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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pvp wins should give social points


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I think that pvp wins should give 15 to 20 social points with more points available based on a persons objectives score. This would encourage the players to interact better as a team.

If you honestly step back and assess the game without bias towards pve or pvp, you will see that pvp is the most socially interactive activity in the game. Each team has 8 to 10 players resulting in 16 to 20 ppl interacting for 15 minutes or more at a time. I mean when you think about how often are you interacting with that many ppl in RL.

It doesnt make sense that if you do quests with 1 other person you get social points but if you pvp with 20 ppl you don't. I personally do Warzones all day in a full grp with guildies and the entire time we are communicating strategy and calling out plans or warnings to each other and our teammates.

When I have done flashpoints with ppl from general chat, there is very little communication if any. If you have a grp of ppl that have done the Flashpoint multiple times they may not talk at all.

Currently players that are strictly pvp oriented have no medium with which to progress their social lvl. I hope that the SWTOR developers will take this seriously and not leave the PVPers behind as many other MMO's have done in the past.

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