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What are you doing while you wait?


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So far my morning has started like this...


Brushed my teeth

Opened email (actually opened it on my phone 1st with one eye open hoping some magical email came in through the night)

Made a cup of coffee


Lit a cigarette


Opened the SW:Tor forums, only to see as much crying if not more than yesterday


Put my uniform on


Updated my video drivers


Second cup of coffee


Second smoke


Almost time to go defend the free world

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Personally, I get a kick out of reading the forums. With all the posts arguing for and against different aspects of the game (especially EGA), there is no end to the entertainment.


I didn't get my pre-order until September so I'm waiting patiently for my chance to play. There's no point for me to get upset about not being invited on the first day or the second because, in less than a week, SWTOR will be hitting the retail shelves and glorious mayhem shall ensue!


While I wait, Mincraft makes for a great distraction!



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Earphones in, A Feast of Crows on audiobook and put my head down and finish off this audit file. The idea being I can keep my mind off my e-mails until 5 o'clock. The second that hits I'll be yabba dabba doing my way out of this place to begin my career as a Sith Juggernaut
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I'm currently sat waiting for an email, like thousands of others i guess, i live in the UK so can't possibly get an email until 2pm (three hours away) but here i am sat at my pc waiting!


I'm currently watching vids of star wars on youtube and reading forums! what are you doing while you wait?


ps - i only preordered after trying the beta on the 28th of Nov (people buying stuff without trying seems crazy to me) so i doubt ill get in today anyway!


pps - the servers are all showing as "light" :( surely there is room for little old me! im of work especially


Me I play Star Trek Online while waiting, and I read the forums here and find it very amusing to read how many players rage over how they did not get in yet and have to wait.

Its amazing just how much raging people can do over trivial things such as when they get to start playing.

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Yesterday I made saffron buns, today I will study for an exam tomorrow and to a seminar on Friday. Tomorrow I will go and buy the box and I will be busy with that for a while. On the evening I might watch a Star Wars movie. Unless....



Edited by kufa
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Sorry to hear that. I beta-tested this game a couple of times and I think you would've enjoyed it greatly.


i did enjoyed the game in the beta.


i think i'm all done with mmo, even though i may take a look at GW2 next year.

Edited by Ariadna
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Checking forums and re-reading Game of Thrones. Wrapped up the three Star Wars movies yesterday, and then watched those three newer movies with Star Wars in the title, to get psyched up for SWTOR. Then I washed my eyes, because those prequels are BAAAAD.
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i did enjoyed the game in the beta.


i think i'm all done with mmo, even though i may take a look at GW2 next year.


Well it is quite time/energy-consuming with mmo's. A friend of mine is expecting a child shortly so she decided to put it on hold. As for myself, gaming will largely be a thing for the weekends, with a few stray hours during work-weeks (allthough the holiday is coming up and the timing for a new mmo couldn't be better).

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