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Launch was yestaday, 2 "extra days" planned from beginning, EA strategy.


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It is the exact same thing on a bigger scale.


Seriously, this... and EA has a billion times more money than Trion, with only a 3-4 times bigger estimated player base. I can't believe how you are all defending EA and BioWare's vagueness to paying customers for the sake of profit.

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Ohh and I don't refute that. All I'm saying is that their decision of making a staggered launch (and don't be fooled EGA and launch are the same thing with different names) is going to make mmo history as one of the worse decisions made for a mmo launch.


EGA is not the same thing as a retail launch. For obvious reason.

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Launch was not yesterday, that's just when early access started. Can you get your hands on a copy of the game, if you go to you're local gaming store will they have it sitting on the shelves? No? That's because the actual release/launch isn't until the 20th.
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That money should be deducted from your full purchase on the 20th. That's usually how preorders work.


Which part of "I have already paid" do people not get? I paid directly with a direct debit card. The pre-order fee is subtracted from my account as well as the entire amount for the game itself. It stands to reason then I didn't put down a down-payment, doesn't it?

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Ohh and I don't refute that. All I'm saying is that their decision of making a staggered launch (and don't be fooled EGA and launch are the same thing with different names) is going to make mmo history as one of the worse decisions made for a mmo launch.


How is giving people free game time one of the worst decisions ever?


I don't get it, do you not like free stuff?

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I paid to play the game on launch.


It is launch.


I am not playing.


I win with logic.


Flawless victory.


you paid to play the game on the 20th of december


EGA is a previlege


it was stated since announce that it will be a staged EGA


your not playing like 90% of the rest


staged access is a good decision


you dont have logic


i win with common sense

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I must say I'm missing your point. I bought the game knowing I could get up to 5 days of EGA, and now it's actually up to 7. Should I... complain? Feel angry?


I understand anger if you paid for something (you haven't paid yet but let's ignore that) and then did not have your goals met. But having your goals surpassed...?


No complaining, just arguing semantics and misinformation.


Rather be passionate about the game/company than show complete apathy.

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Fact of the matter is, Origin charged me the same amount of money for the "up to 5 days" as everyone else, should it not stand to reason that I would be allowed the same game time as others? Granted, it was about $8 including VAT (so about half a months sub).


Now, I was well aware that the launch would be staggered, but it is a bit disconcerting seeing how they are doing this spread. At this rate I will have paid an unreasonable amount of money for very little EGA.


Before anyone says I get the money refunded, I won't. I paid directly. I'll still play regardless of whether I get in on the 15th or the 19th, it just galls me a bit that I pay as much as everyone else for less.


Man this money you paid fo EGA are discounted from game you bought, so if oyu paid 74 for game and 5 for EGA you paid 79 in total anyone who buys it after 20 pays 79 so you didnt pay anything EGA is free (atleast thats how i got my game)


sory for crap english

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"Remember, these are TWO extra extra days so everyone's a winner in the end!"


This poor sap actually believes that they decided to out of the goodness of their hearts to give us two "extra" days. Do you? If you're that gullible then I have beach-front property to sell you in Arizona.


This was all planned from the get-go. Under-promise and over-deliver. All (good) design firms (architectural, engineering, graphics, games, etc.) operate under this model.


Make no mistake, folks. This is launch day disguised under the marketing ploy of being "early access." That's the only way they could get around the inevitable backlash that would result from them doing this without the marketing speak cover.


"This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game. We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game. Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be With You!


Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

Co-Founders, BioWare"


Imagine if any other game launched but didn't allow everyone who purchased the game to log in on day one. People would be raging and gaming media would be all over it. That's exactly what is happening here, except many gamers and media outlets are buying it hook, line, and sinker because they've used marketing lingo to cover up what they're really doing.


Think critically. We're being played.


I'm tired of hearing this posted over and over. So let me help you.





1    [lawnch, lahnch] Show IPA


verb (used with object)


to set (a boat or ship) in the water.



to float (a newly constructed boat or ship) usually by allowing to slide down inclined ways into the water.



to send forth, catapult, or release, as a self-propelled vehicle or weapon: Rockets were launched midway in the battle. The submarine launched its torpedoes and dived rapidly.



to start (a person) on a course, career, etc.



to set going; initiate: to launch a scheme.




to throw; hurl: to launch a spear.



to start (a new venture) or promote (a new product): They launched a new breakfast cereal.



Computers . to start (a software program).






I guess you don't know what the word launch means!!! *SNAP*


Game has launched. Just because they didn't wait until the copies were in hand doesn't mean this not a launch.


And in JULY the site said PLAY upto 7days early. About a month later it was changed to 5 days. Then... last week it was changed again back to 7. I'm guessing it was changed both times to make everyone feel better about the stupid wave launch. AKA: They planned on 7 days all along to cut down on people complaining.

