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Eternity Vault Armor Drops are specific to the player?

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What is up with the spam? I don't understand what you are asking, but I will try to answer. Armor tokens are dropped from specific bosses in ops and hardmode flashpoints.


Don't bump every 2 minutes, you won't get a quicker answer anyways.

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Look at it this way, the game does the item roll for you, this way you get less of the same item that no one in your raid needs etc.


The only negative part is that this system is not in place for Hardmore or nightmare.. which is a shame cause in reality when you think about it, its a great, and fair system.

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it is not fair when something you dont need is assigned to you, and someone else in the operation might need it, he or she won't get it. Also the chests from ancient pylons and infernal council are bugged as hell, can't loot it at times even though its green.
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the alternative is you'll get loads of crap no one can use.


I am not saying current normal mode system is perfect, the winner should definatly be allowed to assign it to a diffrent player, but it is better then the usual loot systems games have.

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the alternative is you'll get loads of crap no one can use.


I am not saying current normal mode system is perfect, the winner should definatly be allowed to assign it to a diffrent player, but it is better then the usual loot systems games have.


Uh, no? This loot system needs to be change immediately.

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Uh, no? This loot system needs to be change immediately.


I cannot agree enough - this loot system is absolutely awful. If there are devs reading this, for the love of all things sacred make it possible to at least master loot this stuff. Having dps get assigned tank loot and tanks getting dps loot?


I'm not sure what the design philosophy was behind this, but it does NOT WORK. Please fix this as soon as possible.

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The system is really effective at encouraging entry level pugs, the groups who should be running EV standard. The "hard" mode, which is the real raid content, is tuned for a more coordinated and geared party and has a "traditional" drop system. Biowares solution (making the easy mode pug friendly and the standard mode traditional) makes a ton of sense and works really well.
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The fact owner/winner of autoroll can't pass item to others is what's making it horribly broken. Whomever came up with autoroll that does not allow passing... how exactly does it make tons of sense? Expecting every PUG to be utter selfish idiots that never pass a thing is even beyond my PUG hatred...
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