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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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The majority of complains in this thread can be explained by the poster's inability to play this game properly. Unless you are at 100 percent efficiency and you are the best player in the entire world, then there always room for improvement on your end. Try getting better at the game instead of whining. I was getting destroyed in pvp. So I mapped the keys E R T F C G and H to my abilities. I thought up strategies on how to take on each different class based on class experiences. What did I do wrong? What abilities worked nicely? What abilities worked poorly? I build it from there. With each game I am steadily getting better at pvp. I will tell you one thing that won't make you any better. Complaining about it.
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I'm at about a 3/10.


Having about 1/4 of my matches count for nothing due to a bug is annoying. The bolster system is not working. Certain classes/professions are leaps and bounds ahead of others. Huttball is a nuisance (and I'm Republic). How can you call it a "War"zone when you're playing a game with a ball vs the same faction as yours. Playing the champion bag lotto is not a good way of gearing up. Pugs vs Premades are bad, and so is the fact I can only queue with 3 other people. Ilum is an absolute joke, where PvP gets in the way of getting PvP gear. The "fixes" they have in store for the planet will not change anything.




The map layouts are nice. When you get two teams that are more or less equal it can lead to some very entertaining matches (when they count anyways).


ATM pvp is a very low 2 at best. It is broken on so many level's I just can't even begin to list the problems.

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1. Healing is atrocious with way to many interrupts, stuns and low medal counts for trying to actually heal on a healer. Even basic, "get info the fight:, melee abilities, such as leaps, have roots and interrupts associated with them, which means that healers almost have no place on the battlefield when fighting organized groups. Better to have two tanks and two DPS then one healer who can't get one cast off when getting assisted on. If you wanna heal in this game, level up Biochem to 400, roll a heavy armor DPS or a stealther and you're basically god mode.


2. Boring and repetitive Warzones with fairly horrible PVE mechanics. They reward mindless zerging and suicide instead of strategic re spawns and killing opponents. The medal system is completely horrible. It encourages individualism and selfishness because most people don't care for nothing more then to rack up their own medals. Who cares for a win when you can end up with 11 medals for a loss and still get 100 commendation. Seeing someone let their side die so they can get the solo kill medals is beyond ridiculous and truly sad. I would be ashamed if I was a game developer and came up with such a pathetic PVP mechanic. Not only that but as I stated... the game LITERALLY ENCOURAGES this type of behavior.



3. Class balance is horrible. Majority of the melee classes have some sort of vanish to get out of fights, allowing them to not only control the start of the fight with leaps or stealth but also decide when the fight will end and when they feel like they'll pull out. The range classes all have multiple forms of CC so basically whoever sees each other first, wins. No skill required since most classes can spam one button for easy kill. While range, especially the force users dominate the battlefield at lower levels, the game is completely turned upside down at level 50. Melee become untouchable while RPDS blow up like paper dolls. While it's somewhat satisfactory to see this, it however, is nothing to be proud off. People that play melee operatives or scoundrels for example, think they're gods with the ultimate amount of skill, even thought they know that their class is way OP.. I don't really care if they do as such but the dev team should be on top of classes as such. Each day and week that passes by, more people leave the game.


4. CC and CC immunity is horrible. Majority of the time, your resolve bar goes off inside your respawn area while you're waiting to get back into the fight. While some claim that resolve works, 99% of the time, it works as I said. You get stunned once, choked, rooted and then immobilized with full resolve bar and it only activates after you're dead. The 8 second immunity is practically useless since most classes that have vanish, will and do, in fact vanish or stealth during this time to continue the charade after their target's CC immunity is down. The 2 min CC break is a joke since stuns are on 20-30 sec cool down timers. The CC is also a huge problem on the RPDS since they can literally chill on the side lines, CC their targets while the target can't even defend or fight back. (Resolve is basically useless. The golden rule of any game when playing healers or kiters is that if you stand still, you're dead. However, in this game, majority of the classes have roots and abilities that immobilize targets which if used correctly, can and will keep the target in once place for more then 15 seconds at one time. This of course results in a death of that said target)


5. Open world PVP is a joke. It's very poorly implemented, rewards not killing the other faction and the valor and comms you get from it is laughable at best. This of course encourages people to only go to Illum to win trade for their daily quests. Outside of that, most people actually void the PVP zones since there is nothing to do in them. The chest and really good crafting nodes were all removed because of hackers and such, which means that 99.9% of the populations gets shafted because Bioware wants to "warn" these users. Only warning they should have gotten for blatant exploitation of the game is a ban.


6. UI and lag and latency are pretty horrible as well. People with top end machines, myself included, will and still do experience sporadic lag spikes that decide outcome of fights. This of course is a well known issue and Bioware, even in the beta, knew about this and still take no direct approach to deal with the issue. This is especially frustrating when playing melee classes because the client response is so horrible that they can't even hit the target they're chasing due to all the stuttering and rubber banding. UI itself is a complete and utter nightmare. It's hard to tell who needs cleansing or healing due to very bad UI frames which do not keep up with player's ACTUALLY HP. A lot of times people will die even thought they show as having full HP on the raid frames. This also applies with tanks or anyone else who needs to pay attention to raid bars to do their jobs properly. Targeting friendlies by clicking on them is pretty much impossible in this game so if the UI doesn't work or the person does not show up on the UI frames, (this happens ALL the time), they're basically screwed that whole Warzone.


