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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I am relatively new to PvP, I am more of a questing type of player, but damn, hard to pass up that decent PvP gear. Give it some time, after some time I am sure Bioware will figure it out and add more content and make it really entertaining. Think one of the next patches should include more PvP maps to keep paying PvPers entertained and playing.
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1 out of 10


I'm not really going to go on a rant about it. Most of the issues with the pvp game center on it being entirely gear centric and CC heavy. Add in there's no meaningful world pvp and 3 mini battlegrounds that aren't that well designed and you have a recipe for failure.


1 suggestion I would make. Take Ilum out completely, just remove it. There's no point to the place as it currently is. Redesign it to be similar to the old Alterac Valley in WoW and let the games go on for days. Make it 40 v 40 or something massive and then spend the next 6 months to a year designing good and meaningful pvp. For a game like this, I would suggest implementing a system similar to Global Agenda's conquest system. Just a thought.

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Was 7/10 last week or 2 weeks ago, down to 3/10 now.


I enjoy WZ immensely since the start. However a month down the line, it gets reaaally boring now, these 3 maps. I'm sure my scaling will increase once they added new maps :(


Ilum.. had a high hope that Ilum frenzy will eventually die down and we might able to get some decent 1v1 or 4v4 encounters but it's not happening is it? Not in the near future anyway. All I saw was just lagfest, AoE spam on blobs which my PC doesn't take very well. Shuddering at the fact that weekly quest reseted today = more lag :(

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Out of all the MMO's I've ever played in my life, this game has the absolute worst PVP I've ever experienced. It's so bad, that it doesn't even function properly.


I'd give it a 1.5/10







I'm going to play the stories I want, then I'm done. There is zero incentive for me to keep playing outside the leveling and RPG elements.


I've even considered to just watching the stories finish on youtube and moving on.


Another crying baby :rolleyes:

If you don't want to find where the fun is, do not complain all the time and cancel it already.

By the way, if you are so big expert in MMO's, why have you stopped playing all those previous games? ;) Still the same reason?


To the core of the topic:

If I forget the thing about lags (don't know if it is because of servers or my connection - some quick check test to see how good I have actuall connection to the server would be fine. If I expect lags, I can adjust my playing style) and common problems with easy to use, quick and clear communication with my team (if you are NOT using or do NOT want to use a microphone) - simple quick audio and/or visual notices/map-stics for all group members to get them know what is happening and actual strategy would be nice (maybe I still have to find the proper way. I am still missing reasonable "how to" to communicate really quicly withut too much usless clicking. And yes! I know there is comm panel and predefined phrases in it... still too time expensive).


This game just started guys so be a little bit patient. Every project like this one has always some birth-problems. Still it is fun.

My appreciation about PvP: 7/10.

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the reason there is pvp specific gear is to keep longtime pvpers who HAVE the skill, from being roflstomped by raiders who casually pvp in thier super raid epix. The expertise stat seperates pve oriented players and pvp oriented players.


I'm sick of people saying that game developers ruin games by introducing a pvp only stat. It simply isn't the case. What ruins games (yes i'm talking about WoW) is game developers catering to the babies who cry on forums looking for an easy button to greatness.


Remember the days when video games were hard and they didn't reward you for failure? A nice Game Over screen and you had to start at the begining ALL OVER AGAIN. BUT when you did finish the game the sense of accomplishment you had because YOU, not the developers, are the reason you finally finished the game.


If warzones didn't reward you with valor, xp, and commendations when you LOST people would pull thier heads out of thier respective asses and find a way to win or get NOTHING.


PvE already does this. If you can't finish an Operation/HM boss guess what. You get nothing. You have to figure out how to beat him or never get what he has simple.


I'm PvP oriented and not PvE oriented but i would still like to see the same sense of accomplishment for actually WINNING in pvp.


All this crap about just handing gear to new 50's to be competitive is bullcrap. A new 50 with his blues/greens isn't just HANDED a set of PvE armor so he can go on Operations with the people in full raid gear. He has to work through HMs, lvl50 FPs, or grind dailies to get barrels/hilts/armoring for his oranges before a serious raid group is going to let him into thier operation. Same thing goes with pvp. YOU do the work and get the gear to be competitive simple.


/rant off


Oh and for the OP i give it a 5/10

Class balance is fine if people know what thier class is for period.

Give me more warzones and the score goes up.

