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Even the most advanced droids cannot....


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make a simmersilk purse out of a Bantha's ear, master.





Can I not take the voicebox out of this droid?! I mean seriously... do I have to hear his 'alternate lifestyle' voice every time I enter my ship??!

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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make a simmersilk purse out of a Bantha's ear, master.





Can I not take the voicebox out of this droid?! I mean seriously... do I have to hear his 'alternate lifestyle' voice every time I enter my ship??!


But then how would you get your daily dose of fabulous?

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I'll ignore your bigotry, because I have a somewhat related question.


Are the responses that companions give randomly selected? I've had companions fail missions while telling me that they delivered exceptional results, I've had companions tell me that they failed when they actually delivered fantastic results, and all manner of nonsense in between. What's with that?

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I'll ignore your bigotry, because I have a somewhat related question.


Are the responses that companions give randomly selected? I've had companions fail missions while telling me that they delivered exceptional results, I've had companions tell me that they failed when they actually delivered fantastic results, and all manner of nonsense in between. What's with that?


I don't know what bigatry means , but ya, I run into the same things with my companions coming back from crew skill missions. It's quite annoying. I don't see how it would be that hard to match up responses to a successful/failed mission, but for some reason it's just totally random.

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I mean seriously, who uses this guy other than crew skills? I wish I could just scavenge him and call it a day.



I used him extensively on my Guardian on Taris...those freaking rakghouls.


He is a heal bot. He even carried my group of guardian, shadow, and sentinel through the Knight Fall and Mutations Heroics when we couldn't find a healer. He is annoying as hell, but he is useful.

Edited by Keihryon
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I for one enjoy his comments as I enter the ship. And I'm level 50 and have entered my ship many, many, many, many times.


I'm not saying he should not exist in the game. But, maybe the 10th time you enter your ship you should get in a dialog when you have the choice to kill him, remove his voice component, or shine his armor. I suspect you will get him nice and shiny.


I used him extensively on my Guardian on Taris...those freaking rakghouls.


He is a heal bot. He even carried my group of guardian, shadow, and sentinel through the Knight Fall and Mutations Heroics when we couldn't find a healer. He is annoying as hell, but he is useful.


I usually am throwing out heals myself, so I never found him to be the companion of choice. Also, he starts out with no gear, so that causes a bit more trouble to make him useful.

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I usually am throwing out heals myself, so I never found him to be the companion of choice. Also, he starts out with no gear, so that causes a bit more trouble to make him useful.


Guess you missed the part where I said he is very viable for classes that can not heal?

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Customer on Tattoine:"This protocol droid you sold me is a pile of junk. It doesn't talk"

Jawa: "Is not bug, is feature. Working as intended"

Customer on Tattoine: "What do you mean its working as intended, his vocabulator is broken! What good is a protocol droid that can't talk?!!?"


And this thread is why the Jawa was right! I absolutely love the sense of humor of the devs, and whoever wrote that script for that specific in-game voiceover at the Anchorhead taxi....awesome!

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Customer on Tattoine:"This protocol droid you sold me is a pile of junk. It doesn't talk"

Jawa: "Is not bug, is feature. Working as intended"

Customer on Tattoine: "What do you mean its working as intended, his vocabulator is broken! What good is a protocol droid that can't talk?!!?"


So, its a "vocabulator". Thanks a lot. At least now I know what I want to rip out of his body.

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The really irritating thing is that he just repeats the same few stock phrases over and over again.


What they could have done is give him a real 'computer voice' (i.e. not pre-recorded but generated in real time) and then have him recite random facts from the Codex. "Did you know master that..." or "I was consulting the databanks recently and found that..." etc


I don't know about you but I haven't taken the trouble to read most of the Codex. Having the droid read bits of it to me might actually make him useful!

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Ya, I did. I looked again, and still didn't see that. So, not sure when that was ever said. But ya, I guess I could see him being good for non-healers.


Sorry, I didn't say it outright. I mentioned my guardian (non-heal class) and a group I was in (all non-heal classes) It was inferred.


On that note, I don't use him or the healing companion I have on my sage, either.


But, for classes with no healing capability he helps there.


But still very annoying. I never liked 3PO either.

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