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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What!! NO ADD-ONS to be authorized!!!!


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The problem is no matter how hard you, others and myself try to explain that to the pro dps meter people all they come back with you must suck at dps if you do not want a dps meter. Whats so funny is we do not have dps or any addons right now and shockingly we can kill raid bosses. We do not have healbot yet i somehow can heal everyone. I do not have a decurser but i can tell who i have to check for a debuff and then cleanse it. We do not have DBM yet we are able to tell when a boss is about to cast a big attack and move out of its way. Somehow, without all these addons to make the fight better for the "elites players", we succeed and can actually watch and enjoy the fights.


Would you mind explaining for us what Healbot actually does and how that functionality is gamebreaking (hint: there's no automation involved)? How exactly is it that allowing people to create visually customized unit frames detracts from anything in the game at all?


Perhaps you've some poignant anecdote about how having to manually stack your cargo bay inventory is some sort of mark of skill, or how having to shift+drag multiple times to split a stack of 20 medpacs you're distributing to friends into four stacks of five is an indication of gameplay prowess?


I'm sure that having quickslot bars that require one to be wall-eyed to see all of them simultaneously is also a useful means by which to balance end-game content. Surely the fifty meters of neon-blue piping around all of the interface elements provides some special measure against elitism, right?

Edited by Ronamo
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Would you mind explaining for us what Healbot actually does and how that functionality is gamebreaking (hint: there's no automation involved)? How exactly is it that allowing people to create visually customized unit frames detracts from anything in the game at all?


Perhaps you've some poignant anecdote about how having to manually stack your cargo bay inventory is some sort of mark of skill, or how having to shift+drag multiple times to split a stack of 20 medpacs you're distributing to friends into four stacks of five is an indication of gameplay prowess?


I'm sure that not having quickslot bars that require one to be wall-eyed to see all of them simultaneously is also a useful means by which to balance end-game content. Surely the fifty meters of neon-blue piping around all of the interface elements provides some special measure against elitism, right?


Yeah, way to dig up a non-sequitur to try and deflect that several of the posts on here relate to something akin to DBM. Heck, there is even one differently abled fellow trying to claim that vanilla decursive was A-OK because you still had to manually spam a button.


I don't think very many people are saying that the UI is perfect, but there is a pretty big difference between some UI tweeks and your computer turning red, with sirens and warning messages because you're too stupid not to stand in the giant neon green pool at your feet.

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Yeah, way to dig up a non-sequitur to try and deflect that several of the posts on here relate to something akin to DBM. Heck, there is even one differently abled fellow trying to claim that vanilla decursive was A-OK because you still had to manually spam a button.


I don't think very many people are saying that the UI is perfect, but there is a pretty big difference between some UI tweeks and your computer turning red, with sirens and warning messages because you're too stupid not to stand in the giant neon green pool at your feet.


My point is that you can have one, without the other. People aren't saying "Let us have third party customization, but keep those darned bossmods out." They're flailing their arms screaming "No addons no addons bads bads no addons herpaderp," and describing patently untrue situations. The level of customization that's being asked for is outside the scope of what's reasonably expectable from Bioware's development team, and necessitates a third party outlet. Expecting any and all UI improvements, tweaks, and customizations to be built-in or developed in-house is not practical by any metric.

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I don't think very many people are saying that the UI is perfect, but there is a pretty big difference between some UI tweeks and your computer turning red, with sirens and warning messages because you're too stupid not to stand in the giant neon green pool at your feet.


Bw like wow have full control over what they allow add-on's to do. If bw thinks something like dbm isn't right for the game they can break it through their api. If they add add-on's it doesn't mean people can make and do whatever they want.

Edited by VicSix
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