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Does this Game...


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I'm not even going to get into this argument, other than to say that there is more to succeeding in an encounter than topping the dps charts. Knowing when to interrupt to save a tanks life, etc, is much more important than the re-re's that think they are all that because they just hit the same simple rotation and don't even bother moving, so that the healers need to over-work themselves to keep their dumbarses alive.


Recount tracks interrupts.. I'm sure you're aware Recount tracks EVERYTHING, not simply just DPS. You know this.

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Just a question. How much else would they have been able to put into the game if they hadn't done any voice-acting? That would have been a lot of money to put elsewhere into the game. However...how well would the game have done without any voice-acting, since that was it's main drive? Hmm.

If it didn't have full voice acting, people wouldn't even be playing it, because all their games prior (KOTOR's) had it and this game is basically that game MMO-sized.


I really can't think of anything that they haven't put into the game yet. There are what, 15 FP's you can do heroic mode and 2 Operations at launch with another FP coming in patch 1.1?


Seriously people, you expect everything, when you basically got everything you need, and everything that is definitely not needed (combat logs, DF) were left out.


Sure some things can be tweaked (like customizable UI, but NO macros/mods) but that is about it.

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Just a question. How much else would they have been able to put into the game if they hadn't done any voice-acting? That would have been a lot of money to put elsewhere into the game. However...how well would the game have done without any voice-acting, since that was it's main drive? Hmm.


We can only sit and wonder how many MILLIONS were wasted on voice-acting. All voice-acting does is annoy us by our FIRST toon up til level 35. Why would BioWare spend the majority of their budget on a "feature" (term used quite loosely) that has literally no replay value what-so-ever.

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No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR,


Good, glad it doesn't exist. It may inevitably have to come in the future, but devs should hold off as long as possible.




Exists, use it.


combat log,


Good. Should only exist for testing dummies and Operations.


no mods, no macros, no custom UI,


Meh, can be fun, but not essential.


awful stock UI,


Subjective. I like it (apart from not being able to move windows about)


awful combat,


Again, subjective. I like it.


terrible lag everywhere,


Haven't experienced any lag at all yet.


useless PVP,


Again, subjective, I've seen lots of comments from people who enjoy it.


no endgame,


Untrue. Whether there's enough endgame to keep people occupied till the next bunch of endgame promised in James Ohlen's blogpost - which will probably have to come around the 3 month mark at risk of game failure - might be debatable.


lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests,


Vehemently disagree on all counts, but again, subjective.


no recount..


Again, possibly necessary for Operations only.


Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group.


Have you tried using the LFG tool and actually, you know, talking to people?


We get it, you don't like the game. GBTW already.

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Recount tracks interrupts.. I'm sure you're aware Recount tracks EVERYTHING, not simply just DPS. You know this.

And how many times were the Interrupt meter posted in a Raid? That's right, zero, because the good players don't need to get a bigger epeen, because they know they are good. It's the re-re's topping the chart in dps that cause failure 99% of the time, because while they may be doing the most damage, they are also the top people needing to be healed (even higher than the tanks) which causes the healers to go OOM.


Just trust me, combat logs are not needed, as there is not one positive thing to come from it. Trust me.

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And how many times were the Interrupt meter posted in a Raid? That's right, zero, because the good players don't need to get a bigger epeen, because they know they are good. It's the re-re's topping the chart in dps that cause failure 99% of the time, because while they may be doing the most damage, they are also the top people needing to be healed (even higher than the tanks) which causes the healers to go OOM.


Just trust me, combat logs are not needed, as there is not one positive thing to come from it. Trust me.


Trust you? Lawl.


Interrupts don't need to be tracked because 99% of players HAVE recount and can just LOOK themselves. Recount will be in the game before long. Trust me. Your argument is completely moot, man. The only reason any sane person in this game wouldn't want (lawl) recount or combat log is.. well, to be honest, I don't even know what's going on in your head good sir. There really is no logical reason. Really.

