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Are high res out of the game because of the PC heat issues?


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I run the game on a 3 year old setup, runs 24/7.


Intel Q9550 @ 2.83 Ghz Overclocked to 3.83Ghz - Survives intel burn test (this will torture your CPU) with room to move.


Some Noctau CPU air cooler

2 x GeForce 470's in SLI and Overclocked, with stock cooling.


I run this game at Max settings including max shadows.


I run a 3 monitor setup (5960x1200 resolution), but I play the game on 1 monitor, unfortunately, in windowed mode, because playing it on one monitor in full screens results in the 3 monitors 48:10 aspect ratio being pushed into 1 monitor, which looks extremely thin and extreme fish eyed. I guess I could play the game across all 3 screens, but the UI blows on 3 screens and I always like to have web pages open while playing MMO's. Anyways...





This game sure does like using the graphics card thats for sure, because they sound like hair dryers (especially during cutscenes). That's not a problem imho. A lot of games nowadays do the same.


I make sure when I build a system, that I have fans bringing air in from the front and/or Bottom and fans sending the air from in the case out through the back and/or top (the rule of hot air rises and air flow is key applies here). I also use a compressor (or a can of compressed air) to clean out any dust in my system every 3-6 months. You'd be surprised, even under the cleanest conditions, how much dust gets collected into the average computer.



IF my temps do rise.. its usually due to the heat sinks being crammed with dirt.

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The game is poorly optimized, and leaks.

This is a fact.


My rig isnt the best, i3-2100, gtx550ti 1gb, 4gb ram @ 1888...

but if i can run stuff like battlefield 3, and other games like skyrim, crysis, @ 1920x1200 just fine, and i lag during parts of star wars (the republic fleet) and on top of that have the game tax my gpu a lot then something is wrong.


i hope bioware recognizes that their game is poorly optimized sooner or later.



I do agree with you 100% I run BF3 without an issue and this seems to be a game problem not a computer issue. When I played wow and I was sitting in a major city like org or sw I didnt have this problem.


I love swtor . Its by far my fav game right now. So I'm not knocking Bioware for a brand new game.


But this needs to be looked at. Because people are thinking its their computer when its not its the game.


I do believe they will fix this though.

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Sounds driver related to me. Update them recently? I run it on a 2 year old toshiba qosmio laptop with a gts 360m and a 3 year old desktop with an ati 4870. No problems with heat to speak of. Both computers are updated and dusted regularly, running at 1680x945 on the laptop and 1920x1080 on the desktop. (I keep vsync on, as I have never had nor heard of a problem with it)
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You and I both know this is an untrue statement. I'll save you the embarrassment of pointing out exactly why (It's 3rd grade science). I will however say that hardware can do nothing without firmware or software. Therefore, all problems in a PC lie with the programs (software) making them do something. Hardware may fail over time and even good software will cause something to fail on occasion.


Still, it would not have failed had it not been doing something to make it fail.


SWTOR's software is poorly optimized and is causing high load situations in cases where it shouldn't. Does it cause PCs to melt down and components to outright fail? No. It does however operate in a state that many of us call an errant state. This results in a case where the low res shadows in SWTOR cost more resources to render than say the high-def shadows in Rift or Skyrim.


Try this test: Turn shadows off. Watch your GPU temp. Turn them on and watch your temp. For me, that's a 5 degree change over an hour of gaming. It should be an immeasurable difference in most programs. Even on my other machine that runs a single 470GTX, its about a 10 degree difference (normal load in Skyrim @ around 60C, SWTOR runs at 72C).


Uh, I've been an IT hardware consultant for nigh on 20 years now, Im not even going to argue except to say that I am reflecting current reality and facts regarding my PC. Yes, I have a decent case with proper airflow and I chose my hardware carefully for minimal noise and maximum cooling, SWTOR gives my PC a workout but the notion that it will overheat my HDD is just nonsensical.

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This thread got overfilled with elitist PC cooling nerds comparing celsius numbers now, as if it was the inch of their ...


