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I get the sense (especially from these forums, and from reviews all over the internet) that not too many are having the "fun" that we all thought we would. Lord above knows I wanted to love this game to pieces, but unfortunately that didn't happen for me.. and apparently, a TON of other people..


So instead of trying to make it more fun we should kill the game the rest of the way or at the very least make it just another uninteresting grind with no variation? I so follow your logic, or maybe it's just me...

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I feel as if Bioware missed a lot of the Star Wars in the Star Wars game. They did a good job in KoTOR. But, in this MMO, I expected more. Especially with the time put into it. It feels very WoW like. And, well Bioware had a whole canvas to work with. Wheres the moments where I get to lead a division of Republic, or Sith, troopers into battle? There is a war going on, and I'm out making sure that Voss is safe from it's lower class citizens.


Agree 100%. They have the darn Star Wars name behind it. That alone could bring in 1,000,000 people at launch (and most likely did).. and we're left with a somewhat lifeless, uninspired world with nothing but corridors with different colors.

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Because I bought the BlizzCon virtual ticket and devoured every second of it, and I still play WoW and follow its development very closely, and I do with many games and companies. Gaming for me (as a computer nerd, but I also get paid to fix computers and networks hehe!) is a hobby, and I love it!


If you don't read gaming news about a game that you are going to buy, you are terrible at your hobby

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Absolutely not. I want this game to be more fun and succeed. What bothers me is the BioDrones who defend it when they themselves login and are playing the same game us the rest of us. I can admit I'm a Blizzard fanboi, if the guys who defend the combat, no ui, no macros, no recount, lackluster planets, no fresh artwork, clunky gameplay, and awful PVP that they're BioDrones.



Originally Posted by Feelinestars

No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR,

Good, glad it doesn't exist. It may inevitably have to come in the future, but devs should hold off as long as possible.




Exists, use it.



combat log,

Good. Should only exist for testing dummies and Operations.



no mods, no macros, no custom UI,

Meh, can be fun, but not essential.



awful stock UI,

Subjective. I like it (apart from not being able to move windows about)



awful combat,

Again, subjective. I like it.



terrible lag everywhere,

Haven't experienced any lag at all yet.



useless PVP,

Again, subjective, I've seen lots of comments from people who enjoy it.



no endgame,

Untrue. Whether there's enough endgame to keep people occupied till the next bunch of endgame promised in James Ohlen's blogpost - which will probably have to come around the 3 month mark at risk of game failure - might be debatable.



lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests,

Vehemently disagree on all counts, but again, subjective.



no recount..

Again, possibly necessary for Operations only.



Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group.

Have you tried using the LFG tool and actually, you know, talking to people?


We get it, you don't like the game. GBTW already.


Gurugeorge refuted your drivel, now quit repeating your stupid talking points

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What's funny is, I guarantee 100% of the people posting in this thread currently have at least 1 WoW subscription.


Don't even deny it or argue it.


Never touched WoW. This is my Second MMO (tried DCUO when it went F2P). Try to not lie more, please.

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Originally Posted by Feelinestars

No, I will say what is missing completely, not a list that suits your needs. The major 2012 MMO features missing are LFR,

Good, glad it doesn't exist. It may inevitably have to come in the future, but devs should hold off as long as possible.




Exists, use it.



combat log,

Good. Should only exist for testing dummies and Operations.



no mods, no macros, no custom UI,

Meh, can be fun, but not essential.



awful stock UI,

Subjective. I like it (apart from not being able to move windows about)



awful combat,

Again, subjective. I like it.



terrible lag everywhere,

Haven't experienced any lag at all yet.



useless PVP,

Again, subjective, I've seen lots of comments from people who enjoy it.



no endgame,

Untrue. Whether there's enough endgame to keep people occupied till the next bunch of endgame promised in James Ohlen's blogpost - which will probably have to come around the 3 month mark at risk of game failure - might be debatable.



lackluster uninspired graphics, lackluster uninspired planets, lackluster uninspired quests,

Vehemently disagree on all counts, but again, subjective.



no recount..

Again, possibly necessary for Operations only.



Face it, no one wants to sit in trade and spam to look for a group.

Have you tried using the LFG tool and actually, you know, talking to people?


We get it, you don't like the game. GBTW already.


Gurugeorge refuted your drivel, now quit repeating your stupid talking points


Cool, you're saying you like everything everyone in the forums is pointing out (and in some cases, commented on by developers lol) as being broken or bad. Anything else, from you? Because if possible, I'd like BioWare to see this thread so they can see what is so broken with their game. It should still be in closed-alpha.. not even family and friends alpha, that's how poor the game is right now.

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What's funny is, I guarantee 100% of the people posting in this thread currently have at least 1 WoW subscription.


Don't even deny it or argue it.


Nope, sorry, but I do not have an active WoW subscription. I know this may burst your bubble, but you are wrong.

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What's funny is, I guarantee 100% of the people posting in this thread currently have at least 1 WoW subscription.


Don't even deny it or argue it.


Obvious troll is obvious. You are doing it wrong when everyone gets it. A successful troll should be believable.

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Never touched WoW. This is my Second MMO (tried DCUO when it went F2P). Try to not lie more, please.