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We can only sit and wonder how many MILLIONS were wasted on voice-acting. All voice-acting does is annoy us by our FIRST toon up til level 35. Why would BioWare spend the majority of their budget on a "feature" (term used quite loosely) that has literally no replay value what-so-ever.


annoys you. funny though, this "feature" is loved in all of their rpgs and thats one of the main reasons they are succesful. Doesnt have replay value???? now its just obvious you are trolling.... cause ya know ....a text box quest that no one reads ...is better.... pfft. laughable

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So you think people will be playing this game in 12 months the way people have been playing WoW for 7 years, and years to come? I don't understand why these forums can't have frank discussions..

Oh people will be playing this game for the next decade I guarantee it, because there is a fairly large Star Wars fanbase that just likes the Star Wars Universe and will play it for a long long time. Just look at SWG, it actually sucks *** as a game (yes my opinion of it no need to debat it :) ), but still has a large calling. Even Conan and Aion will be around in a decades time, because there will still be people playing them, and their makers can't turn off the servers until zero people are playing, else they get sued for not allowing someone to play what they are paying for.

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So you think people will be playing this game in 12 months the way people have been playing WoW for 7 years, and years to come? I don't understand why these forums can't have frank discussions..


yes, this games taking the reigns from WoW. a 7 year run is a great accomplishment. all great things come to an end. Dont worry we will welcome you back to the community in 6 months when you realize the truth.

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Interrupts don't need to be tracked because 99% of players HAVE recount and can just LOOK themselves.

You're right, and so the dps meters don't need to be posted then either, because everyone has recount right? You make no sense.

Edited by Maeleena
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So you think people will be playing this game in 12 months the way people have been playing WoW for 7 years, and years to come? I don't understand why these forums can't have frank discussions..


Blatant hostility from WoW fanbois is not conducive to frank discussion. If they don't like SWTOR, they are free to leave, but hanging around these forums pissing and moaning and trollololing will not be tolerated.


Constructive criticism is always welcome. There are plenty constructively critical posts too, and you will find that generally they're treated with respect on the forums.

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Blatant hostility from WoW fanbois is not conducive to frank discussion. If they don't like SWTOR, they are free to leave, but hanging around these forums pissing and moaning and trollololing will not be tolerated.


Constructive criticism is always welcome. There are plenty constructively critical posts too, and you will find that generally they're treated with respect on the forums.


This, a million times.

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Do you agree that this game should still be in alpha? How can you argue that? That's not even really an opinion, its truly more of a fact..


This is most ludicrous statement I've seen on this forum in weeks. And that says quite a lot.

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annoys you. funny though, this "feature" is loved in all of their rpgs and thats one of the main reasons they are succesful. Doesnt have replay value???? now its just obvious you are trolling.... cause ya know ....a text box quest that no one reads ...is better.... pfft. laughable


Blizzard understands that LEVELING is an MEANS TO AN END. In other words, leveling is a chore.. end-game is what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED. BioWare had YEARS to try and see what worked, build off that... and THEN some. They fell quite short of the mark.

Edited by Feelinestars
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Blatant hostility from WoW fanbois is not conducive to frank discussion. If they don't like SWTOR, they are free to leave, but hanging around these forums pissing and moaning and trollololing will not be tolerated.


Constructive criticism is always welcome. There are plenty constructively critical posts too, and you will find that generally they're treated with respect on the forums.


You're not the guy who determines what can and can be posted on these forums. I, and everyone else, are free to speak our opinions in a civil manner.. so don't sit there and troll me because we disagree. I'm not being disrespectful to you, don't be disrespectful to me.

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Blizzard understands that LEVELING is an ENDS TO A MEAN. In other words, leveling is a chore.. end-game is what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED. BioWare had YEARS to try and see what worked, build off that... and THEN some. They fell quite short of the mark.

Actually, the ability to roll multiple toons (aka the ease of leveling incorporated in WotLK) is what kept people playing, but that is wearing off, because the end-game in WoW is the exact same thing every patch/expansion.

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Yeah after this and the voice acting comment, it's pretty clear now that he's just a silly little troll.


