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Tracer Missile and Grav Round might need to be looked at


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This ability is absolutely hilarious. I burst out laughing every time I see a BH spamming tracer missile and literally nothing else -- and that would be 95% of BHs I play again. I suppose there is always that one class in every game that only has to press one button to be effective.


I imagine the look on their faces with their precious tracer missile gets interrupted is priceless.



Edited by Xenofell
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Just spamming that one ability isn't as effective.


Why use ten abilties when you can play to 90% of your classes potential by spamming one? Believe me, if my knight could press one ability in a regular basis and still blow things up, I'd be pressing that one button all day.

Edited by Xenofell
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No, it's not a stupid way to play, the problem is, the good ones and bad ones both spam it but for different reasons.


The bad ones spam it because its easy to push 1 button win, these guys are the ones who stand there after you interrupt them.


The good ones spam it because it does way too much damage for its cast time, and if you interrupt them, that's when they'll throw in their heatseeker/demo etc, and then they'll spam it again.


Basically the same way sorcerers/sages spam lightning/tk throw without as much damage.


This isn't wow, since lockouts only effect a single skill, spamming your highest yield anytime ability followed by using a variant in downtime is how to best output damage (obviously everything changes when things get in your face, but the warzone design usually gives 50 to 75% if not more open uptime).

Holy ****nuts batman.


Sorcs spam FL because it doesn't do as much damage? They spam FL because they either got a lightning barrage proc(doubles the DPS of FL) or to try and proc wrath(grants instant cast and +20% damage on next spell cast - usually combined with a chain lightning for AE or crushing darkness for single target). They do NOT just spam it cause it's easy... at least not the ones with functioning brains.


Tracer missile is ideal for the purpose of stacking heat signatures. Once you have that if you aren't using railshot/heatseeker missiles on CD you are either saving for a proper time to burst or being a *******.

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Why use ten abilties when you can play to 90% of your classes potential by spamming one? Believe me, if my knight could press one ability in a regular basis and still blow things up, I'd be pressing that one button all day.


Because it's not even 90% effective.

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Because it's not even 90% effective.


While I am glad you have an opinion on this most important topic, it is with great regret I must inform you that your opinion is wrong, and point you towards PvP warzones for future education. You can access the aforementioned PvP warzones using the PvP symbol at the bottom right hand corner of your screen.


Thank you for contributing nevertheless, and keep up the good work, friend.

Edited by Xenofell
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I play it. It's dumb when you're grinding down sub50s and no gear 50s. When you face good players any other class can win 1v1 vs merc.


Give me guard and a healer premade and I become a tab target turret. It's good. It's also insanely boring. But then the only class with any depth is juggs. Such a shallow pvp experience.

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and for people who try to point to BH's as being a caster class... stick them in light armor and yes they would be a lol dps caster. In heavy armor they are survivable. I understand why most of the people tracer/grav spam then hit heat/demo because it is very effective.


But getting crit 3 times for 2500 followed up by a 4k heatseeker is a little much.


And yes the 2500+ numbers rely on crit hits. Without high surge and other things that means an average hit goes for about 1500... which is what many of my abilities CRIT for.

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While I am glad you have an opinion on this most important topic, it is with great regret I must inform you that your opinion is wrong, and point you towards PvP warzones for future education. You can access the aforementioned PvP warzones using the PvP symbol at the bottom right hand corner of your screen.


Thank you for contributing nevertheless, and keep up the good work, friend.


Ya you are really funny but incredibly ignorant.


I am in fact access said WZs as we speak and FRAPSing me just spamming grav round to show exactly how clueless you guys are about it, will upload to YT sometime tomorrow.


Stay tuned to be proven wrong.

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I imagine the look on their faces with their precious tracer missile gets interrupted is priceless.


As if it'd help.

If I see tracer spammer than it's the first thing I do: Interrupt him. But after 10 seconds (or something close to that) he spams them again.

So I stun him. 4 seconds earned to make him cry. And than he spam tracers again.


Perhaps Jedi Shadow isn't a counter to Bounty Hunter, I know, but still: I rarely do as much damage in game as Tracer Spammer, while it requires HUGE attention from me and a lot of skill. He just sits and clicks one button. Sometimes followed by another.