Sounds like you have a knack for playing F2P games :o


Sorry, I couldn't resist. But in all reality, I don't think even the developers will deny this game will be F2P in a few months. It's just a poor release, plain and simple. Those who are denying that are the commonly used term "BioDrones."

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What's funny is, I guarantee 100% of the people posting in this thread currently have at least 1 WoW subscription.


Don't even deny it or argue it.


Never did, Never will, eat that :jawa_tongue:


Would do you (and all other critics) good to realize that WOW is not the only other MMO out there and by no means the defining factor in the industry. Maybe 10 years ago, but not anymore.

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Honestly... Part of me feels like maybe EALouse was right after all.


Is that the guy who claimed he was an ex-BioWare employee and said that the game will be the biggest flop in gaming history, the gameplay was terrible, and they focused all their money on voice acting. Didn't that circulate a long while back?


Sounds pretty darn spot-on and believable, doesn't it..


Food for thought.

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Cool, you're saying you like everything everyone in the forums is pointing out (and in some cases, commented on by developers lol) as being broken or bad. Anything else, from you? Because if possible, I'd like BioWare to see this thread so they can see what is so broken with their game. It should still be in closed-alpha.. not even family and friends alpha, that's how poor the game is right now.


at some point its in your best interest to realize that your opinion is subjective and in no way represent the mmo community as a whole.


Im sorry you are upset that WoWs time at the top is coming to an end. I know I was upset when the lakers championship run ended last year. I feel your pain but eventually you will get over it. I promise :)

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Cool, you're saying you like everything everyone in the forums is pointing out (and in some cases, commented on by developers lol) as being broken or bad. Anything else, from you? Because if possible, I'd like BioWare to see this thread so they can see what is so broken with their game. It should still be in closed-alpha.. not even family and friends alpha, that's how poor the game is right now.


There are a few things that I would like to see changed about this game, and BW has already said they would add a combat log and are fixing many of the bugs

Unlike some people, I am not so much of an idiot that I take my opinions and frame them as fact

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Never did, Never will, eat that :jawa_tongue:


Would do you (and all other critics) good to realize that WOW is not the only other MMO out there and by no means the defining factor in the industry. Maybe 10 years ago, but not anymore.


How can one say that.. all you need to do is look at the numbers. 500,000 to (conservatively) 10 million, with at least 2 more expansions in the bag. Not only is it in the defining factor in the industry 10 years ago, it's what EVERY game released strives to be NOW. It's STILL the defining factor, man. It's a phenomenon and recognized as such. I know this may be hard to admit, but admitting is the first step.. :p

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Is that the guy who claimed he was an ex-BioWare employee and said that the game will be the biggest flop in gaming history, the gameplay was terrible, and they focused all their money on voice acting. Didn't that circulate a long while back?


Sounds pretty darn spot-on and believable, doesn't it..


Food for thought.


Ya. That's him. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe his statement about most of the budget being blown on voice acting might have been right. There are some definite design problems, that makes me think it wasn't well thought out. Both of these things makes me wonder if that guy was maybe telling the truth.

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at some point its in your best interest to realize that your opinion is subjective and in no way represent the mmo community as a whole.


Im sorry you are upset that WoWs time at the top is coming to an end. I know I was upset when the lakers championship run ended last year. I feel your pain but eventually you will get over it. I promise :)


Do you believe yourself when you say such foolish things as "this game that has 500,000 subs.. probably the same as Rift or something is going to take down WoW?" I hate to stoop to your level and use the word foolish, I'm just drawing a blank for another adjective to describe such a silly statement.


WoW's time at the top is coming to an end? What got released? Titan? Diablo 3? The only thing that will kill WoW is Titan, Blizzard's un-announced nex-gen MMO. Other computer companies can't ever do what Blizzard does. Period. The numbers speak for themselves, good sir. Check the last 20 years.

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Other computer companies can't ever do what Blizzard does. Period. The numbers speak for themselves, good sir.


I got some bad news for you. Numbers do speak for themselves. People are leaving WoW in droves. I'm one of them after 7 years. Also, looking at the new panda expansion, it looks like even Blizzard can't do what Blizzard used to do.

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I got some bad news for you. Numbers do speak for themselves. People are leaving WoW in droves. I'm one of them after 7 years. Also, looking at the new panda expansion, it looks like even Blizzard can't do what Blizzard used to do.


But yet, Blizzard still knows what they're doing in every way possible. What a brilliant business move to hook people in for a year while SW:TOR comes out, fails, and then Diablo 3 and Mists comes out. Bravo Blizzard, bravo.




Food for thought, yet again. This article bears repeating and re-reading.

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How can one say that.. all you need to do is look at the numbers. 500,000 to (conservatively) 10 million, with at least 2 more expansions in the bag. Not only is it in the defining factor in the industry 10 years ago, it's what EVERY game released strives to be NOW. It's STILL the defining factor, man. It's a phenomenon and recognized as such. I know this may be hard to admit, but admitting is the first step.. :p


So does that mean that Call of Duty is the defining game every FPS should strive to be? Hell no! All games play differently (or at least should). Simply because WoW had (supposedly) 11 million subscribers at one time does not at all mean every single MMO to ever come out now should play and function in exactly the same manner. Also, if you are going to bring up the fact that most recent MMOs only tried to emulate WoW rather than do things their own way, all those games also flopped.

Edited by Kemosobe
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