7. The aesthetics of animations take away from the functionality of the game. As many people have complained, animation lag, length and such do effect the time stamps of abilities, which in some cases decide the outcome of fights. Project on the Consular for example, has 1.8 second delay between the activation of the ability and the damage application on the target, which in PVP can make a huge difference. 1.8 seconds, when trying to interrupt objective caps, is an eternity and can cause you to actually loose that objective even thought you've clearly interrupted the cap about 2 sec prior to completion.


You mostly pointed out the "major" flaws in pvp and i personally think your arguments are well phrased criticism that shouldn't be overlooked that easy.


Still in my opinion PvP in this Game makes fun as it rarely did in other MMOs and in some points i simply can't agree with you.


Hutball, playing TEAMSPORTS is something the usual pvpzerg was always missing. You can even play against your own faction, which makes it even funnier playing against people you know and sometimes even team up with and also reduces the waitingtime in the ques, which was a major problem for some factions in other games.


Voidstar, objective based assault mode Battlegrounds! I'd love to see more of this!!!, maybe a little more complex than it is now, but i fear for some randomzergganker it might be too much by then...


The only battleground that dissapoints me a little is Alderan - Civil war. Boring old System, but at least kept small so the ganking doesn't happen to far away from the flags(errr... the canon-control-devices! having reason and story behind everything makes even this warzone something special -> destroying the enemy ship > just tapping a flag for "Ressources").


Yes there are only 3 Warzones in the Game, but i prefer they take their time and develop another great Warzone the players really can enjoy over than they simply implement another Warzone that turns out to be crap.


Classbalance is overall really good for a game that just released 3 weeks ago, someone might say they had much time in Beta to adjust things, but Balancechanges are serious **** to some people and shouldn't be hustled with. So give BW some time and they'll make it.


The game really lacks Open PvP and Ilum really is ridiculous, but most people who miss open pvp in the game are the usual guys that don't seek for exciting fights outside of battlegrounds but more likely people that team up and gank the hack out of every group that's smaller than them.. srsly open pvp never really worked anywhere in anygame and never had anything to do with skill or exciting fights.. the best intention to it was in Warhammer and even there it became stupid AoE spamming once teams grouped up.


Even if pvp still has issues, that the developers hopefully address over the next few months: PvP in this Game is fun and objective based and not mindless zerging like in most other games and the best proof to this is that most randomplayers actually try to fulfill the warzone objectives(at least on my server they do^^)


so 9/10! for a good start of a great game(regardless of the Bugs)

Edited by Falkonwing
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I give it an 8/10, which I think is pretty fair at launch. Here are my major issues;


1. (Ability) Delay:

There is a lot of delay and warping around, which kind of takes away from the experience. When I get a good jump on someone and can't follow through with a Backstab because it says I have to be behind them, and they then warp 10 feet in front or behind me, it really puts a thorn in my side.


2. Level Brackets, Or Lack There Of:

Playing with a bunch of people that have 1-2 skills is annoying as hell. When they cannot heal as a "healing spec" or do any reasonable damage as a "dps spec" it makes them just a useless body when there are 50's running around with a whole assortment of abilities to use. I put them in quotes by the way since at 12 or 15 you don't really have a spec, you have a single or maybe 2 talents, that are probably largely irrelevant.


3. Level 50 Epic Bags:

Screw them. I have opened 7 of those bags and gotten 2 items. Granted, they are really not that hard to get, I would rather see items just cost commendations\badges than have to keep rolling the dice. Then there's the fact that you can actually get the same items you already have from the bag, which just compounds frustration.


4. Minor Balancing Issues:

I think healers at high levels are a little too good, and are almost impossible to kill even if you can interrupt a majority of their heals in a 1v1 situation. Sorc's across the board are a little overpowered since their shield can block almost all incoming damage, where other classes can only usually block weapon damage. There's also the huge problem of buff stacking and consumables working in Warzones. Only the PvP Consumables should work, nothing else.

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I think pvp is the bomb.


Just would like to see a change to the item bags


lol. Plays over-powered BH if his board icon tells us anything....



As for me... I don't like it. I'd give it a 2. The gearing is a failure and when there are two classes, per side, that sweep the floor with the other six...


It's not learn to play. No matter how far into BioWare's jock you might want to get. It's just ramapant class-imbalance due to design by people who, apparently, have never played MMORPG PvP and are used to making single-player games where "cool animations and eye-candy" are easy to over-come by adding hit-points, OP gear drops or some 'I win" button skill to an otherwise weak character class...

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Exactly. So many times you see ppl leaving the red buffs to waste, not using consumables, over extending, focusing wrong objectives ... even if everything was equal they would still get trashed by others with more experience.



Your opinion, as the person you quote, is noted and is just plain silly.


