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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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Fixing ability delay and warzone performance issues would bring that up to 6-7/10. Class balance and warzone map changes would bring it up further but waiting for those wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as waiting for delay fix; no MMO has gotten classes anywhere near well balanced from the start (TOR is one of the better in this regard, and I've PvP'd in pretty much all major MMORPGs of the last half dozen years close to release) and skill plays in so you can still roll all over bads even if they're playing specs that are overpowered in an objective sense.


If Bioware prioritises animations of character responsiveness, PvP in this game will always be a joke.

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The one advantage the empire has is Sorcerers. You are correct that there is an equal and powerful counterpoint in the Sage. However, Sorcs shoot lightning out of their fingers and Sages toss rocks, and as a result the Empire's vastly OP class greatly outnumbers the Republics. Most battlegrounds have 3-4 Sorcs and 1-2 Sages, and that right there is enough to keep one team stunlocked the whole game.


I disagree. Yea, sorcerer's are one of the more popular classes but most aren't great players. The sage's on the other hand, throw those pebbles which are more difficult to detect than a giant bolt of lightning. And both have counter classes as well, operative and smuggler usually can beat them if they outplay them. Each and every class/AC I have found to be completely deadly in their own rights.

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I disagree. Yea, sorcerer's are one of the more popular classes but most aren't great players. The sage's on the other hand, throw those pebbles which are more difficult to detect than a giant bolt of lightning. And both have counter classes as well, operative and smuggler usually can beat them if they outplay them. Each and every class/AC I have found to be completely deadly in their own rights.


Class balance can be measured someday if good players ever start to play this game as PvP game.

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3/10 for me. Huttball is fun for the first couple of games or so, but it gets really old after a while.

The rest of the WZs are getting boring even faster. Being forced to gear yourself through RNG bags is pretty stupid as well, if the gear should be hard to obtain try something else, but the bag thing is just stupid.


Ilum is a joke and open world PvP is non-existent at this point.


Overall it's pretty fun, but the class balance seems a little bit off at the moment (or totally f'd if you look at some classes) and the WZs are getting really boring and the game isn't even released for a month. I don't think I'll play the game longer then ~2 month.

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2/10 right now. I am a level 50, but have crappy gear due to not having enough time to do flashpoints to gear myself. It was quite fun at first, but only because there wasn't very many level 50s at that point. Now there's a bunch with top notch gear to which I can barely make a dent with in the usual warzone.


1 vs 1, I can handle my own pretty well against a geared 50, but 8 out of 10 times, I just can't solo kill one of them.


If I get stuck against a team with 4 level 50 geared people, there's about 0 chance of winning.

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World PvP could not be any more of a colossal failure. BioWare did everything you possibly could have done to create a dead game world devoid of PvP. We were promised good World PvP. I want my money back. Paid for an advertised good/service but didn't get said advertised good/service. I got something else entirely.

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9/10 about fighting mechanics, lack of macroes, and balance


1/10 about lack of full premades in warzones and lack of rated warzones


0/10 about open world PvP. Ilum is the worst joke ever


10/10 about Gabe's post where he says what they are going to implement in the near future.

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I would give it a 4 at best. Tanks supposed extra armor reductions means crap to other classes DPS, they eat through my armor, yet i have a disadvantage at DPS. When a DPS class is properly geared (centurion/champion), they can negate over 50% dmg in PvP compared to a standard TANK class with all 50 gear that does maybe 40%ish at best. (This is a tank class with just green,blue gear, not PvP 50 gear) And don't get me started about all gear offering massive amount of endurance, *** is the point of being a tank expecting to have high HP and armor, when other classes have just about the same HP or more.


Other impressions i've seen is open world PvP is useless. No rewards or penalties for doing it. No leaderboard to strive for or rewards for being the highest rated in PvP (look at Aion PvP leaderboards and rewards, not saying use it, just as an example - for all the troll and QQ idiots) Ilum PvP is a joke, and in most cases so is warzone PvP without brackets in it. You can't in all reasonable thinking make 50's go against any other lvl. A properly geared 50 with centurion or champion gear will eliminate almost anything single-handedly, heck even the companion can and ive seen it kill 3 others cuz it had this gear on. A single bracket for 50s is a must. Other then that class balance, class balance and more class balance. I know this game just started, but to keep interest going for hardcore PvP players, some new content and fixes need to be made.

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7/10 (just a first class result in British academic system :p). I think it's great but could use some improvements. I am sure they will add new features/improvements soon though =)




People waaaaay to negative and critical. Seriously people, learn to have fun in your lives.

