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Why the 18 hour gap between waves?


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Perhaps they had invited a large number of people who had yet to log on (a fair few being at work/school/college) and at least for the first day they wanted to get the invites out early then watch the impact as people got home?


False, all the servers are completely dead due to lack of players. They seem to only have invited a VERY small amount of people.

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This is just USA charts


Week ending------------ total Preorders:

10th december----------939,358

03rd december----------916,490


26th november----------900,756

12th november----------753,132

5th november------------698,589


29th october-------------654,810

22nd october------------606,078

15th october-------------548,505

8th october--------------518,222


24th september---------426,136

17th september---------402,915

10th september---------386,137


20th august--------------301,650

13th august--------------264,924

6th august---------------203,931


30th july-----------------119,260


Statistically, there were more pre-orders (203,931 approx) between 21st - 6th august (8 days!) than there was over any other month.


Also assuming that Europe will almost have had more or the same number of preorders over the days 8 days (200,000+ again) we can assume that less than >350,000 invites were sent out on day one.


November showed a incredible increase of pre-orders.


Within logical reasoning, we can believe that Bioware have used the past 17 hours since the last wave of invites to assess the success and failure of servers. This is in fact a stress test, and Trial and Error is a common method of stress testing.


TL : DR We should expect more than 5 waves today, on the 14th of December including around 200,000 additional players that pre-orders between July and september.



ps: Ill make a thread about this data as well!


I haven't seen the preorder break down but you can definitely see the trend line on where the invites would lie. I wholeheartedly agree with you, despite what Reid says, it is a stress test. I'm also guessing that they are holding back some resources to see where they need it the most as the days progress.

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The difference between all the beta stress testing and the EGA/launch is there's a lot more information in the game now (graphics), during beta and stress tests they had things toned down so ensure certain levels of stability, now those safety fallbacks are not in place, it's different.
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