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December 20th - Early Access - PvP server massacre?


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Cause even on a PVP server you can not PVP in the newbie zone, at least that was my understanding.


This isnt an argument... People are talking about OUTSIDE the newbie zone. Unless you level from 1-49 in a newbie zone on pvp servers, your argument fails.

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How am I supposed to level on a PvP server when I know there will be 100 enemy players just waiting for me to step out of the npc aggro range on dec 20th?


And they don't need to be max level to do so.


Just like in every game where you start later than others. ;)

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Anyone who rages by being killed on a PVP server doesnt belong there. Besides, didnt you ever do the level 1 hogger raid?


you are kidding yourself



so getting camped by max lvl players because we who preordered also have been scammed by BW/EA is ok now?

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How am I supposed to level on a PvP server when I know there will be 100 enemy players just waiting for me to step out of the npc aggro range on dec 20th?


Like everyone else who starts later after release and is also levelling on a PvP server.

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you are kidding yourself



so getting camped by max lvl players because we who preordered also have been scammed by BW/EA is ok now?


How the **** is this any different from rolling on a PvP server any day other than launch?


Just deal with it, not everyone is out to grief your sorry low level ***. Jesus Christ.

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Well if you are worrying abuot getting ganked while levelling, then a PvP server isnt really the place for you is it?


I imagien it will be similar to WoW in that you wont really run into the other faction (unless they seek you out) until 20 +.


Ah those days levelling in Wetlands and Stranglethorne Vale will always be remembered. Luckily I had shadowmeld. I remember when I first ran into a Horde player, I was level 20 or so, he max level (very soon after release, just days) and he just slayed me without casting a backward glance. I never once showed mercy after that, and expected none either. )Well I might have let off the odd flower collecting Tauren, they were OK xD)



I mean, escaping and avoiding the opposing faction while levelling in the world is part of the epic fun of rolling on a PvP server. Personally I think rolling PVE is having only a fraction of the experience, but then most of us with 2k + arena ratings will probably say that.



(just thought id get in a mention of my Arena team, I was always pretty proud of our arena performance, and no OP combos either, except briefly Mage/Shadow preist in 2v2, which did seem pretty imba with all the CC.)

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How the **** is this any different from rolling on a PvP server any day other than launch?


Exactly, so much Exactly!


I'm not a big fan of PVP servers. I did most of my WoW on those servers and never felt like ganking (I don't enjoy making others suffer for no reason and no way to fight back) and didn't really find there was much in the way in way of max level World PVP that wasn't available on PVE servers. As much as I like the achivement of having leveled a character through STV or other gank filled zones, in the end they just allowed character transfers from PVE to PVP servers that took the prestige away.


Different game, different developer, but I might just stick with a PVE server and save myself the hassle. I still got a few days to decide on that though.


Maybe I am just a carebear....wait.....lets modern that up. Maybe I am just a bronie.

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I imagien it will be similar to WoW in that you wont really run into the other faction (unless they seek you out) until 20 +.




Well there'll be two differences:



1. The later you get in the less the PvP bug will gift you exp and levels.


2. You aren't being stopped playing by circumstance/the wife/the flying spaghetti monster, you're being artificially blocked by Bioware.




In the long term it won't make much difference, in the short term it most certainly will (I expect PvP servers to struggle in SWTOR anyway).

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Ah I didnt understand the nature of the PVP exploit. I suppso it doesnt really count as its working as intended, its just due to low populations that people can join a BG (not sure on term in SWTOR), get booted out for lack of players after a few minutes, receive full exp and various points, then rinse/repeat.


A bit annoying I agree, but this early on it would be a bit of a sad sack that would do such a technique when there is so much levelling content to be had. i very much doubt Ill be anywhere near max level for a month or two a least.



Especially as BGs have that equalising buff. Im not sure what I think of that system, a I enjoyed the levelling in WoW, where briefly you could be almost unstoppable at level 29,39,49 etc.


Ill always remember Shadow Priest at 39 (before shadow form) and how imbalanced it was. Force lightning (mindflay/facemelt) and psychic scream was all you needed to defeat everyone. I was almost temped to roll one just for twink BGs, but then I realised twinks were lame.

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