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Crit/sruge or power in pvp.


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Based on your experience, or calc maybe, what is better in pvp?


Atm i stacked crit + surge on my pvp gear, and i'm pretty ok with that. But lately started to think that maybe mix equip will better, coz seems that crit multi. from surge is not that effective above 80%.


Any thoughts on that?

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I have tested the effectiveness of stacking/using power/wp vs. crit/surge and have found the following works amazing for me. At my lvl/gear 50/54 I'm at 76% surge and 40% crit chance. When using a 450 surge adrenal + 355 power relic vs. 355 power relic + 450 power adrenal the double power wins out due to diminishing returns of surge rating, and vice versa for static gear stats with the surge/crits winning out so stack crit/surge and pop power. All things aside, I recommend stacking surge/crit on your gear and picking up power relic and adrenal, and alternate with the 220/220 surge/crit relic for maximum effectiveness as the 220 relic will take you right to the point of diminished returns without wasting anything. Using this philosophy, and being a skilled player I typically average 220/240 dps/heal per wz around 40-60 kills and 0-1 deaths with top spike of 4.5k crits in both. I play a hybrid build though, so if specced straight heals or dps, crits should exceed 5k and total output should be around 350-400k if you're like me and could give a #%@$ less about objectives (considering I Pvp to Pvp not pve in a wz and also the fact that you actually get way way way more commendations and valor doing this than objective farming, nets me around 10 medals,100 commendations and 1400 valor per wz)
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1. Mkay, I have similar play style. So... Probably will agree about output. And thx for info about relics. Pretty useful.


2. How you can have 40% crit and only 76% multi? I have around 31% crit and 78% multi (3% crit from talents). You can have 2% more from deep corruption, but still missing 7% somewhere :p

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Power is really bad, it takes so much power to see any real difference at all.


Also, power doesn't scale, it's a flat +dmg/+healing, while crit and surge are % based which will scale exponentially.


For example +50 dmg to your spell is great when its base damage is like 200, but when it's 1500 then it's hardly noticeable. On the other hand for crit and surge it's the exact opposite, having +10% crit and +10% surge when your spell does 200 damage is hardly noticeable, but the harder your spell hits, the more extra damage your get from a critical strike.


Lastly, crit and surge make each other even more powerful (more chances to get a critical strike and more powerful critical strikes), while power doesn't complement any other stats.

Edited by Demorase
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Power is really bad, it takes so much power to see any real difference at all.


Also, power doesn't scale, it's a flat +dmg/+healing, while crit and surge are % based which will scale exponentially.


For example +50 dmg to your spell is great when its base damage is like 200, but when it's 1500 then it's hardly noticeable. On the other hand for crit and surge it's the exact opposite, having +10% crit and +10% surge when your spell does 200 damage is hardly noticeable, but the harder your spell hits, the more extra damage your get from a critical strike.


Lastly, crit and surge make each other even more powerful (more chances to get a critical strike and more powerful critical strikes), while power doesn't complement any other stats.



Surge has the most DR of any stat in the game. So continually stacking Surge, will have negative effects because you are forfeiting other stats for a stat that has stopped giving you an increase. The key is to balance out crit/surge, then stack power, because a bigger base means your crits will actually hit harder. A 1500 base with 60% surge, is something like a 2400 crit. But if you increase the base value through power, to say 1700, you're now critting for 2720.

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Surge has the most DR of any stat in the game. So continually stacking Surge, will have negative effects because you are forfeiting other stats for a stat that has stopped giving you an increase. The key is to balance out crit/surge, then stack power, because a bigger base means your crits will actually hit harder. A 1500 base with 60% surge, is something like a 2400 crit. But if you increase the base value through power, to say 1700, you're now critting for 2720.


Surge gives alot more Percentage boost in damage ie 175 surge = 25% crit multiplier

175 Power gives you +40 force damage


Base crit multiplier 50%

1k base damage = 1.5k

with 350 surge

1k base - 2k



Base crit multiplier 50%

now power + 350

1k base - 1.54k


Am I wrong? Acurracy is better than power. Surge and crit then accuracy.

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Surge gives alot more Percentage boost in damage ie 175 surge = 25% crit multiplier

175 Power gives you +40 force damage


Base crit multiplier 50%

1k base damage = 1.5k

with 350 surge

1k base - 2k



Base crit multiplier 50%

now power + 350

1k base - 1.54k


Am I wrong? Acurracy is better than power. Surge and crit then accuracy.


Yes I understand that, but surge caps off super quickly compared to every other stat in the game. So once you hit the surge cap, you stop stacking it, and should then stack power to increase the effectiveness of surge. And Accuracy, for Sorcs at least because this is the Sorc forum, is pointless, because you are given 100% accuracy naturally.

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Power is really bad, it takes so much power to see any real difference at all.


Also, power doesn't scale, it's a flat +dmg/+healing, while crit and surge are % based which will scale exponentially.


For example +50 dmg to your spell is great when its base damage is like 200, but when it's 1500 then it's hardly noticeable. On the other hand for crit and surge it's the exact opposite, having +10% crit and +10% surge when your spell does 200 damage is hardly noticeable, but the harder your spell hits, the more extra damage your get from a critical strike.


Lastly, crit and surge make each other even more powerful (more chances to get a critical strike and more powerful critical strikes), while power doesn't complement any other stats.

Without power no matter how much crit/surge you have you'll hit like a wet noodle. Crit/surge both are based on how much power you have and not all spells scale equally. Typically your bigger harder hitting spells scale better than the quick casting small ones.

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From my last "experiments" surge is okay until around 80% multiplier. At around 2xx surge i got ~78% multiplier. With over 700 surge (relic + adrenal) I got over 90% multiplier. ~15% gain. No that much for 500 surge.


So prolly something about ~35-37% crit, and 80% multiplier is okay, after that I would say power will be better.

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Some guides say crit/surge first, others say power first. My own testing reveals nothing as there is too much RNG for this .. and besides, there's no combat log or even OPs dummy. I know I can only either make lucky guesses and make hasty conclusions on the data personally available to me.


That said, I have to guess somewhere. I've been leaning towards power first but my crit is still around 30% and my surge I believe is 70%. I don't remember where my power is.


I crit often enough I don't HAVE to resurg before innervate and still generally proc. Lets me use resurg to cast infusion in 1.5s which I find better especially early in the fight when typically the adds are up or what have you. Of course, it's all situational. Sometimes I want that boost at the end of the fight but w/e.


With this I've cleared EV (woop, too easy) and HM foundry, bp and battle of ilum. These are supposedly "broken" but we do em every day (well, not battle of ilum, only twice. that one does need fixing lol)

Edited by jonnybigboy
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