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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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There are some kinks but I think as far as balance goes it's okay for a fresh mmo. Could have been a lot worse. What are some of my thoughts?


- World Pvp=there is none

- population balance (something i consider essential for a good pvp game)

- 3 warzones (we got hyped about them being different and new etc., all I see is warzones

copied from wow and rift. could have at least made 4-5 if they are so blantly copied. at least class skills add a nice twist with pushes and pulls)

- I actually like the valor system. unfortunately the bag system is craap. should have given

players simply the chance to buy items with a certain amount of valor. make it so you get a new set every 20 ranks or so with minor increments. if you are motivating people to pvp through dailies, your doing it wrong.


All in all I guess I'm just bored of battleground PvP since I've played a lot of Wow (made rank 11 pre BC which was 6 weeks of daily 8-10 hours of battlegrounds non stop back then) and Warhammer. Kinda missing some nice open world pvp where you go out for some fun, not only items.


PvE thoughI really enjoyed. Got 2 characters to 50 (well 50 and 46) and watched all the cutscenes etc. To bad they went the way of completely copying PvP as it is done in other games.

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This is why PVP is a 1/10 for me...

I am Powertech, Valor Rank 50, 1 piece of Champion gear

I leveled via PVPing and finally hit level 50 2 days ago... one would think pvping to level 50 would make you a PVPing beast right? WRONG.

I got screwed by BioWare in the following fashion for PVPing to level:

-1000/1000 Commendation cap

-Bag unique cap

-Lost commendations trying to buy more than 1000 mercenary commendations... should prevent me from losing commendations when trying to purchase them...

-10-49 cap introduced late so all the facerolling the 50s have a leg up

-Expertise not craftable for new level 50s

-All my class quests gave me 5xp since they went grey on me

-Legacy level is so low since I only started doing class quests when I heard you get legacy levels.


I skipped reading all the other post cause I hit last page, but landed on yours and just can't believe my eyes. I am a level 50 PT, got there when the Pubs hit 50 first and had a whole guild that farmed constantly for gear and we would always run into them while lvling (through PvP). Saved 1000/1000 and got on commedations from my 6 bags (2-3 pieces from the weekly after that).


PvP to level 50 just makes you know what to do in PvP better, does not make you a beast because those who have made it to level 50 and been PvPing still should be more beastly than you. You are just now not a complete noob.


BW didn't screw you, you had the same chance everyone else had, everyone got potentially 6 bags once hitting 50, if they removed the cap you would just be complaining that they didn't give you enough comms per match and couldn't get more bags.


You act like you are the only new or relatively new 50 with no PvP gear, and that when you que up you are only ever going against 2 4man premade groups with full BM/champ gear. You are in a mixed bag most of the time, instead of feeling sorry for yourself why not try to find a guild that would help you win those matches.


Legacy System has been around since launch, your fault for not knowing, your fault for not finding out, your fault for negating it completely. Or did you want someone to hold your hand throughout the game and tell you what every feature is and coddle you and hand you free gear?


Now back OT, I rate it as a 8/10.

Mostly happy with the system, CC could use a lot of tweeking. I am mostly disapointed in only having 3 Warzones, after playing so many times it gets old. Illium offers a wide open space with nothing to do 80% of the time. Gear is relatively frustrating to get at times, but when you can ger up fully in 3 weeks(champ gear), while working 12 hour shifts I think I can say its easier than most MMO. BM gear is another beast.

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I'd say 7/10.


List of complaints:


Ilum fail, no premade specific ques, RNG bag system.


That said, I think the class are pretty well balanced, I'm having a lot of fun and as soon as I don't get rofflestomped by premades 50% of the time I think I'm going to really enjoy myself.

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4/10, for a few reasons.


I don't like canned pvp. I felt that the battlegrounds system ruined WoW and Warzones have the exact same feel. But, I came from the "completely open" mindset of EQ1 so I may never again be satisfied from this perspective. Aside from that the only mechanics gripe (aside from bugs, which are fixable) I have is the fact that there are no elemental or internal resistances of yet on gear. As a tank i'm a glorified speedbump for half the AC specs out there in the current build. The rest of the system, as a whole is pretty decent and, while not ground breaking, enjoyable with a few friends. The major problem I have is actually performance issues. I lag EVERYWHERE in pvp. Alderaan is like swimming through jello, Huttball has some major positioning issues with certain abilities, and illum is a slideshow if i'm standing in a corner by myself turning in circles. So, you could say my issue with the PvP is not the PvP itself, but the implementation of the game in relation to it. I find it ridiculous that more than a decade old programs, in comparison, have better client stability (and in turn server stability) than a game published in 2011. If the programmers could clear up the issues, or pull their head out of the .. erm ... sand, i'd rate this as a 7 of higher at launch. As it stands now I would not be playing pvp if it weren't for my guildmates sympathetic pvp groups. We all hate it, but those dailies don't do themselves.