Edited by JCVM
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now go out thar and play the friggin game




if you don't like thier pvp then go back to WoW, Rift, Pong, or Hello Kitty


Example of a Fan boy or just an ignorant person. Yes they do owe us something. As a consumer of their content I was promised a fun filled world and lots of endgame content for PvP. Everyone in their right mind knows that PvP is almost quite possible the biggest joke in a long time. If they intend to continue to suck the money from people monthly, they will make the changes we suggest (not all of course thats unnatural, but take some into account), because everyone knows for a company to be successful in MMO's, they should gear it towards the people playing it. Without a happy player base, *** do they have? A lot of unhappy ppl not willing to put their trust into the company or their word anymore. Their success depends on our happiness, which in turn comes down to what they owe the consumer. So again, yes they do owe us something.

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Maps: 7/10


The maps seem to be fair, they dont lag (on my pc). What annoys me tho is the respawn timer. To sit behind a wall is just wrong. Especially if you never died before but then must wait forever to get in again.


Game mode: 8/10


I think its a lot of fun to play Hutball, to play a Unreal like map with trying to achive the data or to bomb a ship down. What I miss is somekind of CTF map, like Warsong at wow and a map where you must kill a boss, like vanilla alterac valley.


balance: 4/10


My main concern is, that lvl 50 guilds dominate pvp. I dont see why 4 or more people from the same guild can be matched up against solo queue´s. This just doesnt sound right. Also the massive amount of CC is really annoying. The problem is that you cant get out of it in time, you just die in it - this was a lot better at vanilla wow for instance.


There you could always counter someone, I miss that ability here. What I also find annoying is, that sometimes I give someone 3 CC´s and he keeps running away still. I noticed this with classes who got guns, but also casters seem to be immun from time to time? I am not sure why this is the case, is it a bug or do some classes have an ability to get immun for a longer time?

Whatever it is, it should not work like that. People should be able to do something to prevent CC, but they should not just hit 1 button and then be immun for 10 seconds.


mechanics: 6/10


I got taunt, but its not working. I want to protect people better in pvp. Guard change is great in 1.1 - but my taunt should still work soon. I also think that tanks die a bit too fast at pvp, the damage is just too big. But I will monitor this a bit further, maybe its a gear issue.


endgame: 5/10


Right now there is the valor rank. I like to gain valor, but so far it has no real influence. Maybe it is in the game and I am just too low, but so far I did not get a new title out of it. No new gear out of it, nothing at all.

The "badges" that we get, are a bit too much of a grind. Id prefer to be able to buy any gear I want, after I got a specific rank. Vanilla wow was ace there, you got rank 11 - evoila a mount. You got rank 13 evoila armor etc.

I dont like to grind badges for gear, I hated it at wow tbc + and I still hate it. It feels wrong, if I got a rank I should be eligible to buy stuff - not after losing a specific amount of games, just because I got enough badges now.


I also miss crafting in pvp. Where are the pvp recipts? So far I didnt see any, also something like that should be available after reaching a specific rank.



Conclusion: 7/10


As you see I am a big fan of vanilla wow until xrealms came. For me the best MMO pvp of the last years, I would love to see such a system here - but with fixing the "time issue", "premade issue".

Edited by RachelAnne
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6/10 right now ability delay and warzone performance ( Low FPS) are keeping me from enjoying it as much as i want to *it's pretty fun when the only WZ you can kinda play in is huttball..* since this is a MMO i expect alot of changes and fixs is in the future so till then this is staying at a 6.
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So far I am giving it an 8/10. It is a blast. I love all of the WZ's except for Voidstar. Huttball is hilariously amazing. It'll be getting a perfect score from me when all of the updates come out, such as: 50 brackets, individual WZ queues, etc. I currently play as a 50 JK Guardian, and have no problem taking anyone out 1v1. Also, being able to hold 4 people+ from taking an objective is always entertaining. Healers can be tough, and same with IA ops, but I hear a lot of QQ on them anyways. I guess the fact that I can beat them is a plus. As long as you play with skilled players it is fun. I have won a game vs. 3 healers with only 3 different dps classes. So needing variety isn't causing any problems. Also able to beat teams like that as well. To me, it just boils down to playing with people good at pvp. Which, with the 50 brackets, it will be more entertaining. I do dislike joining a match, noticing I am against all 50's, being the only 50 on my team, and having 5 lvl 10's on my team. They rarely stand a chance. As far as rewards go, the bags are a decent way of getting gear. Granted I have hardly gotten anything besides the commendations, I feel the payoff is far greater. I don't think people realize how easy it is to get the bags. Not to mention you are getting amazing gear from them. All in all, it is a work in progress. But that's the thing, it is still being worked on. I don't feel anyone should really complain. Great Job BWA! Keep it up! :cool:
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