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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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You're missing the point of the analogy.


No your analogy just makes no *********** sense by comparison, in a situation where you are 'getting food', if the person selling you your food, wouldn't tell you how long it will be, and yet other people were getting your food, you wouldn't take that ****, you'd either walk off, or complain.

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Um your thinking a little to much about 'the movie' itself.


In aussie it can cost $22-23 to go to the cinema's SO, thats around 1/3rd the price of swtor.


Now if you consider the amount of space on the server's, as a parallel to the amount of space in this hypothetical theater, and if it helps your mental image pretend there's 2 million seats in the theatre (that's how many were crammed onto the beta testing server).


So because someone arrived earlier, and paid, they get a seat, but because you arrived later, but not before it had actually started, (parallel here being, if you preorded in august or november or dec as opposed to jan), that person is more entitled to see the movie then you?


Your both paying customer's?


You paid for the same service?


The EULA states we have the same rights as any other user?


But Bioware has conveyed that none of the above matters, they'll do it how they wanna do it, and in the meantime leave the majority in the dark, waiting, staring at their emails during wave postings only to see nothing come through.


You must all be the biggest *********** doormats in real life if you think none of this is wrong and we have no right to complain.


LOL thats bout all i can say about that^


"FIRST COME FIRST SERVE" bw said it since day one so why dont you put that into your little analogy


and for the 2nd time THERE WAS NOT 2MILL BETA TESTERS check your numbers if your going to try and use them as points/facts in your troll


700k max on the stress test

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No your analogy just makes no *********** sense by comparison, in a situation where you are 'getting food', if the person selling you your food, wouldn't tell you how long it will be, and yet other people were getting your food, you wouldn't take that ****, you'd either walk off, or complain.


Well there you go. Complaining isn't working out for you, so walk away.

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um, no because regardless, you know your going to get your food a minute later. You're not going to be told to wait until the next day to MAYBE get your food. The same way you're not going to be told to wait 2 hour's for the next movie session.


not if your in a line of 2 million. and people also have camped outside of movie theatres for days to wathc a movie first and guess what hen the theatre fills up the ones behind the others have to wait for the next showing.

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And then, the moment they get in-game, no doubt they will be quiet and enjoy it, and have nothing bad to say...


This entire claim that the launch is a bad one is stemming from the feeling of 'I want to be in-game right now but can't quite yet, and others are. This is unfair.'


While it would seem unfair, we have known about it since far earlier this year, and therefore CANNOT COMPLAIN NOW, when the system is being implemented EXACTLY as described it would be by Bioware.

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Another one that needs to be told


There's the door matey-------> Your not wanted on the thread.


Hmmm I have given a lot of thought about my reaction to both your complaint and your responses to others. Here it is:



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And then, the moment they get in-game, no doubt they will be quiet and enjoy it, and have nothing bad to say...



I disagree... I think they will just find something else to complain about.

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Do a forum search, there's many advertising campaigns that show "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13" and thats it. Say's nothing about 'up to' or anything like that. Again i won't deny, the other side of the coin is that many advertising campaigns DID adhere to the advertising campaign of "UP TO BLAH BLAH DAYS", but not all of them did, and thats why we're angry. We've been mislead as the consumer in order to feel enticed to buy their product now as opposed to later.


To be fair, this is actually a good point. Even Origin's SWTOR page doesn't say "up to" or "may," it just says, "Pre-Order Now for Early Game Access! Limited Quantities available!" right at the top. Nowhere on the store page at all does it use ambiguous phrases like "up to" or "may receive." Not even the fine print at the bottom is the same as what is in those e-mails and on other sites. This is Bioware's official launch store we're talking about here.

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People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track.


Being a Gold-Capped auctioneer in WOW I must disagree with you. The market is set by what people are willing to spend on an item. Someone can put something up at 100k, and if no one buys it, it will slowly go down until it reaches the amount people are willing to pay for an item. The supply/demand for low populations will not be the same as when the servers are running at full speed.

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One of the more smooth MMORPG launch ever and people complain like if it was the end of the world. I still don't get it. Bioware is managing the situation greatly IMHO by controlling how many people can enter at a time instead opening the doors to everyone and creating hundred of issues in the login servers and game servers, overcrowded initial areas, etc.


