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How to permanently defeat the Sith Empire.


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Actually, trying to get the slaves to rise up against the Sith wouldn't work. The Sith can pretty much negate that with a good enough speech.


"You are slaves now, but once all Sith were slaves! We all were in chains! Rise up and show us your passion! Rise up and show us your power, your strength! Rise up and repel this loathsome Republic from the Empire and prove that you are truly Sith, and your chains will be broken!"

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I think launching a full-scale genocide on the Sith Empire and blowing up Korriban and Dromund Kaas are the only answers to defeat said Empire.


What do the rest of you think?


By such an action you would only be setting yourself up in their place, there would be no real victory.

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After the end of the great Hyperspace War, the Jedi Order bombarded Korriban, they raised many temples, and exterminated any population that remained.


It's one of the darker chapters of Republic History.


Also, when they chased the Sith to Voss, they manipulated the Gormak into helping them exterminate the Sith. In exchange they offered power, creating the Voss and the nightmare lands... after which they abandoned the planet and left the Voss and Gormak to a centuries long feud that probably killed thousands or millions by now. (Gormak are Voss who refused the bargain the Jedi offered).

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Also, when they chased the Sith to Voss, they manipulated the Gormak into helping them exterminate the Sith. In exchange they offered power, creating the Voss and the nightmare lands... after which they abandoned the planet and left the Voss and Gormak to a centuries long feud that probably killed thousands or millions by now. (Gormak are Voss who refused the bargain the Jedi offered).


And somehow, we're the bad guys.

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And somehow, we're the bad guys.


I think it's because of the chronic skin conditions many sith seem to suffer under, people seem to want their "heroes" to be pretty and flawless (atleast to the outside), so people with sickle skin and facial tentacles have to play as villains.

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I think it's because of the chronic skin conditions many sith seem to suffer under, people seem to want their "heroes" to be pretty and flawless (atleast to the outside), so people with sickle skin and facial tentacles have to play as villains.


W-Well... a-at least I'm... I'm a hero of... of Imperials...



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The Sith will always end up destroying themselves and then just popping up with another empire a few hundred years later.


Its kind of sad knowing that your faction will fail in the end.


But it's heartening to know that we never give up.


I think we should get an A for effort...

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You don't beat them. For 26,000 years The Force has pitted light and dark users against each other. The universe itself won't ever let the conflict end.


Exterminate the Sith and eventually some Jedi will fall to the Dark side and re-establish them.


Exterminate the Jedi and eventually the Force will find a way to bring them back.

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You don't beat them. For 26,000 years The Force has pitted light and dark users against each other. The universe itself won't ever let the conflict end.


Exterminate the Sith and eventually some Jedi will fall to the Dark side and re-establish them.


Exterminate the Jedi and eventually the Force will find a way to bring them back.


Not if we blow up Tattooine it won't...

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The way I see it, the Republic in the movies is said to have lasted a thousand years. For something to begin, it has to have ended at some point. So sometime between now and that point where that Republic begins, the Sith win for some period of time. ;) Edited by Moitteva
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All the republic need to do is to make Darth Zash defect. This way half the sith empire will defect as well (all the men).


Nope. Only those who haven't finished act 1

and thus don't realize that zash is actually a billion years old, and looks like a hastily mummified corpse

will defect. And then, she'll just use them as

the Sith equivalent of an organ bank, like she tried to pull with you.


Edited by Antagonasty
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Nope. Only those who haven't finished act 1

and thus don't realize that zash is actually a billion years old, and looks like a hastily mummified corpse

will defect. And then, she'll just use them as

the Sith equivalent of an organ bank, like she tried to pull with you.


They can't all know that. Then again, there's always Darth Lachris.

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The way I see it, the Republic in the movies is said to have lasted a thousand years. For something to begin, it has to have ended at some point. So sometime between now and that point where that Republic begins, the Sith win for some period of time. ;)


We already know how this happens. It's 2,600 years after this game when the Sith control most of the Galaxy, and the Republic has entered it's Dark Ages. That war lasted for a 1,000 years. The Republic is never entirely destroyed though, and eventually defeated the Sith. (Unknowingly with the help of Darth Bane) The Republic reforms itself after that devastating conflict, and that's the Republic we see in the PT that has stood for a 1,000 years without a major conflict occuring.


So that's a different Sith Empire, no relation with this one.


This Sith Empire in this game loses, they cannot win. The Republic stood for 25,000 years, we already know the Temple on Coruscant is rebuilt shortly after the timeline we're playing in now.

Edited by Moitteva
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Following Imperial Agent story line and meeting lots of wacky "sith lords" I realized, that all I need to do to ruin the Empire is just step back and, well, that's it, stop doing anything. Stop cleaning up after sith and fixing things they break, and in 10 years all they will be wearing rags and speaking in rawrs. Because, honestly, they're just bunch of clueless morons who somehow came to power over ordinary people, but lost most of their sense along the way.
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