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IGN Dubs SWTOR "The Best MMO Launch To Date"


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As another gaming writer (with quite a bit of experience on his shoulders) I can easily say that the review looks definitely legit. The writer makes clear points and backs his judgement solidly. It's also evident that (unlike many other writers) he played the game extensively.


There are no visible loose ends.


Sorry for the negative nancies around here, but there's nothing in that review that tells me that the writer is anything less than objective. The game did have the best MMO launch to date, all things considered. It's definitely a solid position, that I wrote myself in my own review that'll be out in a couple days. You can rest assured that many more will come (and quite a few others are already out in the wild) stating the same fact.


Don't hold your breath for negative reviews, because you won't see many, if any. The reason? Simply because the game's that good. That's all there's to it.


We should be happy about that. This market needs a solid entry in order to remove the long lasting stagnation and create some healthy competition. SWTOR has the full potential to be that entry. Reviewers like Kolan, myself and many others are simply recognizing that.

Edited by Abriael
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As another gaming writer (with quite a bit of experience on his shoulders) I can easily say that the review looks definitely legit.


Except it's not legit because it literally isn't the best launch to date. Rift had a much smoother bug-free launch and was much more polished.


And being a game writer yourself with however much experience won't change that fact.

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Rift launch?


The bounty hunter class quest bug is enough to render the TOR launch a failure.


Rift launch had over 3-4 hour queues on most servers for weeks after launch.


I've yet to sit in a queue longer than 5 minutes in SWTOR...


Bugs or no bugs...SWTOR is the smoothest launch in mmo history. Every other mmo has been a complete cluster f&*k for up to a month after launch. Rift is no exception.


Although I'd say Rift was the second smoothest launch in MMO history. SWTOR still beats it. To say it didnt because of the BH quest bug is just silly...Rift had many broken bugs like that at launch as well. This coming from a level 50 Bounty Hunter lol.

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They say "PvP is brilliant".


This statement alone reveals that they are fools who haven't got a clue.


ToRs "LoL we don't have brackets" newbie zergefest is everything BUT "brilliant". And that's w/o the ability lag which seems to be 10x as strong in war zones compared to normal questing/FPs.

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They probably got in with the first wave. Was the worst MMO launch for me ever.

Never I had to wait 5-6 days to play. Yes, WoW lagged and crashed on the first day but at night and the day after it was ok. Also I never had to skip group quests and instances on a MMO release. That emptiness despite fully loaded servers is the strangest thing I ever saw in MMOs.


It's like the server population is limited to ~100 players.

Edited by squiek
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I can't say the launch was smooth for 3 weeks long I had queues on the Eu servers.

Also the server lag is an issue , I notice spikes even with my connection.


With in the first 20 levels I've experienced over 30 bugs, I can't say this is smooth.

If I am perfectly honest out of the 9 mmo's I've played SWTOR is by far the most buggiest and incomplete MMO.




Using a wave system but not separating the Eu from the US just made the whole wave system pointless.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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We'll see how many people are left after the 1 month mark on Jan 20th. My prediction is this is going to be like Star Trek Online. There is just not enough content to keep people in the game and motivated -right now.- They may add content later but as it stands, when you make 50 there's nothing to do aside from a couple of half-baked hard modes that are about as easy as bowling with hand grenades.


SWTOR is fun, but like STO, SWTOR has an end. Sure, we can reroll alts to our heart's content. If that's the extent of their endgame... there won't be all that many people left in a few months.


In 90 days, I bet Rift has double the population of SWTOR.

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We'll see how many people are left after the 1 month mark on Jan 20th. My prediction is this is going to be like Star Trek Online. There is just not enough content to keep people in the game and motivated -right now.- They may add content later but as it stands, when you make 50 there's nothing to do aside from a couple of half-baked hard modes that are about as easy as bowling with hand grenades.


SWTOR is fun, but like STO, SWTOR has an end. Sure, we can reroll alts to our heart's content. If that's the extent of their endgame... there won't be all that many people left in a few months.


In 90 days, I bet Rift has double the population of SWTOR.


If you enjoy playing alts I'm pretty sure another play through is worth it.

As end game well, It's just very buggy.

That's the main problem.

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I currently have 2 toons above 40 at the moment. The content is the problem in my opinion. The only difference between the two classes I rolled was the storyline missions. It still force feeds me into the exact same filler content that my other class had to do. Thus, replay value is heavily diminished. I can see people doing this once or twice... even for a casual player that won't take 2 months to get 3-4 L50s.


This graphics engine is 5 years old. There is no hope for the visuals in this game. The engine isn't capable of looking any better than it does in an MMO setting. Why they chose a small arena first person shooter engine for an MMO is beyond me.

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Rift's launch was very smooth.



Unfortunately, when your beta period goes on for a year+ and every gamer and their mother can play, this doesn't leave too much incentive to actually pay to play the live game.




So you're trading what could be long term, dedicated subs who have lost interest before the game even starts for a bug free launch......yeah......



The game's been on the decline for months now, if my last stratics look is still accurate (been a lil while).



Regardless, in my guild, it was a fun distraction, til the 3 month summer deal that all of us got died, and we let our accounts lapse, and nobody really complained bout not playing.....Funny thing is, nobody knew anybody else's was gonna lapse.....they just, in sequence, did, lol.

Edited by Lazerius-
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Our server's population (Faeblight) in Rift has increased almost 15% this month so far. Rift is doing fine and, if you read their forums, droves of players are coming back after trying SWTOR.


I like SWTOR, but it is a very very casual game for me. I won't be resubbing after this freebie month is over. I'll come back in 6-12 months after they add some things to do besides turning doughnuts in the sands of Tattoine on my speeder.

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