I'm a silly little troll because 90% of the community would have rather BioWare focused on what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED (hint: look at Blizzard and completely copy them, if they were smart) and not some gimmick which, let's face it, gets old by level 35 ON YOUR FIRST TOON. This game is not conducive to alts. When a game isn't conducive to alts, or it feels like a chore, that's the making of an unsuccessful MMO.

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Blizzard understands that LEVELING is an ENDS TO A MEAN. In other words, leveling is a chore.. end-game is what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED. BioWare had YEARS to try and see what worked, build off that... and THEN some. They fell quite short of the mark.


its obvious now you dont have a clue. You think people spent all those hours leveling as a chore? chores arent fun. no one would want to put in that much time not having fun just to get to a certain point TO have fun. thats ridiculous. games have to be fun from the get go.

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Blizzard understands that LEVELING is an ENDS TO A MEAN. In other words, leveling is a chore.. end-game is what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED. BioWare had YEARS to try and see what worked, build off that... and THEN some. They fell quite short of the mark.


But leveling is not a chore in SWTOR. At least no for me. If it is for you, I suggest you play something else.


The end game is of course super important, and the game will not survive in the long run without it. But there is no reason the leveling shouldn't be a joyful experience.

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Actually, the ability to roll multiple toons (aka the ease of leveling incorporated in WotLK) is what kept people playing, but that is wearing off, because the end-game in WoW is the exact same thing every patch/expansion.


I suppose Rift, Aion, EVE, Warhammer, and SW:TOR can keep doing what they think is right.. while WoW remains king and completely untouched and unrattled.


Face it, things aren't panning out as BioWare planned. Can you at least admit that? I'm here because I wanted something new. What I (and obviously many others?) got was a game that feels like it was released circa 1999. And you know what? That sucks, dude. I wanted this game to rock. I bought into the hype, too.

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I'm a silly little troll because 90% of the community would have rather BioWare focused on what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED (hint: look at Blizzard and completely copy them, if they were smart) and not some gimmick which, let's face it, gets old by level 35 ON YOUR FIRST TOON. This game is not conducive to alts. When a game isn't conducive to alts, or it feels like a chore, that's the making of an unsuccessful MMO.

Are you seriously daft? Copy WoW? If they did that they would completely and utterly fail. Making a copy of something else isn't going to make people switch. Something new is what will make people switch from one to the other, and after less than a month, no one can say where this game will be in 6 months, a year, etc, so please stop acting like you know where this game will be in the future, because you haven't a clue.

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I'm a silly little troll because 90% of the community would have rather BioWare focused on what KEEPS PEOPLE SUBSCRIBED (hint: look at Blizzard and completely copy them, if they were smart) and not some gimmick which, let's face it, gets old by level 35 ON YOUR FIRST TOON. This game is not conducive to alts. When a game isn't conducive to alts, or it feels like a chore, that's the making of an unsuccessful MMO.


this is the first mmo where i wanted to play many alts. and 90% of the community???? now you are reaching lol. Unlike you I really dislike speaking for others but the general consensus I have seen is people are stoked about the story element. But keep trying



(we got him backed into a corner throwing punches blind folks ...keep going lol)

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its obvious now you dont have a clue. You think people spent all those hours leveling as a chore? chores arent fun. no one would want to put in that much time not having fun just to get to a certain point TO have fun. thats ridiculous. games have to be fun from the get go.


You're sort of.. proving my point for me, bro.


The thought of leveling up another character on these boring, lifeless planets hitting spacebar for 50 levels is a daunting, unpleasant thought. Is this open for debate? I mean really man, there's opinion.. and then there's fact. I understand that RPG'ers play these games for a different reason, but guess what.. RPG'ers don't pay the subscription / new content bills, casuals and hardcores do. You may think I don't know what I'm talking about, but where this game will be in 6 months will speak VOLUMES for its success in the industry.


When Diablo 3, SC2x2, and WoWx5 come out.. you think people will still be playing this game? It won't even retain 500,000 subscribers. I've been around the gaming block, bro.

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