lvl to 50 just doing class quests what a lie i think i rolled every Ac in game so far started a bounty hunter got to mid 40s and just became a drag i havnt even logged him in sept to leech his creds and going to the same places over and over on each Ac even for class quests is boring i think i laso ran like 4 fp's BT hammer station and athiss twice lol who wants to sit at fleet all day LFG. Also cancelled think ima take a break from mmo's cause there all getting rather lame only one that keeps me coming back is Wow at least u aint bored and can do raids and dungeons when ya want without having to spam chats loooking for people
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Awesome! Some of you guys are bored. So what is the fix?


You guys will post what is wrong with the game but give no hint as to solutions. How do they fix the issue.


How it should work is post issue with game and post possible solutions that would make it better.


Most of these complaint posts all I get out of them is {OP: "Hey everyone look at me, I am over here!"}. Seems people just want attention.


I have many issues with the game and I have sent feedback using the in game ticket system.


It is okay to have issues with the game because it does have issues but seriously people add reasonable solutions with your complaints/problems.


FYI there is no such thing as a perfect game.

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Well I'm sure you community will great...



When it's so small you know virtually everyone on your server.


Actually yes. In wow too when it didn't have cross-server pvp or anything cross-server really, the community on most servers was a lot better. You knew people. Your server had your own well known people, guilds, etc. Then cross-server came. And that all went to hell. And any real community was quickly lost on all servers.


People want an LFG now. And when they get it? Then they want a teleport to the instance. And then? cross-server LFG because it takes too long on their server. And then? Easier flashpoints because lfg pugs suck at coordination and cooperation. And then? Faster instances because they think it takes too long to finish one.


It's a never ending cycle of people wanting things easier and easier, and faster and faster. And I'm glad that Bioware already stopped that cycle dead in it's tracks right at the start by saying that there won't be any dungeon finder in their game.

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About the 'bored already' issue... If you're bored at level 30+ in this game then I'm sad to say that it's you, not Bioware. It's you that just lost interest in traditional mmorpg's as a whole, yet at the same time no doubt bashed games for trying to be innovative. AoC, DCUO and DDO all tried to be innovative. Yet they were all bashed for it and were told to be more like WoW instead. This game IS more like WoW and less innovative, yet people now complain that they're not innovative enough and things are boring?


Like I said, it's you the player, that is no longer interested in traditional (wow-like, for the wow kiddies) mmo, and more likely than not bashed innovative mmo's for their innovation attempts, that is the problem.


Now instead of only complaining about how boring the game has become or how X lazy feature coming from wow isn't in the game, why not give some constructive idea's on how to improve the game? Give idea's on how you think the game should be fixed, that are not blatant wow idea's you want implemented here. But you won't do that...Just like everyone else that complains, all you can do is list faults, not offer solutions.

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Actually yes. In wow too when it didn't have cross-server pvp or anything cross-server really, the community on most servers was a lot better. You knew people. Your server had your own well known people, guilds, etc. Then cross-server came. And that all went to hell. And any real community was quickly lost on all servers.


People want an LFG now. And when they get it? Then they want a teleport to the instance. And then? cross-server LFG because it takes too long on their server. And then? Easier flashpoints because lfg pugs suck at coordination and cooperation. And then? Faster instances because they think it takes too long to finish one.


It's a never ending cycle of people wanting things easier and easier, and faster and faster. And I'm glad that Bioware already stopped that cycle dead in it's tracks right at the start by saying that there won't be any dungeon finder in their game.

People knew me on my server and vice-versa. This isn't something that magically went "poof."


I know it's a romanticized perspective, but you supplant objectivity with subjectivity and expect the flock of anti-WoW players to gather to your banner to validate an opinion as fact. Thankfully cooler heads prevail internally, though you resistant individuals will will never see it because it isn't worth voicing strongly.


I'm sure the easy response for you is to argue feebly "why did you respond?" to which I answer, "To help you see clarity."

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About the 'bored already' issue... If you're bored at level 30+ in this game then I'm sad to say that it's you, not Bioware. It's you that just lost interest in traditional mmorpg's as a whole, yet at the same time no doubt bashed games for trying to be innovative. AoC, DCUO and DDO all tried to be innovative. Yet they were all bashed for it and were told to be more like WoW instead. This game IS more like WoW and less innovative, yet people now complain that they're not innovative enough and things are boring?


Like I said, it's you the player, that is no longer interested in traditional (wow-like, for the wow kiddies) mmo, and more likely than not bashed innovative mmo's for their innovation attempts, that is the problem.


Now instead of only complaining about how boring the game has become or how X lazy feature coming from wow isn't in the game, why not give some constructive idea's on how to improve the game? Give idea's on how you think the game should be fixed, that are not blatant wow idea's you want implemented here. But you won't do that...Just like everyone else that complains, all you can do is list faults, not offer solutions.

So any boredom you've ever had of a game is your fault, not that of the game itself?

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How are space missions in the 40s? In the teens and twenties they helped to keep things fresh.


While some of them are repeats of earlier ones they are still fun to do, especially if you try do all the bonus objectives.

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Actually yes. In wow too when it didn't have cross-server pvp or anything cross-server really, the community on most servers was a lot better. You knew people. Your server had your own well known people, guilds, etc. Then cross-server came. And that all went to hell. And any real community was quickly lost on all servers.


People want an LFG now. And when they get it? Then they want a teleport to the instance. And then? cross-server LFG because it takes too long on their server. And then? Easier flashpoints because lfg pugs suck at coordination and cooperation. And then? Faster instances because they think it takes too long to finish one.


It's a never ending cycle of people wanting things easier and easier, and faster and faster. And I'm glad that Bioware already stopped that cycle dead in it's tracks right at the start by saying that there won't be any dungeon finder in their game.



Where did they say this can u post a link or just u hear someone say this?Also it's about money and keeping paying subs active no company will lose millions of doller's to keep a few people wanting community happy if u want to team with people on your server all the time dont use a LFG tool if u dont and just wanna run the places before u go to work or sleep then do eet and i think cross realm saved Wow why cause people that wanted to do stuff without waiting hour's to find a group get to the place maybe wipe and then someone leaves have to run out find another person took forever lol time is money:D

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Yeah I hit the wall too. 39 on my Trooper Vanguard. Tried leveling other classes but meh.


When you hit that point that you realize every area is the same 4 mob pack, silver mob with 2 mobs, silver mob patrol, gold mob; you do the exact same thing to each pull; its like stepping behind the curtain and seeing the wizard and going ***.


It's hard to stay with the storyline when the game play is so repetitive and tedious.

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