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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Unofficial "I want Pazaak" Thread


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Pazaak, holochess, swoop/pod racing, 1v1 arena style duels (Killing Bendak Starkiller was fun) and a dance floor. Put it inside of a cantina. Make it happen Bioware.


No, absolutely NO to arenas. It doesn't belong, it shouldn't be in there, and it will kill this game! (make it brain dead, not actually kill it). Holochess is a maybe, dance floors are already in (check the playing band in the promenade in Nar Shaddaa). Swoop/pod racing doesn't really need in if they're doing as they said and are expanding space combat to include PvP aspects and a more off-the-rails experience.

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This will never be implemented because it is classed as gambling because real money is required for a subscription and in game currency has monetary value and as such is prohibited under US law.


This has been te case for ALL online games.

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Atton Raid; Pure Pazaak !


On Nar Shaada there is that casino and there isn't anything in there as far as quests go but there are Pazaak tables and Sabaac tables and the gambling machines that resemble the ones from Mass Effect. I bet they will add Pazaak and some sort of equivalent to the gambling game in Mass Effect, but I bet they have to get legal permission some how to allow us to gamble in game. who knows...

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This will never be implemented because it is classed as gambling because real money is required for a subscription and in game currency has monetary value and as such is prohibited under US law.


This has been te case for ALL online games.


Not qite so. In everquest 2 we can gamble at the Goblin Gambling lottery, it is gambling...

Edited by AnotherJedi
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I love you man!


I don't think that character ever got the love her deserved or that game for that matter.


I'm still holding out hope that Kreia gets a holocron appearance.


We'll have our day, brother. Kreia will have some spotlight in TOR, or we'll die trying.

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I agree with this and swoop racing. Honestly, i feel they were insanely unfaithful to fans of the kotor series. Including the story with revan and the like. Just the dumbest way they could have done it. I severely doubt they had the same writers doing his story in swtor as kotor, because this writer is terrible.


In my response to this I have spoilers about a certain piece of PvE content soooo here ya go.





I completely agree. I'm having a hard time playing Empire because of how much I love Revan. I have used Revan as forum names, character names in other MMOs, and I know everything there is to know about him. It depresses me that they make a raid for the Empire to kill him. This game is based around the same time as the end of those two games (~300 years difference) and the only reason this game exists is because KotOR was game of the year way back when. Why would you send people that were fans of a game to kill their former character? It just doesn't make sense to me. It really, really does anger me.


They also paint him to be psychotic and even though he spent 300 years being tortured, he seemed pretty mentally stable to me. He had the right idea... there should have been a Republic raid to help him, not an Empire raid to kill him. This is the worst part about the game.



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In my response to this I have spoilers about a certain piece of PvE content soooo here ya go.





I completely agree. I'm having a hard time playing Empire because of how much I love Revan. I have used Revan as forum names, character names in other MMOs, and I know everything there is to know about him. It depresses me that they make a raid for the Empire to kill him. This game is based around the same time as the end of those two games (~300 years difference) and the only reason this game exists is because KotOR was game of the year way back when. Why would you send people that were fans of a game to kill their former character? It just doesn't make sense to me. It really, really does anger me.


They also paint him to be psychotic and even though he spent 300 years being tortured, he seemed pretty mentally stable to me. He had the right idea... there should have been a Republic raid to help him, not an Empire raid to kill him. This is the worst part about the game.



There is a Republic FP to save him.

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I agree with the OP 100% as well as the person who posted about swoop racing (to a lesser degree). It would be a nice, semi-social way to spend time between missions. If we are throwing out ideas, I'd like to also suggest multiplayer space missions.
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