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Gunslinger heals


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Do we only get one combat heal and that one only works when I have a companion?


If I am missing another heal ability, please tell me.


Give us something else as well. I really hate relying on medpacks in battle when they are 700cr a pop and 90 sec cooldown.

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If you wanted heals you shoulda gone Scoundrel. I pretty much never have to heal in combat though, so I'd suggest your issues lie not with the lack of in combat heals and more with either your reach exceeding your grasp or build/playstyle issues. The latter can be cured by looking around these forums some.
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You get a proper healing companion at the end of your story line, think it was on Belsavis.


Also, you can gear up C2-N2 to become your healbot, he comes with your ship. Cybertech can do this just fine.



Other than that, you are easily able to level up with a tank or DPS companion. I prefer Risha over any other companion.

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Why does everyone assume I am a bad player when I ask about heals? Excuse me for not being uber elite and my lack of ability to take out any enemy in 10 seconds. Sheesh. I was coming here to ask for advice and get information. If people have tips for keybinds and exceling in PvE. Then trust me, I am all ears and will gladly learn what I can. Just please don't assume I am a bad player because I do run into problems and have questions.


I would love to have the ability to heal myself without having to use medpacks. I would also love to heal my companions but I only have All In to do that. For example, I use Corso a lot as my main tank. I have his armor, mods, and weapons the best I can get for lvl 34. Yet he still seems squishy. Also, on a side note, that damn harpoon turning itself back on causes more issues than it helps.


I know there are medpacks that Bio's can make which heal you and your companion, I just have never seen then nor found them on the GTN.

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The simple answer is that you don't have heals because you are not a healing class. If you want heals, play Scoundrel, Commando, or Jedi Sage. Gunslingers are meant to survive by killing the enemy faster than the enemy can kill them.


If you are using Corso he really shouldn't be dying if you have geared him well as you say. Make sure you are gearing him for things like Endurance, Defense Rating, Absorption Rating, Shield Rating. Aim is secondary; Corso isn't there to kill, he's there to stay alive while you kill. If you've done all this and he is dying, it means you're not killing fast enough.


Be sure when fighting Elites that you are using Vital Shot and Flourish Shot; these abilities make a significant difference in your damage over time against tougher targets (as opposed to Standard targets, who don't live long enough to make it worth using them).


Also, interrupts are *crucial* when fighting Elites. You must use Distraction to interrupt Elite enemies' high-damage abilities. Your flash grenade and Dirty Kick can also be used for this in some situations.


If you're doing all of these things... well, then I can't tell you what's wrong. I don't generally have problems with Corso's durability unless I screw up at the start of the fight somehow. That's not to say he never dies, but it's pretty rare these days.


EDIT: corrected a couple of typos

Edited by Rankaze
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Gunslingers never get heals, but you can't blame the devs for that, we can output a lot of damage and can take quite a beating too with our cover, Dodge and the adsorption shield skill, healing on top of that would be OP.
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First, my apologies if I seemed ungrateful for the advice, that was not my intention. Second, I do not consider myself a bad player, but I am far from perfect. I am doing my best to really learn this class and how to use it properly. I know in PvP, I am not even close to a Padawan (lol) in skill level.


As to Corso, I understand what is prolly the issue. The gear they give for him all throughout my travels focuses on Aim first and Endurance second. So I think that is the main problem and I am going to redo his gear do focus on Endurance first. Then I will see how that goes.

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