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Tracer Missile and Grav Round might need to be looked at


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1.5 sec + how much damage? :/


I've been hit with tracer missiles that do 2.5-3k a pop, without being given time to get behind cover or LOS. I might be exaggerating a little bit, but they seem to be the flavor of the month for mercs right now.


If tracer missile hits for 3k on a target, they have no expertise, the BH has a lot, and the missile crit.

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1.5 sec + how much damage? :/


I've been hit with tracer missiles that do 2.5-3k a pop, without being given time to get behind cover or LOS. I might be exaggerating a little bit, but they seem to be the flavor of the month for mercs right now.


u are exaggerating.


Agent(operative) and Inq need a balance pass way way before merc/commando(as it is merc and commando are solid balance wise).


Ill say this again, U NEED TO ATTACK THEM. Once u get pressure on them u can stop the tracer/grav round spam and that takes away a big chunk of the dmg.

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1.5 sec + how much damage? :/


I've been hit with tracer missiles that do 2.5-3k a pop, without being given time to get behind cover or LOS. I might be exaggerating a little bit, but they seem to be the flavor of the month for mercs right now.


Only someone who is 50 with loads of expertise will hit for that much.

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Tracer Missile/Grav Round is easy-mode. As soon as you get that ability you can top the damage charts at level 23/24.


Then you play with complete idiots. Tracer spammers are the biggerst noobs in PvP and there are even Tanks and Healers doing more damage in our PvP games then they do.

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Tracer missile is a SETUP ability for Rail Shot and Unload. If you spam Tracer Missile you're just gimping your own DPS. If you're going to complain about a mechanic, at least learn what it does and how it works with your other abilities.


In other words L2Play.

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Tracer missile is a SETUP ability for Rail Shot and Unload. If you spam Tracer Missile you're just gimping your own DPS. If you're going to complain about a mechanic, at least learn what it does and how it works with your other abilities.


In other words L2Play.


so should a setup move hit for 3k when everyone elses setup moves hit for 1k-1.5k? the point is that it is a SETUP move and should not be one of the primary damage abilities.


Remember peoples health sits at about 10-12k

Edited by Enfuri
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I dont think Grav Round/Tracer missile is OP.. why? Because sorcers/sage can self-heal that dmg anyway (on dps builds)... commando/bh dont have nothing more then grav/round/tracer misslies other skill are a) too weak b) too bugged.


BW first need to fix the lag issue on WZ/mass pvp, then terrbile skill bugs mainly on commando and then we can talk about what is op, what need nerf, what need revamp.

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Tracer missile is a SETUP ability for Rail Shot and Unload. If you spam Tracer Missile you're just gimping your own DPS. If you're going to complain about a mechanic, at least learn what it does and how it works with your other abilities.


In other words L2Play.



Unload(aka Full Auto) is bugged like hell. BH have only one bug - sometimes cast bar goes but there is no dmg and no cd.. but commando have 2 bugs = 1st like BH and 2nd if you are in a fight and somone attack you while casting it u deal 2x dmg no 3x like it should be.


Now its just wasting DPS with this skill not gaining imo (specily for commando).

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i topped them way before i ever got grave round or tracer. BH dominates at aoe damage.


If you're not an idiot. I see BH Mercenaries running up within 5 feet of another player, and then screaming when they don't get a heal in time. OR they reply with "I got close so I could hit with my flamethrower, it hits hella hard."



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This dude has no clue! people have 10-12k health? more like 14-17k with some gear. Ohh and I guess your a Jedi Knight, try respecc to your Rage(dunno what its called for knights) tree and see some 4-5k AoE crits. Come back here when you've got some insight on the game.
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Unload(aka Full Auto) is bugged like hell. BH have only one bug - sometimes cast bar goes but there is no dmg and no cd.. but commando have 2 bugs = 1st like BH and 2nd if you are in a fight and somone attack you while casting it u deal 2x dmg no 3x like it should be.


Now its just wasting DPS with this skill not gaining imo (specially for commando).


It's called knockback, and despite what people say, BH DO lose a tick when they get hit. atleast in pve we do.


EDIT: and lol, someone reported my first post because i used another word for stupid/idiot. Sensitive much?

Edited by Durzaka
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This dude has no clue! people have 10-12k health? more like 14-17k with some gear. Ohh and I guess your a Jedi Knight, try respecc to your Rage(dunno what its called for knights) tree and see some 4-5k AoE crits. Come back here when you've got some insight on the game.


my bad. so the difference in health really is just about 1 extra tracer round hit worth.

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This dude has no clue! people have 10-12k health? more like 14-17k with some gear. Ohh and I guess your a Jedi Knight, try respecc to your Rage(dunno what its called for knights) tree and see some 4-5k AoE crits. Come back here when you've got some insight on the game.


^ I have seen the crits described above, one of my guildmates loves doing them ^

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my bad. so the difference in health really is just about 1 extra tracer round hit worth.


I can't hit 8 people at once with a Grav round, having a potential to do 3K damage in 1.5 seconds compared to a potential 40k(5k to 8 people) damage in one button hit doesn't stack up.


PS I am not saying Gaurdians should be nerfed, but strongly disagree with any assertion that Grav round is OP.

Edited by Gwal
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not sure if these moves are intended to be as powerful as they are but it honestly seems to hit too hard for what it is.


