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Please Nerf Covert OPs and Smugglers for the love of GOD


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I was hit form behind from a stealthed op (Hidden Strike, I guess?), which knocked me down, and took off 80 percent of my health. In one hit. Yes, I'm bad at PvP. I'm not whining due to anything except my obvious in-adeptness at PvP and his "Exceptional Skill"; his ability to click on an icon while stealthed behind me, as I am walking around enjoying the music being played on Void Star.


That pretty much sums everything up right there. 1 click, 80% of life gone. You guys really think thats fair and doesn't need to be nerfed?

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And shadow has no gap closers at all.


Shadow/Assassin has force speed as a gap closer.


unlike some other classes (Troopers), it only takes 2 people to down a heal-bot style Inq


How balanced...and sorcerers cry about op/sc lol

Edited by BobaFurz
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Really there is no point to arguing with someone on the forums who is dead on convinced that a class needs to be nerfed. Before I say anything I will say I am not and have not played the smuggler/operative classes.


That being said, I can tell you honestly I have never had the painful experience of being taking down in 3 shots or less. Also never been stun locked. All I can say is you will run into a player who REALLY knows their class and will utilize every aspect of it. When you find this person you will think the class is op. I'm not saying the class is not op'ed, I just saying try and be subjective of the situation.


I admit I do play a tank so I have the best chances to survive such a burst class, but again, I've read on these forums that vanguards get taken down in 3 shots as well. Never has happened to me. I play on pvp server and actively participate in wz's from 10-50. Never has happened to me.


So you gotta see where a lot of us are coming from where its hard for us to believe that they need tweaking, as its probably not happened to a lot of us, and in my "experience" (I hate to use that word for this, cause ****, its a video game) playing MMO's is when the nerfs start coming, they don't stop. And eventually it will hit EVERY class to even things out.


I myself am more worried that this will happen with all these NERF THIS CLASS threads. I've always been more of a promoter of BUFF THIS CLASS threads. So, I ask you, what can your class do different that would fix this?


Lastly, learn resolve and use it.


Ya, I don't like nerfs either, but it's better then the alternative which will be mass population of covert ops and smugglars if it doesn't get addressed. If they don't fix it, I'll be roling this class for my next toon just for this dmg and ownage. No sense in trying to beat them if you can join them.

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Ya, because you say so troll? Just doesn't take a genius to figure out they always get top dmg and kills in every pvp match. Go troll elsewhere. I must suck eventhough you don't know my toon, or played againt me.... Hmmm mmmm your absolutly right, what was I thinking by posting this thread.


Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors do... (both AC's)

Edited by DaniWes
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WAAAAAAAY op. Two of them can destroy a team in pvp. Their burst dmg is ridiculous. On top of that, if you manage to survive the initail blow and get them pushed back and start wailing on em, they just use an escape ability. Come on already, please nerf them. I have 15k health, heavy armor, and pvp gear. My life gets drained in only 2-3 seconds from these guys. Also, how many stuns, knockdowns, ect do they need coming out of clock? I don't care how much dmg they do in pve, but they seriously need an ajustment in pvp.


This is clearly a situation where the OP must be right as he got destroyed in 2 - 3 seconds by more than opponent .....



OR maybe he should learn not to attack 2 of them while they are in cover.

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Nerf every class that is not SIS Corruption spec


Thanks Bioware!


This is clearly a situation where the OP must be right as he got destroyed in 2 - 3 seconds by more than opponent .....



OR maybe he should learn not to attack 2 of them while they are in cover.


Fix myself? NO! BREAK THE WORLD!

Edited by Excedrin
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That pretty much sums everything up right there. 1 click, 80% of life gone. You guys really think thats fair and doesn't need to be nerfed?


That, or it was a fully geared level 50 and you're in greens :rolleyes:


your tears, they fuel my vibroblade.

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How balanced...and sorcerers cry about op/sc lol


That's a Sorc that is doing nothing but spamming their heals...in other words they aren't doing any damage to you. A Sorc that isn't spamming their heals on themselves would only take 1 person to take down as long as they know when and where to start stuns and interrupts.

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WAAAAAAAY op. Two of them can destroy a team in pvp. Their burst dmg is ridiculous. On top of that, if you manage to survive the initail blow and get them pushed back and start wailing on em, they just use an escape ability. Come on already, please nerf them. I have 15k health, heavy armor, and pvp gear. My life gets drained in only 2-3 seconds from these guys. Also, how many stuns, knockdowns, ect do they need coming out of clock? I don't care how much dmg they do in pve, but they seriously need an ajustment in pvp.


....and it begins.

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I doubt Scoundrels need a nerf due to being stun locked, being kited by every other class, and having half of the abilities delayed by animations...


My personal pick for nerf would be Sorcerer, due to auto stun, whirlwind kiting plus shield.


And is it just me or is it when a smuggler reveals himself, the whole other team targets it?

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