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you paid to play the game on the 20th of december


EGA is a previlege


it was stated since announce that it will be a staged EGA


your not playing like 90% of the rest


staged access is a good decision


you dont have logic


i win with common sense


Grammar; stopped at the first letter not capitalized. Also saw you were one of many to copy my witty post style. Thank you for the compliment, but I am not interested :o

Edited by Grunnd
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Which part of "I have already paid" do people not get? I paid directly with a direct debit card. The pre-order fee is subtracted from my account as well as the entire amount for the game itself. It stands to reason then I didn't put down a down-payment, doesn't it?


You can still cancel the order at will and get a full refund (except for that $0.002 you could have earned as interest I suppose). Your payment is not completely gone!

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Game launched yesterday. You really should read the stickies.


Game launched.


He's not playing.


His logic wins.




If the game is launch, why isnt everyone playing genius....


You dont even need to pay 1 cent to play for early access. You can cancel your preorder and get all your money back.


If you did not preorder YOU CANNOT GET THE GAME YET, period.


LOGIC WINS overwhelmingly

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You can still cancel the order at will and get a full refund (except for that $0.002 you could have earned as interest I suppose). Your payment is not completely gone!


You fail to realize how many children he could have fed or strays he could have saved with that kind of interest earned!


He has every right to be mad.

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How is giving people free game time one of the worst decisions ever?


I don't get it, do you not like free stuff?


Just look at the boards a bit longer. Reflect on it and come back. You will realize that the amount of negative comments surpasses any other mmo launch to date (and we could pro ratio that to lower pop launches and it would still be on top).


Now if that's not enough to convince you it was a bad decision I honestly don't know what will. Now matter what happens you still "wont get it".

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If the game is launch, why isnt everyone playing genius....


You dont even need to pay 1 cent to play for early access. You can cancel your preorder and get all your money back.


If you did not preorder YOU CANNOT GET THE GAME YET, period.


LOGIC WINS overwhelmingly


People are still copying my post?


Man, I am overcome with the flattery here guys. Really, I am.

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If the game is launch, why isnt everyone playing genius....


You dont even need to pay 1 cent to play for early access. You can cancel your preorder and get all your money back.


If you did not preorder YOU CANNOT GET THE GAME YET, period.


LOGIC WINS overwhelmingly


Anothing person who doesn't know what launch means. I'm tired of hearing this posted over and over. So let me help you.





1    [lawnch, lahnch] Show IPA


verb (used with object)


to set (a boat or ship) in the water.



to float (a newly constructed boat or ship) usually by allowing to slide down inclined ways into the water.



to send forth, catapult, or release, as a self-propelled vehicle or weapon: Rockets were launched midway in the battle. The submarine launched its torpedoes and dived rapidly.



to start (a person) on a course, career, etc.



to set going; initiate: to launch a scheme.




to throw; hurl: to launch a spear.



to start (a new venture) or promote (a new product): They launched a new breakfast cereal.



Computers . to start (a software program).


I guess you don't know what the word launch means!!! *SNAP*


Game has launched. Just because they didn't wait until the copies were in hand doesn't mean this not a launch.

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Just look at the boards a bit longer. Reflect on it and come back. You will realize that the amount of negative comments surpasses any other mmo launch to date (and we could pro ratio that to lower pop launches and it would still be on top).


Now if that's not enough to convince you it was a bad decision I honestly don't know what will. Now matter what happens you still "wont get it".


Oh really, the amount of negative comments surpassed any other mmo launch?


I would really love to see the source for that.


And of course, an explanation for why free gaming time (i.e. independent of the 30 days one paid for) is bad would never hurt your argument.

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Fact of the matter is, Origin charged me the same amount of money for the "up to 5 days" as everyone else, should it not stand to reason that I would be allowed the same game time as others? Granted, it was about $8 including VAT (so about half a months sub).


Now, I was well aware that the launch would be staggered, but it is a bit disconcerting seeing how they are doing this spread. At this rate I will have paid an unreasonable amount of money for very little EGA.


Before anyone says I get the money refunded, I won't. I paid directly. I'll still play regardless of whether I get in on the 15th or the 19th, it just galls me a bit that I pay as much as everyone else for less.


UP TO FIVE DAYS, not 5 days.


" The length directly depends on when you redeed your preorder code" It has been there since pre-order opened. Heck you even get two exta days now, just to make sure everyone gets respectable time with the FREE EGA.


You're not paying until the 20th, until you redeem product key and set up payment method. And even then you get 30 days out of the box. What the heck is wrong with you?


If you wanted to play so much, you would have taken every opportunity and you'd have played up to 15 day free.( 2 open beta weekend + 7 days for the Bioware fanboys, who were dying to play)


As far as i'm concerned, Bioware was more than generous, giving me a whole 8 days to playtest a virtually smooth experience and another 7 for placing some fate in them(duh) after all these year and preordering.


AGAIN OFFICIAL LAUNCH IS on 20th, because you get billed after it starts/////

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Oh really, the amount of negative comments surpassed any other mmo launch?


I would really love to see the source for that.


And of course, an explanation for why free gaming time (i.e. independent of the 30 days one paid for) is bad would never hurt your argument.


You didn't look ... Pshhh go away and come back after.

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