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Why didn't you pre-order earlier? (Not a QQ)


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I genuinely would like to know why we all didn't order sooner.


For me it was a matter of performance. I was a long time beta tester and in each build up until stress test weekend my FPS was poor. I didn't want to pre-order a game that I wasn't sure would run well. Eventually it did get fixed.


I was well aware of the "up to 5 days" clause. So I'm not complaining.


Whats your excuse?



What? aside from the "december" elitism of older accounts on us new accounts its a sin to preorder late?


I was hoping to get on FRIDAY but hey by then lvl 50's everywhere and probably by a twit from bioware since i preordered in dec i will be in by monday next week. bet you know the rest.



This community is horrible, its like someone let out biowares worker's children or something. Fanboy at its max.


Only reason I preordered was because of the early access and it has been such a failure.

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1.credit card are not used in the netherlands by their it was not possible to order at SWTOR.

2. swtor warned me about shipping the product to the netherlands that cause off the mass preorder you woudnt gett your hard copy at the 20th. so you do gett earlie acces butt then you prolly have to wait a week to gett your hardcopy. so no play for week.


3.so we had to preorder at 3th party shops butt they didnt gett the preorders untill beginning september cause bioware coudnt handel the preorders.

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I have basically been following the game since a new project with LA was announced er leaked er whatever. Im basically a slack bum who didn't read the email about pre-order and put it off for a few weeks. lol, oh well. I'll get to play it soon enough.
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I knew about this game early in 2010 but I didn't really keep up with news about it until beta had already started. So after playing beta, I pre-ordered.


Of course, I'm also not complaining about not getting let in today. I don't expect to get in until the 19th, but if I get in sooner, I won't complain. :)

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Frankly i just didnt preorder early then i did because i didnt realize they would do this type of release. In every MMO i have played and beta tested prior to this, there has been a pre order early access to the game. However the early access was granted to everyone at the same time.


Yes the page said "up to 5 days early" but it didnt say that was depending on pre order date. So in my false assumption they were just planning on opening up EGA 5 days early, but giving themselves some breathing room incase there was last minute problems.


Oh well live and learn. Not really complaining i know i was buying it anyway and that launch is the 20th. Just really saying even on the BW page for the game, they didnt really make it clear for preorder that it was going to vary for players until you were in the process of having bought the game.

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Decided to avoiding paying attention to SWTOR, so I wouldnt build up to much hype etc.


And I never expected Bioware to come out with such a foolish EGA system.


So in november when I checked back on the game, and was generally prepared to pre-order, I had a less then pleasent suprise.

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preordered on the 21st of July, unfortunately I did it on Origin and they didn't think sending the preorder code was necessary, thus I wasn't able to redeem my EGA code before 8th of August and after a few mails with the support.


But meh, I'll get in early or later. I have to work anyway so it's not a big deal :)

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I did not pre-order sooner because I am tired of pre-ordering the CE of whatever is new and upcoming and only being dissapointed after a few months. I wanted to make sure it was something my wife and I would actually enjoy leaving our current game for.
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Once I saw the beta, I PO's on the same day...


Buying in faith is rewarded by these companies, not sure I like to be a client of such companies... My eperience is ruined by now...


I admit I will wait and get into the game, but I am hoping the game experience will erase all the bad blood. If not, PANDASSSSSS, here I come...

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I was principally against it because, as a massive KOTOR fan I/II, I disliked being exploited as a cash cow as punishment for being said fan.


However, I eventually hopped on board when I heard about how much more focused on the story TOR will be compared to other MMO's. WoW got boring fast because apart from being a vaguely Allliance-loyal PvPer, I got no enjoyment from the story that wasn't completely of my own making. Be it camping Horde in Southshore (with a level 25-30 because I'm not a coward) before they took it away from me in Cata, or be it killing Horde mobs in south Barrens in Cata, one of the coolest new areas albeit for lowbies. None of that was story engaging.


I identify with your point. There was a sweet spot in wow before flying mounts in Azeroth where you could go about cause havok amongst the opposite faction and have spontaneous fun. When they removed everyone from the world with pointless flying mounts and dungeon queuing systems there wasn't anyone else to interact.


Oh.. the fun I had in Arathi Basin parking my warlock above the entrance to a battleground and sending my imp off to kill newbies in a camp and watching them running around like headless chickens was priceless. The fun I had in Dark-shore parking my warlock on the roof of the Inn and dotting up innocent noobs; even though that was probably bad for the noobs eventually backup came and kicked my *** but it was amazing spontaneous fun and probably the most enjoyable times i ever had in an mmo.


Im looking forward to a PvP world with no flying mounts and no queuing system.

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Hubby and I didn't order until we got a chance to play beta. For all we knew it was going to be another MMO that just didn't appeal to us. So that's why we ordered late.


Exactly the same reason;

Fiancé and I didn't want to risk another game on launch date, as the last few Pre-order MMO games we've tried turned out and flat out failed.


Also After my hate for EA and there poor performance in there last game I brought (battlefield bad company 2) I swore I would never buy a EA Hosted game, until I tried it first.

As they shown a lack of Server stability on a small scale, I was scared about how they would host a MMO, I'm not sure how EA is involved in SWTOR, weather they are just a publisher or a Server host or even a label on the box the fact they we're involved somehow, scared the living crap out of me, hence - I didn't pre-order straight away.

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i for one would like to know what i buy ... and sins i didnt get invited to the beta as of the stress test weekend on 25 th ... well yeah there you have it :( ...


but i preordered imidietly after playing the game on 25th ... couse i was insta hooked XD ... was just like playing wow for the first time again ;p .. somewhat ..


so :"( yeah .. wish i was invited eirlier then i probaly ordered it eirlier but after some disapointments of recent games and false promises i'm carefull ordering stuff before i know what i'm accualy buying so i want to play it first :)



should make sense i gues ? :_)

Edited by Genesizs
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Rofl purse dog.


Yeah, LOLOLOL! Wonder what class Paris is playing :)


I didn't preorder early because I had no idea it would matter as far as EGA would be concerned. Never seen an email from BW on the topic & been subbed here for a couple years. Wasn't going to read web forums for pure conjecture & a game that hadn't had a release date announced as yet. 1st beta in Oct made it a no brainer for me though.


No grace period will hurt even more though once I get kicked off on Dec 20 (after just 1 or 2 days on) at the mercy of EA/BW, then have to rely on the mercies of Amazon & postal services to down under & wait for box to arrive. Why of why couldn't we order from Origin, if you let us buy it from other retailers ffs BW? :confused: Why oh why couldn't you get the box retailers to send us the retail key when shipping the game BW? :confused:


I guess we're not really even on the radar in Aus for this launch, so I shouldn't be surprised we're barely an afterthought *sigh*.

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I have a few excuses.


Firstly, I had no clue about the "Up to 5 days", didn't really care much about it either until now.. Now my friends are in the early access while I'm left out in the cold, QQ.


Secondly, I couldn't afford it earlier than the 26th of November.


Thirdly, I wanted to test the game through the beta before I preordered. I was moderately satisfied with the uncomplete beta build so I preordered during it.


I'm probably not getting more than a day early access, which actually bothers me alot. I should've pre-ordered earlier. Sadly, I can't predict the future :(

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