The problem is meant for those who doesnt spend 500$+ just on cooling, but play on an average comp with subpar cooling, or bought a PC on bestbuy etc. This is what the majority actually does, and they are the ones having the issues.


What issue? Before acting like a child and calling people names, realize what you're saying. Now find a person with a heat issue. Just one.


Even in this thread full of people discussing potential heat issues, not one person has come forth saying they're actually having an overheating problem.


And look, I didn't have to insult you to say any of that.

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I most definitely do not have these issues. With SWTOR, I rarely see my GPU taxed at 100%, and I rarely see it rise over 60*, and my FPS is typically around 100.


EDIT: WoW actually seems to use more memory than SWTOR (probably because of how I have Recount set up), and very slightly less processing power (both use under 20%). SWTOR taxes my GPU far more, with "normal" loads in combat or busy areas being in the 75-80% range.


I haven't run Rift since launch, because of how poorly optimized that client was so I don't think I can compare fairly to its current state, BUT Rift's client was the biggest resource hog and worst performing piece of software I've ever run, bar none. SWTOR isn't fantastic, but it isn't that bad.

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What issue? Before acting like a child and calling people names, realize what you're saying. Now find a person with a heat issue. Just one.


Even in this thread full of people discussing potential heat issues, not one person has come forth saying they're actually having an overheating problem.


And look, I didn't have to insult you to say any of that.


Are you just dim witted or ignorant? There are dozens of people who have come on this thread and explained they have overheating issues. Regardless if people don't have issues that doesn't mean their isn't a problem. If 20% have over heating issues something is wrong with the game, whether it be code or else where, something is not optimized right and is overloading computers past the point it needs to be.


This is as simple as that, this wasn't a contest of who's computers overheat or not. I don't care if you work at pizza but and save for a year to make your little powerhouse computer nerd, people have issues, simple as that.


This forum is worst than wow's is because instead of people having something to gloat about (oh I'm R1 on my bg, im cool brah) they don't have anything to flex yet here, so they resort to any post that's trying to fix the game just to troll out of shear stupidity.

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Out of all the games I've played on this system, TOR is the only one to cause my system to put out as much heat as it does. Considering how cold it's been, that's not a bad thing atm. When summer rolls around, it won't be as welcome. :p


But I doubt any "heat issue" is the cause of the high-res texture bug-fix delay.

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What issue? Before acting like a child and calling people names, realize what you're saying. Now find a person with a heat issue. Just one.


Even in this thread full of people discussing potential heat issues, not one person has come forth saying they're actually having an overheating problem.


And look, I didn't have to insult you to say any of that.


What thread have you been reading? Many have seen higher temperatures than normal for a game like this. Just because I, and others, can play the game anyway doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


Sure, you can blame our setups, lack of cooling etc etc, but the fact remains that we don't have the same problems running other games at max settings. This to me mean a heating issue. Maybe not the most serious, but still troubling.


Bad coding and software related heat issues shouldn't normally affect hardware that much, but it is a well established fact that higher temperatures give hardware shorter lifespans and higher risk of breaking.


I am not saying that this is Swtors fault, but it is a problem that should be fixed if it can be. I am sure the code can be altered in ways to ease up the strain on computers so everyone is happy. Ofc, people can just run the game on lower settings, but I doubt BW wants people to do that if it can be helped in others ways.

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What issue? ...Now find a person with a heat issue. Just one.


SWTOR causes heat issues on my CPU.


I've bug reported it ingame, and am providing info as I go. Had to introduce extra cooling measures (and also limited fps to refresh rate using Vsync, plus added triple buffering to settings in Nvidia as well) to deal with this increased CPU temperature issue which has occurred ONLY SINCE the patch on the 6th Jan.


Before I was happily playing with around 90-110 fps everywhere; have an i7 2600K @4.4gigs, 8gigs RAM @1600, P8Z68-V motherboard, and a 460gtx 1gig, on Win7 Ultimate 64bit OS. Apart from this new extra heating issue (since Jan 6th patch) on CPUs, game otherwise plays smooth as butter on my computer...I don't like using Vsync however, as game seems to play worse with this on.


