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Things we learned from EGA


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I thought I'd just sum up the things we can actually take away from the EGA(i.e. not that it was all a coporate conspiracy, Bioware hate kittens, etc)


1) A lot of people (me included) desperately want to play this game. If we didn't trust Bioware to make this an awesome game that wouldn't be the case.


2) Bioware learned a few too many lessons from Warhammer Online. Mythic opened loads and loads of servers on launch day, and despite Warhammer being quite a fun game, it ended up looking like a bit of a failure because of the huge drop in server numbers.


3) People are tantrum throwing babies when they don't get their toys when they want them.

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I thought I'd just sum up the things we can actually take away from the EGA(i.e. not that it was all a coporate conspiracy, Bioware hate kittens, etc)


1) A lot of people (me included) desperately want to play this game. If we didn't trust Bioware to make this an awesome game that wouldn't be the case.


2) Bioware learned a few too many lessons from Warhammer Online. Mythic opened loads and loads of servers on launch day, and despite Warhammer being quite a fun game, it ended up looking like a bit of a failure because of the huge drop in server numbers.


3) People are tantrum throwing babies when they don't get their toys when they want them.


personally I dont see any problem with bioware keeping the server numbers as low as possible to save money.

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I thought I'd just sum up the things we can actually take away from the EGA(i.e. not that it was all a coporate conspiracy, Bioware hate kittens, etc)


1) A lot of people (me included) desperately want to play this game. If we didn't trust Bioware to make this an awesome game that wouldn't be the case.


2) Bioware learned a few too many lessons from Warhammer Online. Mythic opened loads and loads of servers on launch day, and despite Warhammer being quite a fun game, it ended up looking like a bit of a failure because of the huge drop in server numbers.


3) People are tantrum throwing babies when they don't get their toys when they want them.


4) This community's average IQ seems to be slightly under WoW's and slightly over a rusty watering cans.


Whining about not getting something they weren't even supposed to get (Early Access 13-14th) is a real new one.

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4) This community's average IQ seems to be slightly under WoW's and slightly over a rusty watering cans.


Whining about not getting something they weren't even supposed to get (Early Access 13-14th) is a real new one.


I'll take "Ad hominem" for a 1000 Alex.

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personally I dont see any problem with bioware keeping the server numbers as low as possible to save money.


If they wanted to do this why not just sell less pre-orders with early access?


Why sell 2 million if they are only going to let 100,000 a day?


And what's going to happen at launch when all the rest want to join in on the one day...

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If they wanted to do this why not just sell less pre-orders with early access?


Why sell 2 million if they are only going to let 100,000 a day?


And what's going to happen at launch when all the rest want to join in on the one day...


This, exactly, it really is *********** stupid and it pissed everyone off for no reason. They had a million or so just in the last beta and the servers were fine. Why would they spend 150 million to develop a game and then not let people play it.


personally I dont see any problem with bioware keeping the server numbers as low as possible to save money.


So you want a company to **** you over so they can make a little more money. :confused:

Edited by Stantz
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This, exactly, it really is *********** stupid and it pissed everyone off for no reason. They had a million or so just in the last beta and the servers were fine. Why would they spend 150 million to develop a game and then not let people play it.


Because they're worried about filling servers now and closing them later and then being written off as another failed WoW killer probably.


It's frustrating, but they probably want us playing their game as much as we want to be playing it.

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I'd say to check out Stephen Reid's twitter, he's being absolutely amazing with regards to keeping us updated. He's already stated that by far the biggest order days were July 21st, 22nd etc and as far as I can tell, they're all mostly in by now. He's also said they're testing the servers over a long period of time; everyone just needs to be more patient, I'm almost certain they'll open the floodgates for the rest of us by Wednesday.


*Edit; what people also seem to be forgetting is the fact that the pre order bonus was stated to be UP TO 5 days early access, not GET 5 days. The fact that they started on the 13th is a bonus and I can't understand how people can whine about it. So far this has to be one of the smoothest launches in history, if not the smoothest, on their part at least. The community, well, not so much.

Edited by Altharas
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Because they're worried about filling servers now and closing them later and then being written off as another failed WoW killer probably.


It's frustrating, but they probably want us playing their game as much as we want to be playing it.




How is staggered access going to stop this?


It's just delaying the server serge, not reducing the total numbers.




They are likely going to have to open the same number of servers as if they had full early access and then Live date as they will with staggered and Live date.


The only way they can avoid this is not opening servers and having big queues on all servers, which will be a nightmare of another sort.

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This, exactly, it really is *********** stupid and it pissed everyone off for no reason. They had a million or so just in the last beta and the servers were fine. Why would they spend 150 million to develop a game and then not let people play it.:


Watch SouthPark the episode is called Cartmanland and you will understand.

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Mythic killed Warhammer with piss poor balancing and condescending community management (that ****** nozzle Paul Barnett).


They were their own worst enemy.


Paul Barnett was NOT their community manager. He was just... I don't know what he was, he was entertaining in his vids, that's about it.

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I've learned that a lot of people are whiny brats and have no patience.


Seriously, been waiting for this game for years, what's a few more days?


Following it for years is different from playing the pre order lottery and knowing your friends are already making characters and having fun, and you are missing it for no good reason.

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So far this has to be one of the smoothest launches in history, if not the smoothest, on their part at least. The community, well, not so much.


That's going a bit far, you can't really judge the smoothness of the launch when hundreds of thousands of players aren't actually part of it.


We'll have a better idea of how smooth things have gone when everyone is actually in the game.

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That's going a bit far, you can't really judge the smoothness of the launch when hundreds of thousands of players aren't actually part of it.


We'll have a better idea of how smooth things have gone when everyone is actually in the game.


True, but I'm betting that the statement was based off the beta weekend where stability was about a good as it could possibly for all of the servers being full.

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4) This community's average IQ seems to be slightly under WoW's and slightly over a rusty watering cans.


Whining about not getting something they weren't even supposed to get (Early Access 13-14th) is a real new one.


I think you are missing the point ,,, while there are some who are miffed about the whole not playing on day one of EGA ... the vast majority of us who still arent in are miffed by the way this has been handled by BW/EA ... there was a better way to handle this than to only have 5 waves on day one of EGA .... which didn't even clear the July preorders ,,, then tell eveyone else "patience soon soon ... watch your email" ... while we all watched server population stay at standard to low .....


In my humble opinion they should have truly monitered server population and stability and as population dropped let more waves in ... this could have been done throughout the night ....


I sorry if you disagree with me and feel Im just QQing .... I get we weren't "promised" anything and am not upset or put off by not getting in ,.. just dont like the way BW has handle this situation.

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The situation of Warhammer online was different..Imho they just intended to do much money as possible before the drop.

They always knew that a game like that could never a portion of players similar to biggest MMORPG, so they played like that.

Something like in DC universe.

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