I'm not in yet, but I don't mind entering today, tomorrow or on the last EGA day as long as I can play properly. Now, if people cannot enter they complain because they cannot, if they enter and the server crashes they complain about the server crashing, if they cannot do anything but stand in the same place for hours to go on with a mission because it's impossible to play with 300 players in the same area killing the same monster... well, they complain about that.


So according to people that complain... what should Bioware do? Open the doors to everyone? Because people is going to keep complaining anyway.


What I'd like to know it's how many of the people complaining today will keep complaining the launch day. Seriously, I know we're not all adults here, but I think people shoud be a bit more mature and understand what is going on. Not to mention that Bioware keeps giving info about how everything is going a few times a day.


Anyway, keep complaining if you want, most of us are just reading the forums and enjoying all this. I just feel sorry about the community managers that have to handle all this.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


What the OP fails to realize is that Bioware is doing it this way to avoid empty servers for merging later on down the road, also allowing the entire pre order group on in stagered intervals means it gives them time to get out of the starter zones. the worst thing during any launch is waiting on mobs to respawn during the release. doing it this way helps to limit how many are on in one zone = faster leveling due to completeing quests with out having to wait.

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@ OP


I think your original grievance stated in your first paragraph is legitimate, your rant thereafter really takes away from a strong counterpoint to doing this staggered access. Next time, "stay on target."


Hah! I actually chuckled pretty hard at that referance :p Good job xD

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Also, if you asked the person selling your food, how long the wait will be, they will tell you straight up. They won't ignore you and walk away, and leaving you complaining at the counter.


There could have been a lot of better ways to handle what is happening right now. For example using words like "may" and "up to" will always make a customer feel dissatisfied unless they receive the maximum because that is our expectation by paying more, paying early or meeting the condition for being able to receive the maximum allotment.


The goal should have been receive at least 5 days early access for preordering. Set a cut off date for those 5 days then make sure it happens. After the cut off date simply state you will be allowed early access based on the time you redeemed your code but make sure people are aware what they must do to get certain perks. Also, give people a heads up about the schedule and say this is what we plan, be conservative and then setup yourself for success by being able to get people in earlier than expected if things go well.


Also we need to take into consideration that maybe their systems and support cannot handle the game on launch. So they are doing everything they can to get people to preorder and slowly trickle them into the game making release day much easier on their equipment. This worries me because the first time a server does a boycott or occupy a certain area the servers will crash and all hell breaks loose.


What is happening is the company is treating a small section of the community with specific favoritism giving significant advanced playtime without cost for simply giving them 5 bucks well ahead of time. Let's also consider that if you cancel your preorder that does not invalidate your code. So there could be people already in the game that have no intention to play past live.


Lets also consider that this game, while very cool premise, is already out dated in mechanics by using "Talent" tree pioneered by Blizzard. These have already been deemed not good for their game as it creates no fun choices and will be removed next expansion. Taking this into consideration really this new mmo will be just a different wrapper on existing ideas and tech. One of the important parts of advancement is making things better and different. Where has SWTOR delivered on this aspect outside of voice acting for all story elements? This just makes the game cost more not make it innovative.


Now with giving people forum access but no game access there is a significant chance for people to be disgruntled and upset. Thus leading to posts like mine and many others. Leading down the path of hey wait I really do not want to play the game so I will cancel and keep playing my current game that I have hundreds of hours already invested.


Good Job Bioware.

Edited by Oddnoun
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The guy above makes a good point. I'm pretty sure only preorder access people can access the forums at the moment. Wouldn't it have been smarter to make it so only people who are in early access can post on the forums. That way Bioware gets what they want. No one complaining.


It would save the having to delete all our threads in an effort to hide the complaints. And before you tell me they're just deleting mine because i'm allegedly a 'troll', the fact is, i watched dozens of threads with civil relevant discussions getting deleted last night at the whim of bioware, because they reflected the game in a negative light. At the time the East coast was due to get home from school and work and begin playing so they wanted to hide all the bad feedback they've recieved from unhappy customers.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price.


Actually, the buyer sets the market price, because that's when money actually changes hands. Talk to the seller, work out a price that works for both parties, just don't sit on your rear end and hope for things to magically change to what you think they should be. Work for the price you want from the other person.

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