Give me a reason to win instead of just finishing my daily/weekly

Make 8 man ops groups able to queue up in PvP

Give me a reason to go to ilum other than finishing my daily/weekly

Please give my server more lvl 50's who will queue up for pvp

(i know the last one really isn't BW's fault but i can dream for shorter queues right ;) )


Kind of off topic but i do feel for all the people on high pop servers who have to deal with the Valor farming battlemasters. I'm actually on a republic pvp dominated server. Gauntlet of Kessh(sp?). I play an empire character and i'm pretty sure that the empire has more people but the republic is far more organized and far outnumbers us as far as pvp goes. My guild has about 4-6 people who pvp consistantly and our guild dominates empire pvp warzones/ilum. By dominate i'm not talking about a roflstomp wtfbbq bonanza. I'm talking about how many lvl 50's from a single guild that actually pvp consistantly. I have YET to see a single battlemaster from either side and the gear difference between us and them is pretty negligible. So when we queue up we pretty much fight the EXACT same people over and over again and wins get traded back and forth constantly. I can't count how many times that either side has won Huttball by a single score in the last 30 seconds, or the civil war by 5-15 points, or voidstar by a single door. The pvp on my server is phenominal in its balance and challenge and i absolutely love it.

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7/10 – Overall I’m loving the game and the PvP that comes with it.



Being able to queue for warzones from anywhere is a huge plus.


The warzone games have variety.


I like the PvP gear system. Essentially you get tokens for centurion gear from champ bags (not random), and at Battlemaster, you get tokens for champ gear (not random), along the way one will pick up champ gear from bags, and similarly battlemaster gear – afterall it is some of the best gear in the game currently, so it needs to be hard to obtain, not a two minute thing.


The concept of Ilum is a good vision and when there is a fair fight it can be fun.




Queue times can take too long, especially with the introduction of brackets.


Appreciating its early days, however there needs to be another warzone that allows cross faction fighting.


Lag when parties of more than around 30 players are fighting make Ilum a game of mashing the key board and not so much skill.


Ability delay is very annoying when it kicks in.


Ilum daily armaments need quicker respawn times, and need to force both factions into more than one area – the current system doesn’t do this; it allows one faction to dominate and the other to not bother.


Operatives/scoundrels stealth up to me, knock me over, and kill me before I’ve got up – It’s not even a fight.



Cross server warzones might be a great way to alleviate queue times.


The introduction of another warzone that allows the same faction to compete against each other to produce variety that compliments Huttball. Server inbalances will always happen as there are around 60% of people that want to play as the ‘baddie’ on online games. It’s important to therefore recognise this and introduce more games that pit the same faction against each other.


Ilum bases need redesigning so that republic/imperial players don’t get stuck in a bottle neck. A larger exclusion zone is needed and man-able turrets only accessible by the faction (maybe on the walls) to keep the invading forces a sensible distance away.


Please reduce lag on Ilum somehow. I would have hoped my I7 with 8gb RAM would cope better than it does.

Edited by Cottyuk
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0 - **** Infact is was better before 1.1.


The game has been ruined by Ilum for me. I play a melee class and am useless in Ilum, I can't get many fights as everyone is too busy farming valor at the bases which become unplayable and even when playable is so hard to hit anyone as they are always at range in their base.


If I wasn't so close to 60 pre 1.1 I would have ditched my melee char already.


I want free Valor for Melee classes or more valor in Warzones where you can actually enjoy pvp.


THis **** fest that is illum is going to destory the game, if it hasn't already. At worst it will become dominated by classes that can farm valor more easily.


Farming isn't fun, what will you do when you get to 60...quit.


Delete Illum.

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This. Just this.


No. Having arena's absolutely ruins the balance because the focus shifts to balance arena encounters which messes up bigger pvp and PvE in general.


I'm pretty sure there was a post somewhere about a WoW dev even saying he regretted that arenas ever got implemented. I remember reading it somewhere.

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PvP is terrible, there is no balance whats so over, i dont see how by giving us a buff bioware think that this makes it balanced. Stuff the buff, put brackets in!! and for the love of god let us que for certain WZ so i don't have to play bloody hutt ball ever again in my life, makes me want to kill myself
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6/10 and I'm playing a sage dps. I just want more warzones.


World pvp is all about what side has more numbers and it just isn't fun unless your side has the numbers. If we can have even sides in Ilum, then I'd be happy with it.

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