There's definitely something wrong with this skill.

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Ya you are really funny but incredibly ignorant.


I am in fact access said WZs as we speak and FRAPSing me just spamming grav round to show exactly how clueless you guys are about it, will upload to YT sometime tomorrow.


Stay tuned to be proven wrong.


Cue cherry picked footage showing you dying repeatedly.



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tottally agree with OP as soon a Bh/trooper gets tracer missile / grav round they spam it at everyone they encounter people disagreeing have just not had it happened to them or are bounty hunters and troopers :p


They probably spam it because it's a core move for the class. Just a hunch.

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Nope, won't include any footage or me dying at all. I can already tell you are utterly wrong though by the footage I already have.


Don't feed him, he's really not worth the effort. If he really thinks grav round is an iWin button, he's beyond hopeless.

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Lol@reporting me for calling you an idiot. Somebody's mad.


What can I say, your ability to spam one button and win in PvP made me seethe with rage, and the way in which you intellectually conveyed your disagreement with the undeniable truth left me no recourse but to report you to the proper authorities. Write me when you reach the cell -- oh wait, heh, no tracer missiles when you're in time out for breaking the forum rules, huh?

Edited by Xenofell
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Total freaking lie that it hits harder than heatseeker.


My tracer missile, in full champion/centurion gear, hits for 1.9k and crits for around 3.1k.


My heatseeker missile, in full champion/centurion gear, hits for 2.8k and crits for around 4.2k. (Assuming heat signatures are up)


Not even close. Tracer doesn't even hit harder than rail shot.


Try harder.


EDIT: Also, while I'm at it. You are vsing the most immobile, easy-to-interrupt class in the game. Letting a BH/Trooper rolfstomp your team is a mistake on your team's part, not ours. You are essentially letting a glass cannon do its job.

Edited by TheJollyRogers
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What can I say, your ability to spam one button and win in PvP made me seethe with rage, and the way in which you intellectually conveyed your disagreement with the undeniable truth left me no recourse but to report you to the proper authorities. Write me when you reach the cell -- oh wait, heh, no tracer missiles when you're in time out for breaking the forum rules, huh?


Warning doesn't put me in timeout, but with your obvious intellectual superiority, you probably knew that. Sorry, you're not important enough to warrant a timeout for insulting. :)


See, the problem is, being witty (if what you think you're doing is being witty, that is. It's debatable.) doesn't provide you a substantive argument either. So, really, I'm just matching your pointless, non-backed up assertions with some of my own (IE: You're an idiot.).


If you're allowing a commando to ceaselessly cast grav round over and over again, then you're bad and deserve to get spammed to death in the first place. There's a reason that interrupts, stuns, knock backs, and mezzes are in the game (Oh, you don't use those or know what those are? Pity.). A good player, which is probably your polar opposite, knows to interrupt a commando while he's casting grav round. Once grav round is interrupted, most (bad) commandos will stand around and get beat on helplessly until they can spam it again. Then you can proceed to knock back, stun, mez, and do whatever else it is you need to do to win. Conclusion? Sorry, but grav round is only an iWin button against bad players, such as yourself. You're delusional if you believe a good commando can get by by merely using grav round, and ignoring his knockbacks, stuns, heals, demo round, HIB, shields, ammo recharger, mezz, full-auto and so on. Good commandos only operate efficiently if they use all of their skills. It's bad players, such as yourself, that allows bad commandos to operate efficiently by spamming grav round.

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Total freaking lie that it hits harder than heatseeker.


My tracer missile, in full champion/centurion gear, hits for 1.9k and crits for around 3.1k.


My heatseeker missile, in full champion/centurion gear, hits for 2.8k and crits for around 4.2k. (Assuming heat signatures are up)


Not even close. Tracer doesn't even hit harder than rail shot.


Try harder.


EDIT: Also, while I'm at it. You are vsing the most immobile, easy-to-interrupt class in the game. Letting a BH/Trooper rolfstomp your team is a mistake on your team's part, not ours. You are essentially letting a glass cannon do its job.


Don't you dare use any logic here.

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