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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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If you don't like how they're rolling out invites (probably because you haven't gotten one yet) or for any other reason you are mad at this game then just don't play it. No one will miss you I promise.


As far *** economy goes, there's this wonderous thing called undercutting that people who reach 50 after the originals will do. The economy for each server will be different but they are always hectic to start with and they all even out and will find a balance at some point.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


More whining? 3 million orders and this guy thinks he understand how business and the economy of MMO's work? Le sigh.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).




Can't people just accept the fact that they aren't in the game and the world isn't exactly fair? Wow some of you a whiners.

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Oh and let's not forget the amount of times Stephen Reid has contradicted himself. Sound's like alot of thought and planning was put into this launch. I wonder if EA's investor's will be happy to know that the $100,000,000+ put into this game, resulted in one of the most shoddy launches in history. People compare this game to other game laucnhes, but if i was 60 million dollars up on budget from any other mmo in history, i'd probably want to make sure when i claim i'm launching the game, that it will actually *********** launch properly.


Oddly enough the ToR thing on Facebook posted they are looking to hire a social media director... haha!

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Wow, the crying is still going on.


You know, I make it policy not to criticize someone else's work unless I myself have done the same sort of work. The reason for this is simple - if I don't have first hand knowledge and experience of what is going on behind the scenes then I really don't have a leg to stand on in criticizing their decisions. This is especially true of something as complicated as an MMO launch.


Thus far this launch has been incredibly smooth. They have also following the plan they said they were implementing for the launch. The only thing they have changed is that they opted to insert two additional days in early access. It is not their fault if people made a bunch of assumptions about what 'staggered' invite would mean. It is not their fault if people are all the sudden feeling that they are somehow being cheated.


Now, for all we know they added the two days so that they could give everyone as close to five full days of access as possible. The waves today could be much larger than those implemented yesterday. Yesterday's smaller waves allowed them to test all the server hardware. Given that I believe two of the servers had hardware failure this was a good move.


In the end, no one is being cheated unless they do not get in by the 19th. That is the only thing that was promised with pre-ordering.


As for the OP's stupid 'price-fixing' arguement that is comletely irrelevant. Prices in MMO economies always take a few weeks to stabilize. Anything anyone does this early in the game (such as rushing to the end and farming BoE stuff - oh my gawd the world is about to come to an end) will become a distant memory.


Now, in the interest of full disclosure I did get into the early access yesterday during the final wave (I ordered on July 28th). Of course, I only played to about level 8 as I work for a living and do not revovle my life around a game. I suspect that today nearly everyone who ordered in August will get in. If that goes well then I'd be willing to bet the day after will have even larger invite waves which will cover Sep and October. I don't know this - I just suspect it.


If you are not in go find something else to do. Jumping on these boards and crying publicly is just a said reflection of who you are.

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Can't people just accept the fact that they aren't in the game and the world isn't exactly fair? Wow some of you a whiners.


yet people like you were screaming for bans when the pvp boosting rumor was posted, guess the world needs to be fair when its affecting you personally.

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Can't people just accept the fact that they aren't in the game and the world isn't exactly fair? Wow some of you a whiners.


Or. OR. *Unhappy customers with the right to use the medium provided by bioware to complain, which is the forums.


There's two thing's we're referred to as. The later^


Or babies and whiner's. Frankly if you owned a business and told an unhappy customer they were a whinging or infantile, you'd lose their business straight away, and whilst that ideal is less applicable to a game everyone is anticipating, their are (people who were automatically labelled trolls) who have claimed to have cancelled their preorder. Sounds like lost business to me. But hey, they're just trolls right, cant possibly just feel like they were wronged as the customer and recieved no information or support from bioware.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


Hey mate, it's spelled legitimate, not legitimet.

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Hey mate, it's spelled legitimate, not legitimet.


I'll contact my school teachers and let them know how they failed to educate me then shall I? Do you realise correcting someone on the internet makes you look like a pompous ******e. Read through the past few pages, some other gimp already pointed it out, if i CARED i would have changed it.

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I REALLY like cake. I REALLY like ice cream. Thus, I like Ice Cream Cake.


If cake is a lie, but ice cream is truth, then what is ice cream cake?


Oh, am I not on topic? Oppsie!


I have to say your argument about paying more then the standard US customer so you should be in is sort of lame. And before you say that you didn't say that, yes you did. You said that you paid more so you should be able to play when everyone else does as well. I'm leaving the naughty words out because it hurts my virgin ears.


Well, I paid more than you. I have a collector's edition pre-order code on my account. It even says "Collector's Edition Pre-Order". In your own argument, I should be in it before you.


This isn't a launch. It's an early access program. That is a HUGE difference then a launch. Trust me, I was sitting in the EverQuest GM pit for the Star Wars Galaxies launch. Now THAT was a cluster F. I was also there for the EQ2 launch. So lets not go into "how a launch shouldn't be done", if you want that, again, Star Wars Galaxies.


However, back on topic, I sort of rambled last paragraph. And I'm doing it here again. Or, am I deliberately wasting your time with this? Who knows. But this is not a launch. Launch is December 20th. The advertised street date. The original pre-order launch was December 15th. Which is tomorrow, so technically, you are still getting in 2 days before that. I'm trying really hard to find a reason to complain that their starting the staggering 2 days early so that everyone can get in. Damn you bioware! DAMN YOU!



And I leave you with these words of wisdom. How many MMORPG servers have YOU set up? By you I mean everyone reading this. Most people will answer zero.


But most importantly, what IS ice cream cake?

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... cake is a lie ...


cake is a lie??? :eek:







Ill bet it's Bioware's fault then! :mad: I even opted for early-cake-access and paid 5 bucks for nothing :(

Edited by Uthyr
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