It's summertime in my country now, and I don't really need the extra load on my rig because of this poor optimisation.

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Are you just dim witted or ignorant? There are dozens of people who have come on this thread and explained they have overheating issues. Regardless if people don't have issues that doesn't mean their isn't a problem. If 20% have over heating issues something is wrong with the game, whether it be code or else where, something is not optimized right and is overloading computers past the point it needs to be.


Point to one. And what is it about people that make up non-existent problems like this that they can't do it without insulting people? Do you think being obnoxious somehow makes you more believable?

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What thread have you been reading? Many have seen higher temperatures than normal for a game like this. Just because I, and others, can play the game anyway doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


"This game runs warmer than others" is not a problem, if temperatures stay in a normal range. It's just not. It's nothing more than a curiosity.


Is your GPU heating up beyond normal ranges? If it is, then you're the first case I've ever heard of.

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Point to one. And what is it about people that make up non-existent problems like this...


Are you blind or something? I just made a post directly above your post that explains how I am experiencing increased CPU temperatures ONLY SINCE the Jan 6th patch.


To make it easy for you, I'll quote it here -


SWTOR causes heat issues on my CPU.


I've bug reported it ingame, and am providing info as I go. Had to introduce extra cooling measures (and also limited fps to refresh rate using Vsync, plus added triple buffering to settings in Nvidia as well) to deal with this increased CPU temperature issue which has occurred ONLY SINCE the patch on the 6th Jan.


Before I was happily playing with around 90-110 fps everywhere; have an i7 2600K @4.4gigs, 8gigs RAM @1600, P8Z68-V motherboard, and a 460gtx 1gig, on Win7 Ultimate 64bit OS. Apart from this new extra heating issue (since Jan 6th patch) on CPUs, game otherwise plays smooth as butter on my computer...I don't like using Vsync however, as game seems to play worse with this on.


It's summertime in my country now, and I don't really need the extra load on my rig because of this poor optimisation.

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Are you blind or something? I just made a post directly above your post that tells you I am experiencing increased CPU temperatures ONLY SINCE the Jan 6th patch.


How increased? Enough to call it an overheating problem? You were awfully vague in that post. I also suspect, if you're having CPU heat issues, that it's not the game doing it, but I'm in no place to say that for sure.


Incidentally, I happen to run the exact same CPU here with no heat issues whatsoever. My CPU's running at a happy, healthy 26 degrees celsius. Why am I not seeing anything unusual on the exact same CPU if the game is causing CPU overheating issues?


Also, as others have mentioned before me, if any game is overheating your CPU, you have cooling problems. The worst a game can do is run your CPU at 100%. If your system can't handle that, it's undercooled. It's that simple.

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How increased? Enough to call it an overheating problem? ?


My CPU temperature at one point raise to well over 120degC and caused a computer shutdown. After I added extra cooling measures it was hitting 90degC frequently, until I also added Vsync/triple bufferiing.


No other game/application causes these issues, and alt-tabbing out of SWTOR immediately drops the temperature down to normal.

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My CPU temperature at one point raise to well over 120degC and caused a computer shutdown. After I added extra cooling measures it was hitting 90degC frequently, until I also added Vsync/triple bufferiing.


Then you definitely have cooling issues in your system. You should be able to run with CPUs at 100% for extended lengths of time without overheating.


Whether TOR should peg your CPU at 100% for extended periods is a whole other question, but seriously, if yours overheats when that happens it's got a problem.

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SWTOR was running fine until this patch.


Irrelevant. If running your CPU at 100% overheats your system, it's undercooled. You're blaming the wrong thing.


Also, again, on the exact same CPU, I do not and have not ever had any heat issues. You really shouldn't rule out that something broke in your system on January 6th, because what you're seeing isn't something any game should be able to cause.

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SWTOR was running fine until this patch.


Run the Intel Burn Test for a few minutes and come back and tell us it doesn't do exactly the same to your CPU or worse than SWTOR does. THEN you'd have a point. Until then you're just beating around the bush.

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