Its spec'ed for in the 3rd tier of the commando/bh trees, it has a 1.5 second cast with no cool down, a 30m range, as well as reduces a players armor. Problem is that it hits harder than the move that you have to spec for in the 7th tier which has a 15 second cooldown on it.


In PvP Grav Round and Tracer Missile can hit reliably on crits for 2500-3000 and can be spammed to hit every 1.5 seconds.


It hits harder than a Jedi Knights Master Strike which has a 4m range, applies damage over 3 seconds, and has a 30 second cool down.


It wouldnt be so bad if so many BH's and troopers didnt just spam the move but it is the most effective way for them to kill stuff. No other class I'm aware of can use just one move and be as effective.


Personally I feel it needs to have a cooldown added, have its damage decreased, move it higher up in the tree, have the ammo/heat cost increased, or something else to bring it in line with other moves in both the BH/Trooper trees and other classes that have cooldowns and dont do as much damage.


the purpose of this thread is simply to give the devs a heads up so they can review the moves and see if they were meant to be this powerful and spamable.


As a merc BH dps I don't enjoy spamming tracer missile over and over but it is one of the most effective ways to dps. However it does NOT hit harder than Heatseeker which is the 31 point ability. With almost full champ pvp gear at 50 my tracer missiles crit for around 3-3.2k each on a squishy. My heatseeker crits on the same target for around 4.2k.


Btw if you wanna complain about the BH/Trooper skill go find a geared Operative/Smuggler and get crit for nearly 8k with 1 attack then get back to me.


Out of all my warzones I am almost first in damage by quite a margin. I've hit 440k dmg in huttball before and im above 350k pretty often. That still doesn't even compare to what I've seen sorcs do. Ive seen sorc pull 550k dmg with 150k healing. I have never seen any BH on my server out damage me so I figure I'm nearing the top considering I'm more geared than probably 99% of the population.


Also think about the utility sorcs get. They can get the tank protection medals, the healing medals and all the damage medals in a warzone. They have a friendly pull spell.



I'm not saying BHs aren't strong damage but that is all they have as Merc dps but I can find several other classes that you might want to look at before you complain about BH/trooper.

Edited by Pheelin
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I can't hit 8 people at once with a Grav round, having a potential to do 3K damage in 1.5 seconds compared to a potential 40k(5k to 8 people) damage in one button hit doesn't stack up.


PS I am not saying Gaurdians should be nerfed, but strongly disagree with any assertion that Grav round is OP.


To maximize the damage on a guardians aoe you have to go up the tank and dps trees and even then the move has a 12 second CD on it. Not that you can get off that many TR without running out of heat/ammo but that would be the same as being able to shoot off 10 TR's worth of damage for the equiv CD.


Something similar would to tracer missile would be taking sunder armor or the SW equiv and making it do 3x as much damage and lowering the cd on it to 1.5 seconds or taking vicious slash/slash and giving it a 1.5 second CD upping the damage by 2x and also adding an armor debuff to it. I dont think either of those should be done because it would be broken.

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I'm gonna make thread dedicated to the crybabies in this game. Much too long to put in this one and since I see anyone complaining about anything is put on the front page...why not me. Btw you should learn to fight BH's or there just gonna keep ****** you. Edited by Universalchild
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Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you could dump the remaining points you get into healing and pick up the Uninteruptable Reactive shield, nor was I aware that you can also pick up an instant heal that increases the next heal effect on you by 5% as well as granting you a mitigation shield.


Oh wait......uh oh, that counter-argument about interupt just got bottomed out, not forgetting dispelling all the garbage of BH's/Commando's being squishy.


so please explain to me how i come up with these extra points to get this shield. also point out the heal that i cannot find on the bodyguard tree. invent stuff much?

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so please explain to me how i come up with these extra points to get this shield. also point out the heal that i cannot find on the bodyguard tree. invent stuff much?


to get it you have to drop the top 2 tiers in the dps tree... ie you would have to give up heatseeker missile

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To maximize the damage on a guardians aoe you have to go up the tank and dps trees and even then the move has a 12 second CD on it. Not that you can get off that many TR without running out of heat/ammo but that would be the same as being able to shoot off 10 TR's worth of damage for the equiv CD.


Something similar would to tracer missile would be taking sunder armor or the SW equiv and making it do 3x as much damage and lowering the cd on it to 1.5 seconds or taking vicious slash/slash and giving it a 1.5 second CD upping the damage by 2x and also adding an armor debuff to it. I dont think either of those should be done because it would be broken.




10 TR is 15 seconds of NOT MOVING. If a merc is allowed to do that, the other player has failed miserably.


Also, Sunder armor is a free attach that generates focus AND exposes the enemies armor. make sunder armor cost 3+ focus and it can do TR damage.

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10 TR is 15 seconds of NOT MOVING. If a merc is allowed to do that, the other player has failed miserably.


Also, Sunder armor is a free attach that generates focus AND exposes the enemies armor. make sunder armor cost 3+ focus and it can do TR damage.


thats why i compared it to slash because sunder armor is a building move. and yeah its not good to sit there and just do 1 move.


and if you want to compare aoe's compare aoes, not single target abilities. BH's have a couple, death from above is pretty nice

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You have never played wow to watch a Arcane mage three - four shot you.


wow had terrible unbalanced pvp and went through cycles of buffing/debuffing people to extreme amounts. Just because something is in game and exploitable doesnt mean its balanced. Now if you take an arcane mage and give them paladin armor thats pretty much what we are seeing right now with tracer/grav.

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