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Wipe all servers, launch on dec 15h as planned open to ALL players


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The real point is that it was well and clearly stated the moment that pre-orders began, was that early access would be staggered based on the sooner you redeemed your code. BW is moving quickly with getting waves in, and I highly doubt anyone that pre-ordered has to wait til the 20th. It's a brand new MMO... there's no unfair advantage. You won't log in on the 3rd day of early access and find half the guild's out there face-rolling the hardest difficulties of raids. Almost everybody will still be in the lvl 1 - 15 range. I understand the frustration, but relax... it's going to be fine and a lot smoother than if over a million people rush the server in the same moment.


Yes, the launch is smooth and I like that as much as anyone. You still can't deny the fact that there are many drawbacks to this idea as well(drawbacks which I'm sure they considered when they made the decision). There ARE unfair advantages. The people that got in first will have a huge advantage through the economy for one. People that wanted to play together will either have to wait or end up leveling solo with randoms as their entire guild is dropping in on different days.


While Bioware have solved the problems with servers being overloaded (pretty much impossible at this point, as they are playing it safe. Though the 20th will be interesting.), they have instead created other issues that other MMO's that had problems with lag and what-not, did not have.


People did not have the same advantage as an example. We all had to deal with the lag, crashing servers and the occasional rollback, so yeah, that sucked, but on a positive note people could play together and start off like equals.


Bioware have effectively eliminated the equality from previous MMO launches through their staggering release. The competitive factor is pretty much out of the window as well.


Maybe it sounds like I'm complaining, and maybe I am a little, but it's not like I don't appreciate what Bioware have done. Hey, I love the game, it looks great, few reports of lag and it's pretty much as smooth as can be. I'm still a little frustrated, even as a guy that have been through many MMO launches in the past, some of which were very, very bad. Why am I frustrated? Because MMO launches have always been about playing with friends/guildies from the moment the servers are available, for me and for a lot of others. People will either have to wait for their friends/guildies to catch up, ignore them until end-game or make entirely new characters.


You might think "lol QQ moar. Play solo or pug ftw?", but what you don't get is that the launch of a new MMO is a big deal. People take days off work, focus off real life, to really get into the new game with their friends. This will likely go down in my memory as one of the smoother MMO launches in history, but I doubt I will remember it as good as my first time in other MMOs where I had the opportunity to play with friends the minute servers went live and we all could have a good time together and no other players had such an advantage that it would be very noticeable in-game as early as Day 2 or 3 of it being released. Yeah, I was aware from the first day I bought the game on July 21st that this would happen and that Bioware haven't promised anyone anything and that EA is a privilege not a right. Still, it makes me a little sad that thousands of people are being hindered from playing together as friends/guildies from the get-go.


Maybe most people will have forgotten about this once they're online and actually playing the game, including yours truly, but I will still remember that I never got the chance to play with friends of old from the very beginning, from the very moment that the game went live. I wasn't *there* for SW:TORs real launch, basically, and it was the first major MMO "day one" I've missed for a good number of years.


Oh, and in response to the OP: A wipe is not going to happen. Doubt they will even do anything about the exploiters.



"To say that there are no unfair advantages, and drawbacks is to fool oneself of the truth. Lying leads only to the Dark Side."

- Grandmaster Elim

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.


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All this complaining is really getting old. Why? Because it doesn't matter. Those of you crying because you're missing 1-5 days of game-time aren't thinking about the big picture. In a few weeks, months, years NOTHING from launch is going to matter. Not to the Developers and definitely not to the players.


If you wanted to be the first to level 50, in a week it won't matter because you'll be level 50. No one cares who was there "first".


Someone else picked your name? If someone else got to it first then it wasn't very original in the first place and not worth crying over.


Again - it doesn't matter. Waiting another one to 6 days won't kill you since the game doesn't technically launch until the 20th anyway. If it does kill you then that'll be one less person to complain about launch/pre-launch. It'll probably be better to get in later anyway that way there will be more people to group with. Those that did get in aren't satisfied with the number of people that are on. Someone is always going to be unhappy - you should be grateful to get in the game at all.



I can't speak for the OP... but most people aren't pissed off that they have to wait 1-6 days. Most people are pissed off that they have to wait for a stupid email for 6 days because they can't just have prearranged EGA times. I personally don't give a shart if I don't get in until the 19th, but I don't want to sit on my *** waiting for a freaking email.


Not to mention, I tried to pre-order from EB Games, but they wouldn't/couldn't get me a preorder code... so I HAD to order from Origin... because I wanted to play early like all of us. So origin charged me $5 for EGA... yet... my EGA is for an undisclosed amount of time starting at an undisclosed date & time.


THAT is the issue. Not the wait.

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.



And then let's wipe the servers claen on the 20th, so that it is fair for all those that didn't preorder.


Get a grip.:rolleyes:

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you know.. im not in yet. but if I was in, and they did a random wipe. i'd probably quit.

I hate to quit games, but during beta I dont do two things:

1) collect any extra or do anything extra other then the main missions

2) play the class I want to play.


So imagine 2 days after launch Ive been doing every side mission collection everything I can from everywhere, and suddenly bioware says, you know what, screw you ; wipe.


I wouldnt want to be supporting a company like that and neither should you.

just so that YOU can catch up easier

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.




Oh god. We share a gene pool.


I'm not laughing anymore.

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This is what happens when we start giving everyone on every little league team a trophy because were all winners....


really some of you guys are pathetic, maybe this will help you grow a pair. GJ BW... oh ya and im still not in and im cool with it.

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I hope they grant your request, and then since that would mean Bioware listens to anyone. On Dec. 19 a poster post the same thing since he didn't pre-order, and they wipe the servers a 2nd time, and start fresh yet again.


Heck, why don't we just wipe the severs once a week so we can have this expierince of being first 50 some of u seem to covet so much all the time, every week, perhaps twice on Sundays for good measure!


/sarcasm off


See how ridiculous that sounds:rolleyes:...

Edited by Varcan
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