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Space Combat in The Old Republic (continued from pre launch)


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LucasArts owns the rights to X-Wing & Tie Fighter, and EA owns the rights to both Wing Commander and Earth & Beyond. Would really love to see a combination of Tie Fighter and E&B become the space combat/exploration element of SWTOR.


I wonder if EA/BW and Lucasarts would ever be interested in doing a "marriage" between two games like CCP is doing with Eve and Dust 514?


Maybe that is what LA has been advertising for and is make "in house"?

Maybe they are making a primarily space based game that links in with SWTOR?


An interesting concept....

Edited by Tarka
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Kinda wish there was an option to buy upgrades for the ships ones are to escort. I am doing much better with practice, but those stupid shuttle pilots keep obtaining craft that always seem to barely make it in on fumes. And we are using Hyper-drive tech!!!




Really, am enjoying this part of the current game a lot; a nice break from running Missions planet side, and the bonus XP and credits also is helpful.

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What Mission thus far is your favorite? And do you have the same Missions as other classes?


I personally have a lot of fun with the minefield one. Despite what people are saying, I find it very hard to believe that I could bob and weave around asteroids at speed like I do in this mission without crashing into one and at best coming to a dead stop, and at worst just being dead.

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Space missions are static and gets boring in the long run. No unpredictability that you will get in a real pvp scenario or even a scripted pve scenario where enemies have "behavior/intelligence" reacting to the players' actions...


Swtor "space combat" is a failure in my eyes.

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Space missions are static and gets boring in the long run. No unpredictability that you will get in a real pvp scenario or even a scripted pve scenario where enemies have "behavior/intelligence" reacting to the players' actions...


Swtor "space combat" is a failure in my eyes.


Your eyes see the same shortcomings that many players do yet no dev dares to acknowledge.

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Last day of the sub for me. I hope one day to come back and make a single post about how awesome the new space game is, read through all your happy posts...and never post again as I'll be lost in the game for good. I'm just not able to subscribe anymore.


I don't think Boware cares about our issue and the fact that they aren't planning to add things like pazaak or swoop racing any time soon, things that I thought they made for Kotor and seem again a no brainer for TOR if made for multiplayer...


Bad enough you make a WoW clone, but to make one without basic mmo features and to so poorly design the copy pasta parts, (I'm looking at you keystroke response/combat, crafting, GTN, raiding and of course Ilum) yeah, I won't pay for that.

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Last day of the sub for me. I hope one day to come back and make a single post about how awesome the new space game is, read through all your happy posts...and never post again as I'll be lost in the game for good. I'm just not able to subscribe anymore.


I don't think Boware cares about our issue and the fact that they aren't planning to add things like pazaak or swoop racing any time soon, things that I thought they made for Kotor and seem again a no brainer for TOR if made for multiplayer...


Bad enough you make a WoW clone, but to make one without basic mmo features and to so poorly design the copy pasta parts, (I'm looking at you keystroke response/combat, crafting, GTN, raiding and of course Ilum) yeah, I won't pay for that.


Perhaps reviewing the game at the end of the year may be a wise decision. I don't know about anyone else, but I often find myself losing the majority of interest in an MMO once I choose to leave it.


Which echoes the well known phrase: "it's easier and cheaper to keep an existing customer, than to try to entice one back".


Although there have been the odd exception in the past (for instance, returning to play an expansion for a few weeks), but that's often been in connection with MMO's that I have more of an "emotional" connection to than this game.


For now, I'm sticking around for the 1.2 patch because I want to see what they REALLY roll out in order to gauge the future of this product. After that, I'll probably unsub. Diablo 3 is coming, so are other MMO's, and one MMO expansion.

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Perhaps reviewing the game at the end of the year may be a wise decision. I don't know about anyone else, but I often find myself losing the majority of interest in an MMO once I choose to leave it.


Although there have been the odd exception in the past (for instance, returning to play an expansion for a few weeks), but that's often been in connection with MMO's that I have more of an "emotional" connection to than this game.


I will be keeping my eye on it, I've been in love with Star Wars since I was four and I really wanted this to be my mmo home for 5 to 10 years. There is just nothing there atm. Just a buggy game missing both basic and 'cool' features and the ever dwindling lobby game that is fleet. (My server has fallen to about a third of its peak population.)

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Perhaps reviewing the game at the end of the year may be a wise decision. I don't know about anyone else, but I often find myself losing the majority of interest in an MMO once I choose to leave it.


Which echoes the well known phrase: "it's easier and cheaper to keep an existing customer, than to try to entice one back".


Although there have been the odd exception in the past (for instance, returning to play an expansion for a few weeks), but that's often been in connection with MMO's that I have more of an "emotional" connection to than this game.


