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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP kind of sucks


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First off im a lvl 20 Vanguard and fighting 30-50 lvled players THAT IS UNBALANCED!!


and the last thing is.. why not kick people from the safe zone if they ARENT moving.. becuase i've been kicked because im looking through the vendor YOU PLACED in the safe zone and i get kicked for staying in the safe zone looking at things i could buy when im 40-50


also I get kicked when i missed the first timer countdown and im waiting for the other one to finish and im jumping around and dancing etc. why would i get kicked when im apparently not AFKing in the safe zone


either have it so people get kicked from PvP when they DON'T move and are in the safe zone.


and please get to work on level matchmaking for PvP im tired of fighting 30s and 50s as a level 20 because I CANT do anything to hurt them...

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thats not pvp ...its just mini games...


and if you check the stats when you join..you see your stats are based on the other players...you just lack some of the higher rank skills..


if you a skilled player ..you are also usefull with low level...


but i guess you not

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thats not pvp ...its just mini games...


and if you check the stats when you join..you see your stats are based on the other players...you just lack some of the higher rank skills..


if you a skilled player ..you are also usefull with low level...


but i guess you not

Stop trolling. Being under level 40 means you don't have your 31 pt talent (and plenty others along the way) and therefore you are seriously gimped.


At level 50, I can kill any other player in PVP that is 30 levels less than me in the actual game. It isn't a challenge, it is just stupid.


At least they are putting 50's in their own bracket in patch 1.1, but they need to do more brackets, like 10-39 and 40-49 or even more, but I will settle for that to start.

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Stop trolling. Being under level 40 means you don't have your 31 pt talent (and plenty others along the way) and therefore you are seriously gimped.


At level 50, I can kill any other player in PVP that is 30 levels less than me in the actual game. It isn't a challenge, it is just stupid.


At least they are putting 50's in their own bracket in patch 1.1, but they need to do more brackets, like 10-39 and 40-49 or even more, but I will settle for that to start.


than dont join the mini games if you fear to get killed...


grind up to 50...


qq power...i dont have a problem to play them ..even with lvl 20...win/loss ratio is the same like on my lvl 47 toon


stop moaning

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Stop trolling. Being under level 40 means you don't have your 31 pt talent (and plenty others along the way) and therefore you are seriously gimped.


At level 50, I can kill any other player in PVP that is 30 levels less than me in the actual game. It isn't a challenge, it is just stupid.


At least they are putting 50's in their own bracket in patch 1.1, but they need to do more brackets, like 10-39 and 40-49 or even more, but I will settle for that to start.


Hes not trolling


my level 18 operative wrecked level 50's in these games, you just dont have all your moves so they have more tricks


by the same token i saw a level 11 healer spamming his only heal and keeping that stupid sentinel alive long enough to kill me -_-

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First off, if you are playing PVP, when the timer starts and the "gates" open you need to get into the match. You have a team that is relying on you. If you are just going to hang out check out what the vendor has for sale when the match is going it is my opinion that you need to get booted out to make room for someone who actually cobtributes to the team.


Secondly, all your stats get "bolstered". I've been playing PVP since lvl 12 and just now reached lvl 26 and I am almost always in the top 3 of every match and typically the highest damage dealt for my team.


PVP in this game is awesome....though I will be happy when some new war zones are added.

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Stop trolling. Being under level 40 means you don't have your 31 pt talent (and plenty others along the way) and therefore you are seriously gimped.


At level 50, I can kill any other player in PVP that is 30 levels less than me in the actual game. It isn't a challenge, it is just stupid.


At least they are putting 50's in their own bracket in patch 1.1, but they need to do more brackets, like 10-39 and 40-49 or even more, but I will settle for that to start.


Although I do agree that you dont have your 31 pt talent, I don't think a 40-49 bracket is a good idea, I feel like the queues would never pop.

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Im 99% sure they are going to add brackets, its just the game is so new right now. I personally like it, pvp leveling...yes please. And you have to remember that level 50 players have way more abilities and talents then a level 30 so they still have a huge advantage.
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Hes not trolling


my level 18 operative wrecked level 50's in these games, you just dont have all your moves so they have more tricks


by the same token i saw a level 11 healer spamming his only heal and keeping that stupid sentinel alive long enough to kill me -_-


Yea same my Agent Sniper crushes in warzones. I play smart, don't over extend, observe the field and then finally pick a spot. In order to do well you have to be VERY aware of your surroundings, when to flee and when to attack. Too many times I see people go in all the lonesome get destroyed then ***** about it.

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The "ability delay bug" isn't a bug it was a intentional design, but i do hope they change it.


I disagree, if skills et al reduce cast times and they aren't reduced because the game is waiting for the animations to finish then its a bug.

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Yea same my Agent Sniper crushes in warzones. I play smart, don't over extend, observe the field and then finally pick a spot. In order to do well you have to be VERY aware of your surroundings, when to flee and when to attack. Too many times I see people go in all the lonesome get destroyed then ***** about it.


While I dont disagree its perfectly possible to contribute significantly at these levels you cannot deny you have to play extremely well.


The problem is this system expects the average Joe to play their best PvP when they only installed the game a few hours before. And then weirdly the game gets easier becasue you rise in levels when in fact it should get harder as you become more familiar with the game and your skill improves.


That is why its broken.

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I often get kicked because my loading screen is too long. Giving me 1-2 seconds to get out of the safezone. Which isn't always easy. Ridicolous.


They really gotta fix this crap, and the kick-counter is way too short as well, what if I have a freezespike when I die and cant get out of spawn on the first try, I will get kicked. Fix asap.

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I often get kicked because my loading screen is too long. Giving me 1-2 seconds to get out of the safezone. Which isn't always easy. Ridicolous.


They really gotta fix this crap, and the kick-counter is way too short as well, what if I have a freezespike when I die and cant get out of spawn on the first try, I will get kicked. Fix asap.



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I would definitely agree that there needs to be some kind of bracketing going on. I appreciate the fact that without brackets we are allowed into PvP much more quickly than without them, but I just don't want to be in without the brackets there lol.


I was heavily into PvP in WoW (I know, different game means different play), and I did enjoy how smooth the game play felt, even if a lot of the time one class or another is imbalanced. I really enjoyed the competitive feel of it, and I am now a level 18 Jedi Shadow, and have barely done any PvP. I figure I had better hold out until level 50 to see if it gets better, but I am certainly not enjoying it as much right now.


P.S. - The rest of this game rocks and is a hundred times better than WoW, the only complaint is the PvP, which happens to be why I play these games...

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