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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubbed- my reasons why


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I lol'd .. literally. Thank you.



No, most of his points actually aren't legit.. they're just opinion.



Ya know, I'm betting if someone from Bioware came to your house and took a giant steaming dump in your mouth. You'd think it was chocolate and ask for more.

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You get threatened easily by someone with a different opinon than you.



Nope, not at all. But ole poppa here can't even admit there is issues, well, untill Bioware says there is and that they're going to fix them.


A truer fanbot there hasn't been.

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Why do people feel they are so important, that we the ones who like this game and want to continue playing care why they left ?


I read these moronic posts mainly because i love to see how insipid there reasoning is.


You dont like the game, YEEEHAW quit and shut up about it no one who likes the game cares, the ones who reply mostly think your a doorknob for making this thread.


Are you so angry that this game did not do exactly what you wanted that you hope in some way to get a following of others who were so moved by your post they will join you in force and cause BioWare to call you and beg you to "Come back to the game we are so sorry, we as the developers will do everything you ask if you come back."


Just go, and shut up about it.

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Ya know, I'm betting if someone from Bioware came to your house and took a giant steaming dump in your mouth. You'd think it was chocolate and ask for more.


First i'd double check if I didnt get the deluxe or CE editions by mistake.. maybe it's just a bonus!

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Hello all,


We do appreciate and encourage constructive feedback of all kinds, both positive and negative. There are a couple of threads we have that are great places to give your thoughts and opinions on bugs and suggestions of features you would like to see in-game. We are going to close this thread and encourage you to add your constructive feedback to one of the following threads:


The Ultimate Bug List

The Suggestion Compilation


Thank you for understanding!


Edited by Qishari
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