For now, I'm sticking around for the 1.2 patch because I want to see what they REALLY roll out in order to gauge the future of this product. After that, I'll probably unsub. Diablo 3 is coming, so are other MMO's, and one MMO expansion.


Coming back in about a year sounds ok. I'll definitely not pay for waiting until the game feels entertaining and there is finally some space exploration/combat involved and a ton of other game design flaws fixed.


I wonder how far they are with the "secret space project" and what it will be. Unfortunately I think that all we can expect is two or more twitchy spaceships on rails and call it "Space Combat Co-Op"

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Looks like this conversation has run out of steam. After pages and pages with not a single murmur from development to acknowledge there is an issue its not surprising.


I took out a 6 month sub at the start and I think that I will still be enjoying other aspects of the game that long - I'm a slow leveller as I don't play as much as some others seem to and I tend to take my time.

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It's silly to imagine that Tie Fighter the Star Wars Simulation game from the mid 1990's was and still is the pinnacle of space combat simulation and was only a 24 megabyte game.


Thats about the size of most patches today.


Graphically it could use an upgrade, but that would rival and still be better that what we have today...


Tie Fighter was the best Star Wars game ever :) I never was a fan of simulation games before TF but that was a game which made me fall in love with the genre. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter took the experience to the next level adding some multiplayer.


Now, there's a perfect chance to revive this kind of gameplay in SWTOR and I believe it would suit this game perfectly especially for PVP. Imagine a large-scale fighter and guild capital ship battles... that would be amazing.


Get rid of the rail shooter (seriously, is there anyone playing any other mission than the 2 daily commendations one?). It's boring and uninspiring. It's such a wasted opportunity put into the game with the lowest possible effort just to fill in the space combat gap, get faster release date and so the devs can say they actually have space combat.


Please bring us real space combat sim. Even dedicate a whole patch / expansion to it.


EDIT: I understand that OP is trying to be cautious in his request and not to bash the current minigame too much but I don't have to do that and I can say it loud: Rail shooter is crap and is not even close to what space combat should look like. Remove it from the game and replace with something worthy of the IP.

Edited by vandana_
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Tie Fighter was the best Star Wars game ever :) I never was a fan of simulation games before TF but that was a game which made me fall in love with the genre. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter took the experience to the next level adding some multiplayer.


Now, there's a perfect chance to revive this kind of gameplay in SWTOR and I believe it would suit this game perfectly especially for PVP. Imagine a large-scale fighter and guild capital ship battles... that would be amazing.


Get rid of the rail shooter (seriously, is there anyone playing any other mission than the 2 daily commendations one?). It's boring and uninspiring. It's such a wasted opportunity put into the game with the lowest possible effort just to fill in the space combat gap, get faster release date and so the devs can say they actually have space combat.


Please bring us real space combat sim. Even dedicate a whole patch / expansion to it.


EDIT: I understand that OP is trying to be cautious in his request and not to bash the current minigame too much but I don't have to do that and I can say it loud: Rail shooter is crap and is not even close to what space combat should look like. Remove it from the game and replace with something worthy of the IP.


^^this - 100% percent signed

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Tie Fighter was the best Star Wars game ever :) I never was a fan of simulation games before TF but that was a game which made me fall in love with the genre. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter took the experience to the next level adding some multiplayer.


I was a brilliant game. The original X-Wing game started it for me on my dads 386! Barely playable on that spec but great fun.

I still remember on my first actual PC spending nights playing on a dial up modem screaming my chosen battle cry of 'VODKAAAAAH' as I dove my A-Wing into the battle yet again.


I doubt I'd get quite so excited now, but the whole X-Wing series was great.

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Tie Fighter was the best Star Wars game ever :) I never was a fan of simulation games before TF but that was a game which made me fall in love with the genre. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter took the experience to the next level adding some multiplayer.


Now, there's a perfect chance to revive this kind of gameplay in SWTOR and I believe it would suit this game perfectly especially for PVP. Imagine a large-scale fighter and guild capital ship battles... that would be amazing.


Get rid of the rail shooter (seriously, is there anyone playing any other mission than the 2 daily commendations one?). It's boring and uninspiring. It's such a wasted opportunity put into the game with the lowest possible effort just to fill in the space combat gap, get faster release date and so the devs can say they actually have space combat.


Please bring us real space combat sim. Even dedicate a whole patch / expansion to it.


EDIT: I understand that OP is trying to be cautious in his request and not to bash the current minigame too much but I don't have to do that and I can say it loud: Rail shooter is crap and is not even close to what space combat should look like. Remove it from the game and replace with something worthy of the IP.



I hate to say any work these guys did is crap but the space game we have now is not worthy of the IP it is tied to.