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I would say about a 5/10. There are just too many issues that I do not agree with. Specifically, I would like us to be able to select the WZ we want to play,premade vs premade WZs (so everyone gets better competition), the ability to que as a full OPs group, a gear system that puts all PVPers on a level playing field, larger WZs than 8 on 8, more variety of warzones, etc. I know that it is a new game, but that is just a wish list of things I would like to see in the future.
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1-40 Pre 50 brackets as a healer Operative: -2

Healing as an operative is a pain

getting 2 shot by some 50


40-45 PRE brackets: 8

Still getting two shot by geared 50's but now they 3 shot me


40-45 POST Brackets: 9

Glorious! I get sh*t on by Sages, operatives and smugglers

I get can (if i am not on point) get out healed by Sorc's that are a few levels below me

but the fun factor is more evident as i can consistently top the healing charts and feel like my part was done when we win


LTB: MORE medals for healers... TBH

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Ilum stinks. There's no getting around it. As Imps you will never have a fair match so it's just zerg zerg zerg zerg and control the middle so you can farm arms and the occasional suicidal stealther. Honestly, I preferred the point trading so you could at least get the hell out of there.


WZs are alright. Have no clue how they're going to fix queue/pop inbalancing. Luckily my server has a pretty good pop so at the very worst you can do Huttball till your eyes bleed. Would like some more Imp v Imp/Pub v Pub so I can do something besides 90% Huttball.


Class balance... is surprisingly good for a new MMO. Have seen virtually every AC top the meters for a WZ so far. Yeah, there will be tweaks but honestly as long as they avoid the critical mistake WoW made with introducing arenas I don't think this is going to be that bad.


EDIT: Oh God I forgot about the bags. Seriously, screw that noise. And I've been pretty lucky so far.

Edited by leemajors
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Legacy System has been around since launch, your fault for not knowing, your fault for not finding out, your fault for negating it completely. Or did you want someone to hold your hand throughout the game and tell you what every feature is and coddle you and hand you free gear?


Quick tangent, not to derail, but... what does the legacy system do other than give you a surname and an additional experience bar? Please hold my hand, coddle me, and tell me what it does :)

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Quick tangent, not to derail, but... what does the legacy system do other than give you a surname and an additional experience bar? Please hold my hand, coddle me, and tell me what it does :)


0/10 i dont feel like listing the 847 gamebraking issues pvp has in this game, those can be read everywhere in this forum. All in all though i cannot see how this games PvP can be considererd anything but among the very worst.

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Quick tangent, not to derail, but... what does the legacy system do other than give you a surname and an additional experience bar? Please hold my hand, coddle me, and tell me what it does :)


As of right now, nothing. Bioware says that they will be adding features under the lines of


-Having a legacy skill tree, where the talents learned would be small changes (think guild skill trees in WoW)


-Unlocking new races that are only available to Legacies of a certain level


-Legacy items.


They haven't been really specific yet but it's my understanding that's the direction they are going.

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Quick tangent, not to derail, but... what does the legacy system do other than give you a surname and an additional experience bar? Please hold my hand, coddle me, and tell me what it does :)



Right now, nothing. But BW has stated since the game's launch (even before that) that the legacy system will have greater impact later.

Edited by Cruxe
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8 out of 10


Only complaints are the constant huttball matches. Im not crying for nerfs or rollbacks just more maps would be great


They are adding more maps soon at least before the end of this year. I would say 9 I'm happy with the system the grind for gear has to be a grind, if not all of you would get bored as soon as you got all the best PvP gear. Maybe add arena matches but 10 vs 10 or something none of this 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 ****. If you think about it they need time to set up for new gear and so on can't have the samething with wow in which everyone gets the gear and a month later or less is outdated that to me is annoying.

Edited by vsalcedo
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From lvl 10-49... about 8. It's really enjoyable.


For 50s? Hmm 1. If you don't have Champion or Battlemaster don't even try.


Ilum? 4. Nice idea, great fun when teams are equal... but mostly they are not, and today for example we were all collecting armaments for our dailies. Yeah 10 people in one place. Great fun.

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when i give my rating, i consider what i would be playing if i wasn't playing SWTOR. those games would be eve online, bf3, and skyrim. as of now, i enjoy SWTOR more than the mentioned, and pvping is a large part of what i do.


given this, i give the warzone pvp a 9. i haven't messed with ilum because i'm not a neckbeard, yet.