People aren't raging about 'being incompetent.' They're raging because there are two viable options per side. And if you think otherwise, get on your Watchman Spec'd Sentinel and show us all your results on YouTube...


Which will be fail after fail after fail after fail... Heck, you can respec your Sentinel into anything you want. Bring on your best build. Show us how great you are! Give us your build, load-up FRAPS and run ten WZs and post the results on YouTube...


Then after you got your butt handed to you day-in, day-out. And pretended to never have done such a thing, maybe then the L2P attitude that you and so many others from the OP classes have developed will loose its luster.



I'm not some little MMO noob. In fact, there are few players that have played MMOs as long as I have. Like many people in this game, I've been playing MMOs since Ultima Online. And it doesn't take 14-years to figure out if your class is cash-or-trash when it comes to PvP.


And too many of these classes are just trash. In the rock-paper-scissors of PvP skills, mitigations and strategies, many classes have neither the rock nor the scissors. And a class that's all paper is only useful for starting the funeral pyre on which his PvP corpse will be burnt...

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Good foundation, bad implementation.

Resolve system needs tweaking. I should be stunned for 8 seconds straight.

Ability delay and Not facing target error really annoying

Lag and targeting.

Melee snare duration too short.

Global CD too long. Should be 1 second not 1.5.

Range have too much survival for the damage they do.

Edited by Xandarous
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I would give it 1/10 as is.


With the changes soon, maybe 2/10.


Ability Lag - Every match I'm screaming in Vent

50's vs non 50's

No group balancing - Class and Level

Open World PVP - OMG bad

Resolve - Broken or Bad you decide. Perma Stun Death ftw

CC - Too many and for the wrong classes

Huttball - Give me the ability to pick the ones I want.

Uber Gear farming leading to power imbalance - Bad and has never worked in any MMO

Buff's not persisting through death

Too many Buff's stacking - Red buff, Relic Buff, PoT Buff, etc.

Character Select Bug when zoning

GCD too long

Reactive abilities have no clear visual

Not enough toolbars for my abilities

No macros

Expertise System - Never works in any MMO. If anything PVE gear should have it not PVP.

I can think of more but tired of typing...

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-1 Most of my friends can't even play WZ due to issues with the fps and the game engine

-1 Still some balancing issues

-1 The bags of gear are getting annoying very quickly...

-1 So sick of huttball already

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I would give it 1/10 as is.


With the changes soon, maybe 2/10.


Ability Lag - Every match I'm screaming in Vent

50's vs non 50's

No group balancing - Class and Level

Open World PVP - OMG bad

Resolve - Broken or Bad you decide. Perma Stun Death ftw

CC - Too many and for the wrong classes

Huttball - Give me the ability to pick the ones I want.

Uber Gear farming leading to power imbalance - Bad and has never worked in any MMO

Buff's not persisting through death

Too many Buff's stacking - Red buff, Relic Buff, PoT Buff, etc.

Character Select Bug when zoning

GCD too long

Reactive abilities have no clear visual

Not enough toolbars for my abilities

No macros

Expertise System - Never works in any MMO. If anything PVE gear should have it not PVP.

I can think of more but tired of typing...


/signed :(

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Until stims, adrenals, relics, and red buff are completely and utterly nerfed into the ground the answer is pretty clear:




Pvp does not exist until this is fixed, its just a bunch of people running around continually critting for 5-8k back to back 2 shotting everyone while stunned.

Edited by Fox_McCloud
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Your opinion, as the person you quote, is noted and is just plain silly.


People aren't raging about 'being incompetent.' They're raging because there are two viable options per side. And if you think otherwise, get on your Watchman Spec'd Sentinel and show us all your results on YouTube...


Which will be fail after fail after fail after fail... Heck, you can respec your Sentinel into anything you want. Bring on your best build. Show us how great you are! Give us your build, load-up FRAPS and run ten WZs and post the results on YouTube...


Then after you got your butt handed to you day-in, day-out. And pretended to never have done such a thing, maybe then the L2P attitude that you and so many others from the OP classes have developed will loose its luster.


I am going to stop you right there ... if the spec does not work well in PvP for you, there are two other specs. Ppl are saying how scrapper scoundrel is op. Well my scoundrel is lvl 28 and for me the spec does not deliver. So I spec dirty fighting which works and with proper use of consumables and cooldowns I can even score solo kills against ppl 20+ levels higher.


Your sentinel is the same case ... if watchman does not work, do explore the other two specs. I am pretty sure I have stumbled upon posts around here pointing out that properly specced sentinel specs have goldy survivability and good dps if played properly. I am not going to do your homework for you however.

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I'm a 2 out of 10. In fact pvp is so bad, that I feel like I should be paid for my misery. That's why I cancelled my sub about 5 days ago.


It's so bad you cancelled your account, yet your still here, on the forums, telling everyone about it. GG

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  1. Give us Brackets
  2. Improve World PvP (from rewards to entertainment and more engaging)
  3. Change the Loot Bags
  4. Ranked Ladders with full 8 group premades
  5. Cross Server Warzones



Each above has 1 rating, change those and we have 10/10 PvP

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