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I was a brilliant game. The original X-Wing game started it for me on my dads 386! Barely playable on that spec but great fun.

I still remember on my first actual PC spending nights playing on a dial up modem screaming my chosen battle cry of 'VODKAAAAAH' as I dove my A-Wing into the battle yet again.


I doubt I'd get quite so excited now, but the whole X-Wing series was great.


ahaha, yeah I had a similiar experience as a kid back then on my first PC, a 386 with 40Mhz!


By the way besides the X-Wing series, also SW

had great space combat. Also enjoyed Battlefront II and of course SWG Jump to Lightspeed.


edit: I remember

on the N64 was reaaally fun to play. Release date 1996!


Sad that SWTOR has by far the worst SW space combat I experienced. This game was supposed to set new standards..!

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Coming back in about a year sounds ok. I'll definitely not pay for waiting until the game feels entertaining and there is finally some space exploration/combat involved and a ton of other game design flaws fixed.


I wonder how far they are with the "secret space project" and what it will be. Unfortunately I think that all we can expect is two or more twitchy spaceships on rails and call it "Space Combat Co-Op"


To quote Daniel Erickson:




DH: Where do you see ship customization and space combat going in the future?


DE: In six months I expect you to be playing new missions, and things that are actually going to give people who feel like they’ve mastered the game a real challenge. Further out, we want to do new things with space. That includes ship customization and whole new ways to play the space game.


To me, Daniel is basically saying not to expect anything new in regards to space combat (aside from more tunnel shooter missions) for at least six months.

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Which echoes the well known phrase: "it's easier and cheaper to keep an existing customer, than to try to entice one back".


Interestingly, this has long been my argument against the F2P model (which TOR doesn't have, of course).


That said, I really do hope they pay some attention to us. We've been saying these things since before the game launched, and had no response at all. Even a little "We hear you" would be very welcome at this point.

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Interestingly, this has long been my argument against the F2P model (which TOR doesn't have, of course).


That said, I really do hope they pay some attention to us. We've been saying these things since before the game launched, and had no response at all. Even a little "We hear you" would be very welcome at this point.


I've actually given up hope on ever hearing them say that.


Bioware appear to be following the same traditions as the rest, only acknowledging an issue WHEN it hits them in their faces. For instance, James Ohlens admitting that the amount of people who hit max level so far has caught Bioware by surprise. ROFL. Jeez guys.


Bioware, I'm not a developer, but even *I* could see that one coming. It involves getting your head out of your proverbial asses and PAYING ATTENTION to the competition and the industry as a whole.

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To quote Daniel Erickson:






To me, Daniel is basically saying not to expect anything new in regards to space combat (aside from more tunnel shooter missions) for at least six months.


I read that to mean don't expect anything for at least 6 months but after 6 months expect some "new" missions of the same old fail rail variety.


That tells me they have their own deveolpement schedule/plans all laid out and don't give a lick about feedback.

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I read that to mean don't expect anything for at least 6 months but after 6 months expect some "new" missions of the same old fail rail variety.


That tells me they have their own deveolpement schedule/plans all laid out and don't give a lick about feedback.


Perhaps you're right.

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I read that to mean don't expect anything for at least 6 months but after 6 months expect some "new" missions of the same old fail rail variety.


That tells me they have their own deveolpement schedule/plans all laid out and don't give a lick about feedback.


Don´t think they will ever gonna change that concept. Guess it will become co-op multiplayer shoot ´em up, but not much more.


I predict there will be a different game coming from LucasArts which takes care of the Space-Sim and/or sandbox universe fans. TOR´s too casual for that audience anyway, not meaning that it´s bad, just different.

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Don´t think they will ever gonna change that concept. Guess it will become co-op multiplayer shoot ´em up, but not much more.


I predict there will be a different game coming from LucasArts which takes care of the Space-Sim and/or sandbox universe fans. TOR´s too casual for that audience anyway, not meaning that it´s bad, just different.


I hope your prediction comes true. Can't believe bioware ever thought the tunnel crap would suffice.

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I empathize with those that want Free Form, but I am really thankful for a Ship Combat game that is easy enough for me to play, yet challenging. And I would much rather play every Space Mission daily that ever take on another vermin, collection, or scavenger hunt for Bonus XP. Been able to skip some very long walks in sand and forests to enjoy ganing a few lvls from the Captain's chair.


One of the things I enjoy are the adds to the Missions, like bonuses for satellites that surround the objective, turrets, etc. This keeps me more aware of my surroundings, and encourages me to be less focussed on the cursor all the time. Currently, this is one of the highlights for me in daily play. That, and letting the guards take care of the rats.....


:wea_09: ----- :csw_jabbapet:

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