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I skipped reading all the other post cause I hit last page, but landed on yours and just can't believe my eyes. I am a level 50 PT, got there when the Pubs hit 50 first and had a whole guild that farmed constantly for gear and we would always run into them while lvling (through PvP). Saved 1000/1000 and got on commedations from my 6 bags (2-3 pieces from the weekly after that).


PvP to level 50 just makes you know what to do in PvP better, does not make you a beast because those who have made it to level 50 and been PvPing still should be more beastly than you. You are just now not a complete noob.


BW didn't screw you, you had the same chance everyone else had, everyone got potentially 6 bags once hitting 50, if they removed the cap you would just be complaining that they didn't give you enough comms per match and couldn't get more bags.


You act like you are the only new or relatively new 50 with no PvP gear, and that when you que up you are only ever going against 2 4man premade groups with full BM/champ gear. You are in a mixed bag most of the time, instead of feeling sorry for yourself why not try to find a guild that would help you win those matches.


Legacy System has been around since launch, your fault for not knowing, your fault for not finding out, your fault for negating it completely. Or did you want someone to hold your hand throughout the game and tell you what every feature is and coddle you and hand you free gear?


Now back OT, I rate it as a 8/10.

Mostly happy with the system, CC could use a lot of tweeking. I am mostly disapointed in only having 3 Warzones, after playing so many times it gets old. Illium offers a wide open space with nothing to do 80% of the time. Gear is relatively frustrating to get at times, but when you can ger up fully in 3 weeks(champ gear), while working 12 hour shifts I think I can say its easier than most MMO. BM gear is another beast.


Agree with most points of yours... I am just griping, so sorry you didn't like it. It was MY choice to PVP to 50 ignoring quests, because I didn't realize the penalties and great negative consequences of doing so. BioWare allowed you to PVP at level 10 so it seemed fun to do... more fun than the questline tbo.


My questions to you are:

-Can you tell me one good reason they capped commendations at 1000/1000?

-Why they reward only 5xp for grey quests?

-Why people who strictly did PVE from levels 1-50 then PVPed one day at 50 has a leg up on someone who PVPed strictly from levels 10-50 over the course of a month in PVP?


Also going from PVPing at level 10->50 I realized the more time passed by I started to doubt my PVP potential being unable to do anything to the other teams. The only game I was able to win at became Huttball with fire/acid since the faction unbalance allowed for Republics to get geared heavily with their instant pvp queues racking up gear. Try taking out a deck out PVP geared tank/healer combo with 4 people who just hit 50.


Lastly... did I say I was feeling sorry for myself? I am just bringing points of what BW is doing wrong hoping to improve the game in aspects that I went through. I am just angry at BW for making me work much more to reach the same result as someone else. It may seem fair to you, or you might just shrug problems off... fine for you, but as someone who pays to see a game get better, I have more expectations for the company. Also I do have a capable guild that is decent in PVPing, but that still doesn't fix this problems for the others that don't have that luxury.

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I give it a 7/10. PvP is Fair. I enjoy it for the most part in all truth. Only thing that gets me are the frame rates, but in all truth. That's my computer. Not this game. I need a new processor which i will be getting on next pay day. After that I know it will run smoother. I've played on systems with better processors, it was smooth pvping. So my issues are on my end really. I preferred Bracketting in WoW won't lie, but this "everyone on par" pvp method isn't bad either. Other than the 50's always smashing on me with their uber gear, but eh, if you don't like it don't sign up right? I like this whole game won't lie. I haven't been this emersed in an MMO since... well WoW i guess, but that's because my friends wanted to get to 60-70. I slowed down my grind for this one. I don't want to hit 50 yet. I want to enjoy all the aspects from every level.
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As a melee, I'd give it a total of 1/10.


Gameplay - 0/10

Lag, unresponsiveness, random rubberbanding or characters simply not being where the game shows them to be causing to repeated spam of "You are not behind the target" or "You need to be closer to the target" simply ruin the enjoyment for me.


Balance - 2/10

Too many spammable abilities for certain classes, chain CC's(knockbacks don't give resolve) leading to KB, KB, root and finnally stun situations. This in my opinion seems the single biggest problem with PVP in this game. Nobody wants to be locked out, knocked away from a fight repeatedly and without end.


Ability to Patch Properly without Destorying the game - Big Fat 0/10


Illum and IA changes seem to be an indication of whats going to be the future of the game, heavy handed and ill concieved changes that ruin gameplay and break classes. I personally have lost a lot of faith in Biowares ability to manage this game recently, not quitting, but also not as big of a fan as I was not even a month ago.

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I subbed for month 2 because I have rl friends playing, I cancelled subscription one day later and am now playing 29 days out.


They ignored so many constructive pvp threads post launch and the best they came up with is this, its a ******* disgrace from a AAA game development studio.

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