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Yeah, the initial view was great, the rest of my time there sucked. I was so claustrophobic by the time I got to Taris.


So far it's the only planet I've been to where I've ended up doing my class quests and dumping the rest. The Works... just... no.

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Level 10.5, stepped out into Coruscant. Blown away, what a gorgeous city.


Spent 6 levels in what felt like the same corridor.


Bit of a missed opportunity there eh?


Yes and it gets worse. Taris is the same but instead of corridors you have walled paths. No exploration available. And after Taris comes Nar Shaddaa which is a copy of Coruscant. I gave up there, could not take those corridors anymore.

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Between the traffic flying through the buildings when you step out of the spaceport, the Senate building, and the Jedi Temple, Coruscant certainly has some remarkable visuals.


But yes, I agree that the primary questing areas (Black Sun, Galactic Market, Justicar) lack any sort of unique, interesting, and memorable visual themes. They're the type of generic, uniformly lighted, grey/brown space station/city corridors with crates and barrels and computer consoles you got in Lower City Taris in KotOR1 and Telos Station and Nar Shaada in KotOR2 and any number of space-related FPS/RPGs.


The good news is that when you get off Corsucant and head to Taris, you get to experience IMO one of the most inspired planets in the game from a visual standpoint.

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agreed hopefully in later patches/expansions they add some more areas to the capital worlds, DK felt really small in my opinion. as for coruscant I would like to see some surface areas where you can quest and look up at the skyscrapers and speeders flying by and maybe an area up in a tower with windows and such. Most of the questing taking place in the lower levels was, while not gamebreaking, a little dissapointing.
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While they probably use some variety here or there...I'm wondering what else you would do with a city-world where streets and alleyways are the norm.


Only thing that really springs to mind is more high-rise places, similar to the location you visit in Mass Effect 2 to recruit Thane. A place like Coruscant, and again Nar Shaddaa, would work well utilizing vertical space more so than horizontal...and going up instead of down more often.

Edited by Berethos
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I didn't mind Coruscant, it was something different and I just carried on with my leveling. however near the end I started to get a bit fed up woith it and looked forward to leaving. When i got to Taris i got a good vibe about it immediately, it was an AMAZING planet and i loved it.


However, after Taris is nar Shadda, whilst i didn't mind Coruscant within moments of arriving at NS i felt a lot of deja vu....too soon for another 'city' planet. I am nearly finished with NS now, I'm kinda hoping there are no more planets like those for a while....

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I loved Corusant and Nar Shaddaa, they both felt like one big dungeon crawl to me and it was fun. I'm on Alderran now and I love the scenery even more.


I expect Julie Andrews to pop out and start singing the Sound of Music at any moment. Well if it weren't for all the blaster bolts and explosions.

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I thought Coruscant was awesome. I spent nearly an hour just running around the spaceport, senate plaza, and senate building. Everything was amazing. I was in awe. Then I jumped off the ledge near the taxi thinking it was a short way down and promptly fell to my doom. But the view as a plummeted to my demise was quite nice.
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Coruscant blew me away at first glimpse, and even though the levels were not open like the intro was, I enjoyed them a lot. After all, Coruscant is a planet that is a large city and as such doesn't really have open spaces. Its also built vertically, so I thought it was quite fitting that the levels existed as layers built upon one another.


Alderaan and Tatooine offer more open scenery, though, and are also fun in their own right.

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I felt a bit claustrophobic the first time in Coruscant, but it was at least a step up from Tython. I think its one of those zones I will enjoy once or twice before I find it despicable.


Taris was the first zone in an mmo that made me quit my character and reroll. Drakghouls anyone? It felt like Poor mans Stranglethorn Vale. I just couldnt stand it. The static nature of the mobs in TOR become real evident here, and the visuals are just not appealing to the eye at all.


People seem to either love or hate the place, and in all fairness the artwork was, I suppose, spot on lorewise.

Edited by Flowerslayer
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While they probably use some variety here or there...I'm wondering what else you would do with a city-world where streets and alleyways are the norm.


Only thing that really springs to mind is more high-rise places, similar to the location you visit in Mass Effect 2 to recruit Thane. A place like Coruscant, and again Nar Shaddaa, would work well utilizing vertical space more so than horizontal...and going up instead of down more often.


This is what I was expecting from Coru/NS, a series of vertical towers with aerial walkways connecting them, sort of like Feros from ME1.


Instead, it was all flat hallways and warehouses separated by elevators, like every other planet.

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